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What is the best email subscription plugin for WordPress?

As with all “what is the best” questions … I have to issue my little disclaimer. There is no, single, “best” anything for everyone. It all depends on what YOU need, your budget, and what simply feels “right” to you.

Beyond that, my favorite email subscription plugin for WordPress is OptinMonster.

It allows you to build different types of opt-in forms in minutes. Everything from timed pop-ups, to exit intent pop-ups, to mobile opt-in forms, to click based opt-ins, to full page opt-ins, to floating bars, and more!

OptinMonster integrates with nearly every autoresponder service out there. They have split-testing or A/B testing capabilities built in. Integration with Google Analytics.

All you need to do is pick your design, customize it to your needs, connect your autoresponder service, then publish it to your site.

Oh, and it's affordable – at $199/yr with the Pro Plan.

So, at this point in time OptinMonster is definitely my favorite subscription plugin for WordPress.

Another great plugin that I used to use a lot; however, have pretty much replaced it with OptinMonster is OptimizePress … and it's a bit different than OptinMonster in that it really focuses on Landing Pages as opposed to just the opt-in form.

So, if you're looking to create great looking landing pages, I'd recommend checking out OptimizePress. It does have a few different prices ranging from $97 to $297, but compared to a landing page service like LeadPages or unbounce, it could save you money in the long run!

What is the best email subscription plugin for WordPress?2015-09-16T13:41:23+00:00

5 Steps To Start A Successful Online Business In 2019!

We've all heard that most businesses fail in the first few years…

The thing is, this statistic accounts for ALL businesses…

From businesses that are started from some hair-brained idea or because the owner likes to bake/fish/collect stamps/etc. These businesses are typically doomed to fail because they're building a hobby, opposed to an actual business.

Compare that to businesses that are well thought out, planned, and follow proven business models and strategies. For obvious reasons, these businesses have a much higher success rate.

Going into 2019, my question to you is…

Do you want to build a hobby or a business?

This post is going to give you a proven system for starting a successful business in 2019 and beyond!

Step 1: Pick Your Market/Niche/Avatar

This first step is probably the most important step; however, it's often overlooked as people typically jump to Step 2.

But, here's the deal, you're going to be spending A LOT of time thinking about this topic and working with this group of people… you want to make sure it's something you like and that these are people you actually want to hang around with!

I've seen too many people try to chase the money and wind up miserable because they wind up hating the topic and/or their customer.

There Are 3 Profitable Markets

I'll be referencing Russell Brunson's book, Expert Secrets in this section.

Russell states there are 3 profitable markets:

  1. Health – everyone wants to be healthier, live longer, etc.
  2. Wealth – everyone wants enough money to be secure, some people want more than that.
  3. Relationships – everyone wants to have great relationships; marriage, love, friends, etc.

These 3 markets have dozens of sub-markets:

  1. Health – diet, nutrition, strength training, weight loss, etc.
  2. Wealth – business, investing, real estate, sales, etc.
  3. Relationships – love, dating advice, marriage, parenting, etc.

Then, if you go another level deeper, you have niches… and, this is what you want to figure out.

  • Health –> Nutrition –> High Fat Diets
  • Health –> Weight Loss –> Weight Loss For College Students
  • Wealth –> Real Estate –> Flipping Houses On eBay
  • Wealth –> Online Business –> Facebook Traffic For eCommerce Stores
  • Relationships –> Parenting –> Dealing With Teenagers
  • Relationships –> Dating –> How To Recover After A Breakup

Got a niche?

Cool, now let's figure out who your customers are!

Construct Your Customer Avatar

Your objective is to answer all of the questions below. Doing so will help with targeting your audience and with your messaging.

Some of these questions are pulled from the Customer Avatar Worksheet available from


  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • #/Ages Of Children
  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Job Title
  • Annual Income
  • Level Of Education


  • Celebrities/Gurus
  • Causes
  • Organizations
  • Websites
  • Apps
  • TV Shows
  • Clothing
  • Musicians
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Movies

The 3 Whys

Go through the Demographics and Interests you came up with, asking “why” three times to uncover the individual's psyche.

Once you understand their psyche, you'll be better able to answer these questions as they pertain to your market/niche/business:

  • Goals and Values
  • Challenges and Pain Points
  • Objections and Roles

How To Create Your Customer Avatar Quickly With Facebook's Audience Insights Tool

Step 2: Figure Out What To Sell Them

Hopefully you've completed Step 1 and have a Niche and a Customer Avatar. If not, go do that first!

Now that you have your customer and you know their goals and values, challenges and pain points, and objections and roles… it's time to figure out how to help them!

Help them?

Yes! What you sell to people should help them… otherwise, why would they buy it?

So, with your helpful and caring mindset, it's time to go looking for products and services to sell.

But, where do you start?

5 Types Of Products You Can Start Selling Online TODAY!

Alternatively, if you don't want to watch another video, you can check out this blog post here.

To recap the video and blog post, here are the 5 types of products:

  1. Dropshipping
  2. Print on Demand
  3. PLR/MRR
  4. Productized Services
  5. Sell Other Businesses' Products

Finally, you don't have to use one of aforementioned product types if you don't want to. If you want to create something from scratch or you already have products you want to sell – that's great, do that!

This list is simply for those that are stuck and don't know what to do.

Come Up With 3-5 Things To Sell

Your goal now is to come up with 3-5 products or services to sell.

JUST 3-5!

Yes, you can probably find thousands of options, but we want to get some momentum first. You can always expand your product line later.

If you try too many products at once, you'll spread yourself too thin and nothing will work out for you…

And, believe it or not, customers don't want a million options either…

Ever been to a restaurant that has a million items on the menu? How long did it take you or your significant other to make a decision? I bet one of you took “forever”!

Start simple. Give your products/services a fair shot. Adjust from there.

Uncover The Features & Benefits Of Your Product/Service

You've probably hard the saying, “people don't want a drill, they want a hole.”

You can take it a step further, “people don't want holes, they want to hang their shelves.”

And, further… “people don't want shelves, they want a place to store their extra stuff.”

(the 3 why's ringing any bells here?!)

The point is, people aren't buying a product/service… they're buying the result.

You need to take the 3-5 products/services you've come up with and merge the result they produce with the goals and values, challenges and pain points, and objections and roles your customers are facing.

An easy way to merge all of this is with feature/benefit bullet points.

Which feature of your product/service helps with…

  • The goal(s) they're trying to accomplish
  • The value(s) they hold dear
  • The challenge(s) they're facing
  • The pain(s) they're feeling
  • The objection(s) they have
  • The role(s) they play

What you may find, after doing this, is that the product/service you're selling is underwhelming.

Or, maybe there are too many objections or you're not directly addressing the decision maker.

This happens, and it's OK.

Everything you sell isn't going to change someone's life…

But, everything you sell can (and should) be of great perceived value!

“Offeratize” Your Products And Services

Your products and services are NOT offers…

While an offer includes a product/service and its features, benefits, and advantages… it also includes all the other bells and whistles:

  • Bonuses (HUGE!)
    • This is how you increase the perceived value of your regular ol' product!
  • Money Back Guarantees
  • Pricing Terms (payment plans)
  • Risk Reversal (how are you going to ensure they don’t waste time, money, etc. this includes your money back guarantee)

I recommend listening to Todd Brown’s “The Marketer’s Mind” episode 20 for this, click here for it.

Also, take a look at what your competition is offering. Are they selling products and services or are they selling offers? How can you offer more?!

The point is, you can take your underwhelming product/service that's facing too many objections and “soup it up” to make it irresistible!

An Example

Let's take Josh from our avatar example discussed in the video above – 35 year old male, interested in Keto Diets, in the military, etc.

After asking the 3 why questions, we know he's interested in enhancing his performance, in order to perform his job well. He's willing to workout hard, eat right, and even take supplements. (note: we've uncovered 3 categories of products we can sell our avatar: exercise stuff, nutrition stuff, and supplement stuff)

We decide to work with a white label supplement manufacturer to produce a performance enhancing supplement…

Pretty cool looking container, right?!

Of course, I'm being sarcastic… it's a lame looking container, but you get the idea. It's a performance enhancing supplement designed specifically for our customer avatar!

Now, let's extract the features and benefits of our product by comparing it to…

  • Goals: Optimal performance on the job
    • Get Some! has a sustained release, ensuring you're performing your best all day without any ups, downs, or crashes!
  • Values: Eating healthy foods, ketosis
    • Get Some! contains 100% organic ingredients and is the only FDA approved performance enhancer on the market!
    • Get Some! contains no sugars or fillers that hinder ketosis!
  • Challenges: Works a lot, limited time, sometimes has to eat MREs (unhealthy Army food)
    • You'll feel the power of Get Some! within 5 minutes of ingestion! Our fast action formula makes sure you feel good when you need it most!
    • Get Some! contains Exogenous Ketones which have been proven to offset the negative effects of sugar and other high carb foods!
  • Pains: Worried about being off his game when it's time to make hard, on-the-job decisions
    • After 2 years and 10,000 scientific tests, Get Some! is proven 100% effective for maximizing the decision making part of the brain! (lateral frontal cortex)
    • Doctors and scientist everywhere are calling it “The Limitless Pill” because it unlocks your whole brain!
  • Objections: Has tried performance enhancing supplements before, they don't work
    • Get Some! contains a brand new, proprietary blend of ingredients never before released on the market, until today!
  • Roles: Key decision maker
    • Take control of your performance with Get Some!

We now have some features and benefit bullets for our product that align with our Customer Avatar.

Now, it's time to offeratize our product!

  • Bonuses
    • Waterproof pill container so they are with you on the go
    • Mobile app with 5 minute puzzles that activate certain parts of your brain so you can prepare for what's ahead
    • 31 day workout program for increasing day-to-day performance (PDF and Video)
    • 31 quick recipes for increasing day-to-day performance (PDF and Video)
  • Money Back Guarantee
    • If you don't feel a significant difference in your performance within 30 days, you let us know and we'll refund your payment AND give you a $100 Amazon Gift Card for wasting your time!
  • Pricing Terms (payment plans)
    • Free Shipping on all orders
    • Buy 2, save 10%
    • Buy 3, save 20%

Step 3: Build Micro Sales Funnels To Sell Your Offers

You should have a couple offers created for your customer avatar.

Now you need a way to display your offer and collect money from your customer.

The best way to do this is with a Micro Sales Funnel.

What is a Micro Sales Funnel?

It's a collection of web pages, engagements (email, text messages, phone calls, etc.), and retargeting ads that act like a digital sales rep that works for you 24/7/365!

Think about ordering food at McDonalds. You order a burger, then the cashier asks, “Would you like fries with that?” Then, they offer a drink, the chance to Super Size it, etc. Instead of spending $4, you've spent $14. That's a Micro Sales Funnel.

Here's an example:

Micro Sales Funnels come in all shapes and sizes, depending on what you're trying to sell and who you're trying to sell it to. If you'd like to learn more about the various models, I recommend checking out this post: What Kind Of Sales Funnel Should I Build?

The example funnel above is what I call a “Classic” Micro Sales Funnel. Here's a breakdown of the funnel:

  • Opt-in: An individual enters their contact information in exchange for a Lead Magnet. A Lead Magnet is simply a freebie offer someone wants, like a coupon, checklist, video training, trial, etc.
  • Welcome & Pre-sell: After the individual has given you their contact information, they land on a Welcome & Pre-sell page that tells them the Lead Magnet they requested is on its way and while they wait, here's some info about our company and how we can best serve them!
  • Sales Page: This is the page that's selling one of your offers.
  • OTO #: Stands for One-Time-Offer. These are typically 1-click upsell offers, where the individual can add additional offers to their order with 1-click.
  • Downsell: These are pages shown to individuals that turn down the OTO. Usually, you try to sell your OTO again; however, this time you incentivize it by including some bonuses, a discount, or payment plan.
  • Order Confirmation: This is the final page of the Micro Sales Funnel that confirms the individuals order and may also link to other, complementary offer funnels.
  • Engagements: These are emails, text messages, Facebook Messages, ringless voicemails, phone calls, direct mail, etc. that is typically automated and designed to help pull your customers through your funnel.
  • Retargeting Ads: These are advertisements that follow individuals around the web, advertising your business and offers again and again, in an effort to drive more sales.

All of the pages, engagements, and ads are specifically designed to help you sell your offers.

You're not simply building a random website with some products on it and hoping someone buys something.

Everything you do with a funnel needs to be calculated and methodical.

Of course, it's going to take you some time to understand how these things work. It's going to take time to understand psychology and marketing…

But, it's all worth it because as Russell Brunson, founder of ClickFunnels, always says, “You're only one funnel away!”

Your goal: Build a Micro Sales Funnel for every. single. offer.

Watch Me Build A Micro Sales Funnel Quickly

Step 4: Connect Your Micro Sales Funnels With Marketing Automation

Let's recap everything you should have right now:

  1. Your niche and a customer avatar
  2. 3-5 different offers
  3. 3-5 Micro Sales Funnels (1 for each offer)

For step 4, you want to connect all of your Micros Sales Funnels with marketing automation.

What's marketing automation?

Emails, text messages, ringless voicemail, direct mail, Facebook Messenger… any type of communication and engagement that can be automated, leaving you with something that looks like this…

Pretty cool, right?

Note: Even though the diagram above only shows emails, you can use other mediums like text messages, Facebook Messenger, ringless voicemail, direct mail, and more to connect your Micro Sales Funnels together.

What Do You Send To People?

We could spend months, if not years discussing this topic, so I'm going to keep it pretty high level for this post.

Your audience and customers go through a journey, right?

The “Customer Journey”:

The Customer Journey

  1. Awareness: of pain, of need, of solution, of your business
  2. Interest: they start conducting research
  3. Evaluation: they’re going to buy something, but they want to make sure they get the “best” one
  4. Decision: they buy
  5. Retention: keep them happy, sell more
  6. Advocacy: they tell everyone about your business

Depending on where they are in this journey will dictate the type of content you send them.

With that said, there's two types of content you will need to send to people:

  1. Relationship Content
  2. Action Content

Relationship Content

Relationship content, you guessed it… builds a relationship!

It's content that's educational and/or entertaining. Content people enjoy consuming.

This can include helpful how-to tutorials, funny stories, deep data analysis, back & forth communication, and so on.

You're also using this content to gauge your audience members' interests… what topics are they clicking on and viewing?

Are they interested in Keto recipes? Keto supps? Lifting heavy weights? All of the above?

While you're building a relationship, you're figuring out what the person is interested in so when it's time to sell them something, you can recommend a product or service they're most likely to actually buy!

Action Content

Action content drives the person to take action, ie. buy something, come visit your store, give you a call, etc.

You've spent time building a relationship while simultaneously figuring out their interests…

Now, it's time to recommend a product or service to them!

One of the simplest action pieces you can deliver to someone is one that highlights a sale or special promotion: “1 day only, get 30% off our Get Some! supplement… click here!”

Simple enough, right?!

Of course, you can get fancier by using copywriting formulas like the Problem-Agitate-Solve formula, or the Before-After-Bridge formula… but, typically, what I've found is that if you've spent the time establishing the relationship FIRST and then place a really attractive offer in front of them… you don't need to try and mind-hack them or anything!

You can be a normal person (a friend or trusted adviser) recommending a product/service to another normal person!

This is why it's critically important to take the time to understand your audience's needs, wants, and desires AND to craft super-awesome-amazing offers! It saves you so much time later on.

Watch Me Integrate My Micro Sales Funnel With Marketing Automation

Step 5: Fill Your Sales Funnel With Traffic

By now, you should have…

  1. Your audience/niche figured out. You know where they hangout and you're ready to approach them!
  2. Your irresistible offers developed for your audience members.
  3. A few Micro Sales Funnels setup to actually sell your irresistible offers.
  4. Those Micro Sales Funnels interconnected with Marketing Automation that builds a relationship, gauges interests, and then promotes your irresistible offers.

Got all that?

Great! Now, lets fill your system up!

Introducing “The Triple Threat Strategy”

The Triple Threat Strategy is comprised of three parts:

  • Acquisition: Convert cold traffic (people that don't know about you or your business) into warm traffic (people that know about you and/or your business)
  • Direct: Convert cold traffic into hot traffic (leads and buyers)
  • Retarget: Convert warm traffic into hot traffic

Also, notice how it's a funnel a giant funnel, just like the Customer Journey funnel displayed above… same exact concept here!

Acquisition Campaign

The main goal of the Acquisition Campaign is to convert cold traffic into warm traffic. (ie. grow your Custom Audiences [retargeting audiences])

This is accomplished by producing great pieces of content that connect with your prospects and helps them establish rapport with your business.

You want the prospect to know, like, and trust you at this stage.

Here are a couple Acquisition Ad examples…

This first one is a video. Videos work great as acquisition ads because you can build Custom Audiences (used for retargeting later) based upon how much of a video an individual watches. For example, 3 seconds, 10 seconds, 25%, 50%, etc.

It's typically a lot easier to get someone to watch 10 seconds to 25% of a video on Facebook than it is to get them to click away from Facebook to visit your site. Thus, you're able to grow your Custom Audiences for pennies on the dollar!

The second ad is an image ad that links to a high quality blog post…

Those are examples of Acquisition Ads.

As you can see, they're pure content and goodwill. Nothing for sale (at least not directly) in either of them!

Direct Campaign

There are two goals for the Direct Campaigns:

  1. Convert cold traffic directly into a lead or customer. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't… but, it's usually worth giving it a shot.
  2. Convert cold traffic into warm traffic. Introduce your business and what you have to offer.

Here are a couple Direct Ad examples…

This first one is a “direct to offer” ad where I'm trying to convince cold traffic to claim a “free” dog training clicker.

The tactic behind this ad is to make the offer soooo good, it's impossible to refuse. Basically, I'm looking for impulse buys…

The second Direct Ad brings people to an opt-in page where they can request my Lead Magnet: 100 Dog Training Tips.

The purpose is to convert cold traffic into leads that I can follow up later with email and retargeting.

Those are a couple Direct Ad examples.

As you can see, they bring people directly from Facebook to an offer… whether it's for a product or a just a lead magnet.

Retargeting Campaign

The main goal of the Retargeting Campaign is to take your warm traffic and convert them into leads, customers, and repeat buyers.

By this time, you will have warm audiences either from people engaging with your Acquisition or Direct Ads…

They know about your business and what you offer…

It's now time to promote offers to convert individuals into leads, customers, and repeat buyers!

Here's an example Retargeting Ad…

Since Retargeting Ads are used on warm audiences, you can make “bigger” offers. Basically, you don't have to try and sell some cheap product in order to attract impulse buyers.

Often, you'll lose money on the Direct Ads, but make up for it 10 fold during the retargeting phase!

How To Execute The Triple Threat Strategy

We've uncovered the Triple Threat Strategy and the 3 core campaigns…

But, how do you actually execute it?

How do you know when an ad is working? How do you know when it's not?

Don't worry, I have a flowchart to answer all of these questions and more!

Triple Threat Facebook Ad Launch Plan

Yup, she's a doozy!

Now, I'm not going to explain this whole thing right now since it would take hours…

But, hopefully it gives you some perspective of how that funnel diagram translates into real life actions you can take to execute the strategy!

Here's How To Launch A Facebook Ad

Links Mentioned:

Are You Ready To Make 2019 YOUR Year?!

This post has outlined an ENTIRE game plan for you from start to finish!

You now know what you have to do…

  • Identify your audience/niche
  • Develop your offers
  • Build Micro Sales Funnels to sell your offers
  • Connect your Micro Sales Funnels with Marketing Automation
  • Fill your entire sales system with traffic

This is your chance to start that side hustle to get some extra cash flow or to even replace your 9-5!

People are making money every day with sales funnels, marketing automation, and traffic generation… why shouldn't you be able to make it work?

2 Reasons These 5 Steps Won't Work For You

  1. You don't actually do anything with them. You keep doing what you're doing.
  2. You do them halfway. Maybe you get overwhelmed by the technical stuff, so you quit. Or maybe you bounce over to some shiny object. Whatever the reason, you do things half-assed (excuse my french!)

The point is, if you do everything outlined in this post…

You avoid excuses…

And, you put in the time to make it happen…

I guarantee you'll be successful!


I have a full blown training program that teaches you the nitty-gritty details of EVERYTHING outlined in this post.

Click here if you're ready to DOMINATE 2019!

5 Steps To Start A Successful Online Business In 2019!2018-11-12T15:47:45+00:00

(part 1) How To Drive High Quality Traffic To Your Business

This post is the first in a series of posts entitled, “Digital Marketing Strategy For Startups, Small Businesses, and Entrepreneurs“.

Traffic. The lifeblood of your digital marketing efforts. Without it – you have nothing.

There are a million ways to generate traffic and every minute someone is coming out with a new, “best” way to do it.

Here's the deal, you only need to focus on two sources of traffic:

  1. One organic “free” source
  2. One paid source

Before we get into which sources you should use and why, we need to talk about the #1 rule of traffic.

The #1 Rule Of Traffic

As I said earlier, there are a million ways to generate traffic … so, there are a lot of shiny objects, a lot of people pushing which traffic generation method is “best”.

It can be very tempting to get sucked into whatever they're offering … and, you know what, usually, what they're offering isn't half bad EXCEPT

  1. It takes you away from what you need to focus on
  2. It likely breaks the #1 rule of traffic

So, what is the #1 rule?

You need to be where your customers are.


But, this rule gets broken all the time because someone creates this juicy concept/tool and you grab it because it promises easy traffic.

Next thing you know, you're posting 50 times a day on Pinterest trying to attract 30 year old males. (there are very few 30 year old males on Pinterest … and yes, that's from a past experience …)

Or, you launched a Snapchat profile and story aimed at attracting 60 year old women. (there are few 60 year olds on Snapchat)

So, do yourself a favor … the next time you're getting persuaded to buy some fancy new tool to drive traffic, I urge you not to buy it until you read this full post. At the very least, make sure it will actually reach your audience.

Organic “Free” Traffic

Moving forward, you will have ONE source for organic traffic and ONE source for paid traffic. (More on paid traffic in the next section)

So, what is organic traffic? Organic traffic is the traffic that naturally finds your content and your business.

Some people call organic traffic, “free” traffic, because it doesn't cost money; however, it certainly costs time.

Here are a few organic traffic sources so you understand what I mean:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – blogging
  • Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat,
  • Video – YouTube
  • Podcasts – iTunes, Stitcher, SoundCloud

Here's The 411…

If you read the intro, you may recall that I gave “awareness” and “branding” a hard time because it's neither specific nor measurable.

Ok, for the most part, the results from your organic traffic efforts will be hard to quantify accurately.

You can track as much as possible by using site tracking tools like Google Analytics and link tracking tools like and Pretty Link, but – at the end of the day, you're at the mercy of the environment you choose to operate in.

My point is, since it's hard to accurately measure your efforts already, organic traffic is the place to grow “awareness” and “branding”!

This is your chance to be your weird, funky self and show people who you and your business are!

* Note: just because organic traffic can be hard to track and you get to be your weird, funky self – it doesn’t mean you should create content willy-nilly. Everything you create still needs to serve a purpose and be as specific and measurable as possible.

The Organic Traffic Strategy

This is important.

Only pick ONE organic traffic source to focus 100% of your efforts.

That's right, if you choose Instagram … that's ALL you're going to focus on. Yes, I know, it seems “logical” to do Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr too since you can post to all those networks at the same time you post to Instagram … and by having more content in more places you “should” reach more eyes … right? WRONG!

Each platform has its own set of “rules” whether by design or via social norms.

By “bulk” posting, you will spread yourself too thin and possibly alienate different platforms … which, you don't want to do.

Instead, you focus only on ONE source. 100% of your focus is on growing that channel until you have a significant following.

The size of a “significant following” will vary tremendously based on a number of variables like market size. For example, if you're a brick & mortar business and there are 2,000 ideal customers in a 25 mile radius from your store and 1,500 of them follow you on Instagram … you're doing pretty freakin' good!

You also need to take into account engagement. Who cares if you have 10k followers on Instagram if you only get 100 likes/comments when you post? The “real” size of your following is much closer to 100 than that inflated 10k number.

Once you have a significant following on one source THEN you open the next source and “feed” it with the following you built on your original source.

A good percentage of people will make the jump because most people are on multiple platforms and they can follow you elsewhere with a click or tap.

So, that's how you do it. Focus 100% of your efforts on ONE source. Take courses on how to become “good” at that source. Get yourself some fancy tools if you want. Do whatever it takes to really grow that ONE source. Once the first one is rockin' & rollin', add another source and jump start it by sending your audience over to it.

How Do You Pick Your ONE Source?

How you pick your ONE source is pretty simple…

  • It must follow the #1 rule – you need to be where your customers are
  • It must be something you like doing

That's it!

If you like writing and your audience likes reading … start a blog.

If you like taking photos and sharing inspirational quotes and your audience likes looking at photos and quotes … start an Instagram profile.

If you like talking and your audience likes to listen … start a podcast.

My one piece of advice is this, NEVER do something you don't like doing because you won't stick with it.

For example, I've tried a dozen times to focus on growing my Facebook following because I know my audience is there and it's a good place to generate traffic. However, after 3 days I quit because … you know what … I'm an introvert and being “social” is something I'm just not comfortable with or naturally good at doing.

However, I enjoy writing and blogging. As such, I have a blog and attract visitors through Google and other search engines.

Paid Traffic

It's been said, “You don't have a business until you can convert paid traffic.”

Here's the deal – you don't control organic traffic.


Platforms change. Algorithms change. Markets change.

With organic traffic, you're at the mercy of the platform you've chosen to pursue.

For example, 90% of our business on Crazy Eye Marketing comes from Google and YouTube.

If Google decides to drop Crazy Eye Marketing in the search results … our business could vanish … except, we know how to send paid traffic 😉

Once you're able to take $1, put it into an advertising campaign and get that $1 and more back … you're unstoppable.

Paid traffic also makes it very easy to define specific goals and measure the results.

So, why do I keep it at 90% organic and 10% paid? Because it's working and organic traffic is “free” … my customer acquisition costs are essentially zero beyond the time I spend developing content, which is, at this point, a sunk cost.

But, if Google decides to drop the hammer, we'll flip on our paid campaigns and keep trucking right along!

My point is, you need to know how to pay for traffic.

Before You Start Spending Money!

If you've ever “tried” paid advertising before and been astonished by how much it can cost to get someone to click your ad and wondered how it could possibly be viable … it's because you didn't have a Micro Sales Funnel in place.

Before you spend a dime on paid advertising, you need to have a Micro Sales Funnel setup and ready to go.

While I'm going to cover Micro Sales Funnels in detail in part 6 of this blog series, the simple definition of a Micro Sales Funnel is a system specifically designed to acquire leads and rapidly convert them into customers.

For example, Nathan is surfing Facebook when he sees an ad for the Top 10 Facebook Ads of 2016. Nathan clicks the ad and lands on a page that requests his name and email (a squeeze page) in exchange for the top 10 ads. Immediately after entering his contact info, he's greeted with an offer to get the top 15 WORST Facebook Ads of 2016 for only $7. Nathan thinks, “Shoot, I don't want to make the same mistakes as them, let me grab that!” and he spends $7. Immediately after purchasing the 15 worst ads, he's made an offer to join a course on Facebook Ad Optimization so he can create great ads for only $97. Nathan grabs it. Immediately afterwards, he's presented yet another offer for a training course on creating high converting sales pages for $297. He turns it down because he's a marketing genius and doesn't need help building landing pages.

All told, Nathan spends $104. Some people spend $0. And others spend $401.

All of a sudden, the average order size per click is $3. So, if the business can spend less than $3 per click, they're essentially printing money!

That's how paid advertising works.

You absolutely, positively, need a way to make your money back ASAP!

Of course there's the whole long game where your customers' lifetime value should increase over time … but, the goal is an immediate return on your investment.

If you can lock that down, you'll be unstoppable!

Paid Traffic Fundamentals

As with organic traffic, you're only going to focus on ONE source of paid traffic.

For the sake of moving forward and making progress, there are only two paid traffic sources you should consider:

  1. Facebook Ads Manager
  2. Google Adwords

That's it. At least a fraction of your customers are on Facebook and/or using Google.

If your audience is not on either of those platforms … they're not online and you shouldn't be focusing on digital marketing.

So, pick one or the other and let's move on!

After making your decision, you need to immerse yourself in the platform. Take courses, listen to podcasts, read blog posts and articles … become a beast on that particular platform.

What You Need To Pay Attention To

While you're immersing yourself in the ad platform of your choosing, there are a few key elements you really need to pay attention to.

These elements are often overlooked by small business owners and entrepreneurs when they launch paid advertising campaigns.

I really want to emphasize their importance here because they're the difference between success and failure.

Also note, the two aforementioned advertising platforms want you to be successful. Because, if you're successful, you'll keep spending money … so, they give you a lot of tools to help you out.

The key elements you need to know about and implement are:

  • Micro Sales Funnels – Already mentioned a bunch of times, so DO IT or you're going to fail or, at the very least, have meager results. [see part 6]
  • Conversion Tracking – There are pieces of code called “pixels” that you will need to place on your website that communicate with the advertising platform and can signal when conversions (ie. leads and sales) take place. You need this so you know what is/isn't working and it helps the advertising platform auto-optimize your campaigns for better results.
  • Audiences – Both platforms allow you to create audiences in a variety of ways. Everything from being able to upload customer email addresses, your email lists' email addresses, website visitors, lookalike audiences, custom audiences, smart audiences, and beyond. You need to understand the various audience types and how you can take advantage of them because they can make or break your campaigns.


That's traffic generation in a nutshell.

The key things to remember are …

  • Focus on ONE source of organic traffic and
  • ONE source of paid traffic

Once you nail the one source of each down, you can branch out by using the audience and systems you've built with your first sources.

Click here to continue to Part 2: How To Capture More Leads The Right Way

(part 1) How To Drive High Quality Traffic To Your Business2017-08-01T11:14:39+00:00

8 Opt-In Form Examples You Can Implement With Ease

Most people have a love/hate relationship with opt-in forms.

As a visitor to a website, they can be incredibly annoying … especially when they keep popping over what you're trying to read.

But, as the site owner, we know those pop-up opt-in forms tend to work. So, we keep showing them.

This creates an interesting dichotomy, but that's beyond the scope of this particular article.

In this article we'll talk about opt-in form tools, triggers, and types.

Related Course: How To Build Opt-in Forms And Landing Pages That Convert

Opt-in Form Tools

You really only need one opt-in form tool and the one you use is determined by your platform.

WordPress | Thrive Leads

If your website is powered by WordPress, the best opt-in form plugin you can grab is Thrive Leads.

Why? It's incredibly powerful.

It allows you to build any type of opt-in form you can imagine, conduct split tests, page targeting, and beyond.

Click here to check out their sales page and to learn more about their features.

Any Other Platform | OptinMonster

If your website is powered by anything other than WordPress (ie. Shopify, Big Commerce, custom coded, etc.), the best opt-in form tool you can grab is OptinMonster.

It's essentially just like ThriveLeads; however, it can work anywhere … which is great for sites that aren't powered by WordPress!

Click here to check out their sales page and to learn more about their features.

Note: Since OptinMonster works anywhere, it will work on WordPress too. If you run sites on multiple platforms, it would be best to just get OptinMonster.

Display Triggers

Both, Thrive Leads and OptinMonster have very similar triggers. While the particular name of the trigger may change – SmartExit+ vs. Exit Intent Technology – the general function of the trigger remains the same (ie. display upon exit).

Below are the four triggers functions both opt-in tools offer.

Timed Triggers

From immediately to 30 seconds or more, you can choose when your opt-in form shows itself.

If you don't have a reason to have your opt-in form display immediately, a good rule of thumb is to give the visitor about 10 seconds to get into your material before greeting them with the opt-in form.

Exit Triggers

An exit trigger can only occur on desktop and it's when a visitor's cursor leaves the browser window.

Typically, the only reason the cursor would leave the browser window is because they're about to hit the “back” button or navigate off your site.

As a last-ditch effort, you can display an opt-in form to try and collect the visitor's contact information.

Click Triggers

Click triggers are really popular because they show intent, which typically leads to much higher conversion rates.

Instead of blindly displaying an opt-in form after 10 seconds, a click triggered opt-in form is displayed after an individual clicks a link, button, or image.

Scroll Triggers

Scroll triggers are used to display opt-in forms after an individual has scrolled down a percentage of a page or past a certain point.

For example, you could have an opt-in form display after the visitor has scrolled down 75% of the page. Ideally, this means they've read 75% of the page, are therefore highly interested in what you're talking about, and more apt to opt-in.

Types Of Opt-In Forms

Pop-up LightBox

The “classic” opt-in form.

Although they're kind of annoying, you see this type of opt-in form everywhere … because they work!

Example From Charles NGO

Example From Charles NGO

In-Line / After Post

These opt-in forms “blend” in with the content.

They're nice because they don't hinder the visitor's experience, yet they still provide an easy way to opt-in for your lead magnet.

Example From Side Hustle Nation

Widgets / Side Bar

Very similar to in-line opt-in forms because they're “just there.” They don't pop-in or slide, but are “just there” in the sidebar or widget area of a site.


These opt-in bars or ribbons go across the top or bottom of the page and are typically “locked in place” (they scroll with the page).

These are great because they allow you to share your Lead Magnet without being obnoxious by popping up a lightbox or a screen overlay.

Example From ProBlogger

Example From ProBlogger


This type of opt-in form “slides” into view. They're typically in the corners of pages; however, they can take over an entire side too!

These are great because they can be fairly unobtrusive while still catching people's attention.

Example From ConversionXL

Example From ConversionXL

Screen Overlays/Takeovers

This type of opt-in form takes over the entire page, leaving the individual two options – to opt-in or to close it.

These tend to work very well because you can't miss 'em.

This example from BACKLINKO

Example From BACKLINKO

Scroll/Welcome Mats

This type of opt-in form is similar to a screen overlay/takeover in that it consumes the entire page; however, it's different because you can either opt-in or scroll down (as opposed to close it).

Scroll/welcome mats give visitors the ability to scroll down which makes the opt-in form a little less obtrusive; they don't have to “hunt” around for a close button … they just have to scroll down.

Example From Matthew Woodward

Example From Matthew Woodward

Content Locks

This type of opt-in form is pretty cool because it allows you to protect a piece of content until the individual enters their email address.

This is a great way to offer “content upgrades” to blog posts.

Example From OptinMonster

Example From OptinMonster


Now that you know the tools, triggers, and types of opt-in forms … what's stopping you from getting started?

Related Course: How To Build Opt-in Forms And Landing Pages That Convert

8 Opt-In Form Examples You Can Implement With Ease2016-11-17T16:03:33+00:00

How To Build Your Own Landing Page Platform

Being able to develop beautiful, mobile responsive, high converting landing pages on the fly is a necessary part of online marketing.

There are a bunch of tools to help you do this; however, they tend to be overpriced, limited, overrated, and unnecessary.

In this step-by-step tutorial, I show you how to setup your own, self-hosted, landing page platform that you 100% own and control!

>> Click here to download this post in PDF format


I just turned this blog post into a free video course on YouTube and I also put together a part 2 that can be found here!

Comparison Chart

As previously stated, there are tons of landing page builders on the market and each one has its own list of benefits and features that make it “unique”; however, at the end of they day they all solve the same problem – help you easily create great looking pages.

Below you'll find a breakdown of the setup I'm about to show you compared to its closest competition.

Category This Setup LeadPages Instapage Unbounce
Annual Price $281.58 (*probably less) $297.00 $348.00 $588.00
# Visitors Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 5,000
# Pages Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Split Testing Yes, w/ Google Analytics Yes, w/ Google Analytics Yes, w/ Google Analytics Yes
Tracking Yes, w/ Google Analytics Sometimes Yes Yes
Secure Hosting (SSL) Yes Yes Yes No
Custom Domain/Branding Yes No No No
Digital Asset Delivery (Memberships) Yes (huge!) No No No

* Probably Less – 9 times out of 10, you likely have a host already and won't require a new one; if so,  you can subtract $164.58 from the price mentioned above, bringing the new annual price to $117.

** ALSO! – The renewal fee for OptimizePress drops from $97/yr to $39/yr after the first year – so, you can likely run this for less than $100/year!

Step #1: Domain, Hosting, and SSL


You'll want your self-hosted landing page platform on its own domain because you're going to streamline it for one thing and one thing only – building landing pages.

This way you don't accidentally bloat it with a bunch of unnecessary files and plugins that will slow down your site.

You want this baby fast!

When it comes to choosing a domain, I recommend something generic – especially if you'll have landing pages for different businesses, niches, or industries.

For example, I wouldn't want and then to create a landing page for fitness because this will cause inconsistencies; people will get confused.

I also recommend avoiding the words  “marketing” or “sales” (or anything similar) in the domain as it may “scare” some people off.

My top trick for picking a generic domain is to pick a word or name and attach “media” at the end.

For example:


Those could mean anything and aren't niche specific.

When it comes to registering your domain, I recommend NameCheap.

They offer a very clean domain registration process unlike GoDaddy that tries to up-sell you on a bunch of “protection” you don't need.

If you use NameCheap, I recommend checking out before you buy; they usually have a coupon that'll save ya a buck!

Anyway, the domain registration process is pretty straightforward and I think you can handle it without a bunch of pretty pictures. But, my one piece of advice is to NOT add anything to your domain (ie. protection, hosting, email, social boost, etc. [these are all crappy up-sells used to take advantage of people that don't know any better]). other than WhoisGuard.

I recommend WhoisGuard if you don't want people to know the physical address you used when you registered your domain. For example, your personal residence.


You do not want to skimp on hosting. Having a slow website will hurt your conversions.

Being that the sole purpose of your landing page platform is to get conversions … we can't allow it to be slow!

If you're going to send between 0 and 2,500 people a day, the below setup will be great for you.

If you'll be sending more than that, you'll likely want to upgrade to a VPS or dedicated solution.

I recommend the Turbo package by a2Hosting.

Be sure to take note of the code at the bottom (ie. FLEET51). There's always a code for 51% off; however, it changes from time-to-time and they won't automatically apply it to your order … so, make sure you remember to add it!

hosting - 1 v2

When it asks you to “Choose a Domain…” select the option “I will use my existing domain and update my nameservers”

hosting - 2

  • Choose your Billing Cycle – I recommend at least 12 months.
  • Tick the box for a Dedicated IP.
  • Server Location – pick where most of your customers reside.
  • Priority Support – No.
  • Offsite Backups – No.
  • Performance Plus – Yes.
  • Barracuda Spam Firewall – No.
  • SSL Certificate – None.
  • Auto-Install Application – None.
  • CloudFlare Plan Plus Monthly – No (unchecked).

hosting - 3

Review your order – make sure the coupon's been applied!!! (again, they don't always add it automatically!!!)

Also, double check the Dedicated IP and Performance Plus.

hosting - 4

Complete your order and be on the lookout for an email that looks like this:

hosting - 5

The info you're looking for is the DNS Nameserver Information.

You're going to take this information and plug it into NameCheap (or whatever domain registrar you use).

Head back over to NameCheap with your nameserver information in hand, find the domain for your self-hosted landing page platform and select “Manage”.

Now, in the “NAMESERVERS” area, select Custom DNS and paste in the nameserver information from the email … and don't forget to hit the little check mark!

hosting - 6

Now, you'll have to wait until you start seeing an error message when you go to your domain.

Something like this:

hosting - 7

Sometimes this happens instantly, other times you have to wait a couple days.

But, once you see some form of error message as opposed to a “pretty” NameCheap page – you're ready to move on!


Once your hosting and domain are finally connected, it's time to secure your site.

Why do you want to secure your site with SSL?

A few reasons:

  1. People look for it and it makes your site more trustworthy
  2. Google likes it. Not that you're necessarily trying to get Google love for these pages, but if Google likes it, other places generally do too.
  3. So you can accept payments via Stripe (if you intend to do that) .

You can buy your SSL Certificate from NameCheap. You can pick any; however, I use and recommend RapidSSL.

Go through the checkout process (it's self-explanatory) and click “Activate”.

cPanel - SSL - 5

Now it's time to generate your CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

Start by logging into your cPanel and navigating to SSL/TSL Manager.

(The cPanel is part of your hosting service and is generally found at If you're having trouble finding it, check the email your host sent you when you registered with them.)
cPanel - SSL

Click “Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests.”

cPanel - SSL - 2

Fill in the info it requests and click “Generate”.

cPanel - SSL - 3

Copy the “Encoded Certificate Signing Request”.

cPanel - SSL - 4

Go back to NameCheap and paste the code into the box that says “Enter CSR” and select your Server Type (probably Apache, Nginx, cPanel or other).

cPanel - SSL - 6

It'll ask you to verify the information, make sure it's correct and hit “Next”.

Now, we need to go back to cPanel and setup an email forwarder.

cPanel - SSL - 8

Make one forward from to

cPanel - SSL - 9

Once the forwarder is setup, be sure to test it by sending an email to and ensure it's actually delivered. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the forwarding to kick-in; you want to make sure it's working before moving to the next step.

Go back to NameCheap and select “Email” for DVC Method and for Approver Email.

cPanel - SSL - 7

It will request more information, fill it out. It's self-explanatory.

It will then ask you to confirm your information, click “Confirm”.

Wait for an email that looks like this and click the link the arrow is pointing to:

cPanel - SSL - 10

On the page it takes you to, click “I Approve”.

cPanel - SSL - 11v2

You will see a message about it being approved.

You will then receive another email that looks something like this:

cPanel - SSL - 12

NOTE: If you don't receive this email within an hour, contact support at There's the option to “Chat” at the top – start a chat. There have been instances where they've needed to verify my ID on the phone before they could issue the certificate.  You may need to do that too, if you don't receive the email within the hour.

Assuming you receive the email, look for “—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—-” and copy through it to the end “—–END CERTIFICATE—–”

cPanel - SSL - 13

Go back to your cPanel, back to “SSL, TSL Manager” and this time click on “Manage SSL sites.”

Browse for the Domain you're installing the SSL Cert on.

Paste in the code you just copied from your email.

A button that says “Autofill by Certificate” will magically appear. Click it and it will auto-populate everything else.

Tick “Enable SNI for Mail Services”

And finally, “Install Certificate”

cPanel - SSL - 15

You should see this …

cPanel - SSL - 16

YAY – your site is now secure!

>> Click here to download this post in PDF format

Step #2: WordPress and OptimizePress

Install WordPress

Go to your cPanel and locate the option for WordPress.

WordPress - 1

For Protocol, choose https://

Choose your Domain

In Directory, make it blank. (it's important that this be blank! You want your self-hosted landing page platform on the Root Domain.)

The rest of the info is pretty self explanatory; however, I recommend NOT activating any “special” plugins, themes, or options they offer as they tend to be sloppy and unnecessary. Go as bare bones as possible unless you have a specific reason to do otherwise.

WordPress - 2

After clicking “Install,” you'll have a beautiful, securely hosted, WordPress Website!

Get and Install OptimizePress

The first thing you need to do is purchase OptimizePress. It offers an outstanding page builder with a TON of features; it's the tool you'll be using.

Select your package. More than likely, you only need the Core Package.  You will only be running OptimizePress (OP) on this site that is dedicated to landing pages.

OptimizePress - 1

After purchase, you'll be able to enter the members' area where you can download the OptimizePress Theme. (Make sure you download the THEME, not just the plugin.)

OptimizePress - 2

Go back to your WordPress website and into the Admin Dashboard.

Navigate to Appearance, Themes, and Add New.

OptimizePress - 3

Click “Upload Theme”, browse to the OP Theme you just downloaded and select “Install Now”.

OptimizePress - 4

After install, click “Activate”.

You'll now have to input your API Key. Go back to the OP Members' Area and select “Licensing” in the navigation menu at the top.

Scroll down until you see “Registered API Keys” and copy one of them to your clipboard.

OptimizePress - 5

Go back to your site, paste your API key in the box, and click “Save settings”.

OptimizePress - 6


You'll land on something that looks like this:

OptimizePress - 7

Click “Blog Setup”.

This part doesn't matter too much because you won't be using this site as a blog. Remember, this is your landing page platform … it isn't your “site”.

So, you can select whatever makes you the happiest! (I typically select “Theme 1” and then just click “Continue to Step X” without changing any options … but, feel free to customize it the way you want.)

OptimizePress - 8

>> Click here to download this post in PDF format

Step #3: Speed Boost!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, speed is important!

Don't think speed is that important? Check out this infographic by Kissmetrics to see what only a 1 second delay does to your conversion rates!

Install Autoptimize

Autoptimize is a WordPress plugin that “squishes” your site, making it smaller, and thus – faster.

Login to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugins, Add New, and search for “autoptimize”.

Autoptimize - 1

It should be the first result, if not scroll until you find it and click “Install Now”.

Autoptimize - 2

Make sure you click “Activate Plugin” after it's been installed.

Now, open up the Autoptimize Settings and turn on:

  • Optimize HTML Code
  • Optimize JavaScript Code
  • Optimize CSS Code

Then, click Save Changes and Empty Cache.

Autoptimize - 3

Check out the before and after!

Autoptimize - 4

The Load Time difference is negligible at .08s – I don't think the human eye could actually detect that; however, checkout “Page Size” and “Requests” – those numbers have nearly halved!

These size and request differences will make a massive impact on load time once you have a fair amount of traffic hitting the server.

So, while there's no real difference in speed right now, if a few hundred people are on the site at once … the Autoptimized site will outperform every time!

Install WP Smush – Image Optimization

Your source code, CSS, and JS have been “squished” … it's now time to “smush” your images!

Enter into your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugins, Add New, search for “wp smush”.  Then, Install and Activate it.

WP Smush

The nice part about this plugin … it basically comes out of the box ready to run!

More than likely you will want to “smush” the images you currently have.

Unless you upgraded to the paid version, you'll only be allowed to “smush” 50 images at a time.  If you're working with a new website, you won't likely have that many images to worry about; it should be a relatively painless process!

WP Smush - 2

Woo! Saved 6.4%!

WP Smush - 3

SUPER Boost With A CDN

Ok, this part is optional.  It will likely result in a few additional bucks per month; however, if you feel the need for speed, it's worth doing!

CDN stands for Content Delivery Network which is essentially a network of computers that delivers static files (images, scripts, css, etc.) very, very fast.

They're very fast because they perform based on geographic location and don't have to process (think) anything like your website server does … all they have to do is deliver what's already there. Hopefully that makes sense.

Anyway, we'll use Amazon's CloudFront CDN because it's fast and cheap.

The first thing you need to do is sign up for or into the Amazon Web Services Management Console.

Once you're in, you will come to a crazy screen like this:


Find CloudFront and select it.

Click “Create Distribution” and it will ask “Web” or “RTMP” – you want “Web”.

In the “Origin Domain Name” text box, enter your full URL (ie.

Press “tab”.

Everything will auto-populate.

The only change you need to make is with “Origin Protocol Policy” – change it to “Match Viewer”.

CloudFront - 2

Scroll all the way to the bottom and click “Create Distribution”.

You'll see a little spinny thing and it will take roughly 30 minutes to finish what it's doing.

Take a break. Go grab yourself some coffee or beer; come back in a little while!

CloudFront - 3

After the spinning stops, grab your CDN's link – ie. and head back over to your WordPress admin panel, go to Settings, Autoptimize, and find the CDN Base URL.

Enter your CDN's link, don't forget to add https:// and click Save Changes and Empty Cache.

CloudFront - 3.5

Now select “Plugins”, “Add New”, and search for “wp super cache” … then install and activate it.

CloudFront - 4v2

Ok, I'll be honest here – there are a lot of settings inside WP Super Cache that I don't quite understand … but, that's alright – because I know what works!

Find your way to the WP Super Cache Setting section and turn it on!

CloudFront - 5

Under the Advanced Tab, leave everything they way it is with the exception of ticking the “Don't cache pages for known users. (Recommended)” box. Be sure to click “Update Status”.

CloudFront - 6

Navigate to the CDN tab.

Enable CDN Support and paste in the URL of your CDN. Make sure you add the https:// to the beginning! (ie.

Click “Save Changes”.

You're done!

If you feel brave, you can tick other boxes inside WP Super Cache; however, every time I do, things start to break.

Check out the load speeds now 😛

CloudFront - 8

>> Click here to download this post in PDF format

Membership, Digital Asset Delivery, and Taking Payments

This section is also optional; it only applies if you're wanting to take payments, run a membership portal, and/or deliver digital products.

NOTE: OptimizeMember is essentially the same thing as s2Member which means it's a really good membership plugin; however, it lacks one key feature when it comes to building funnels – the 1-click up-sell.

There are ways around this. For example, if you use ClickBank for your payment processor, you can do 1-click up-sells and it also offers built-in affiliate support – so, that's certainly an option.

You can also integrate with other platforms like SamCart, which add the 1-click up-sell functionality.

Finally, you may not even care about 1-click up-sells. You will still be able to offer One-Time-Offers (OTOs) and other up-sells … they just won't be 1-click!

I'm not going to show you how to build a membership site in this post as it's a separate topic … but, I'll get you pointed in the right direction.

Head over to your OptimizePress Members' Area, navigate to your downloads, and this time download OptimizeMember:

OptimizeMember - 1

Go back to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Plugins, click Upload Plugin, and upload, install, and activate the OptimizeMember plugin you just downloaded.

After it's activated, you will see a warning message …

OptimizeMember - 2

BUT before we do what it says, go to Pages, Add New, call it “Join”, and click Publish.

OptimizeMember - 3

Now follow the directions presented in the warning message. Select the “Join” page you just created from the drop down menu.

OptimizeMember - 4

Okie dokie!

That's all for right now!


At this time, you should have an insanely badass, self-hosted landing page platform!

One that goes above and beyond the competition.

One that is 100% under your control!

One that can integrate seamlessly with a bunch of autoresponder tools to include my favorite, ActiveCampaign.

Not to mention, it comes with a top-notch membership portal that can accept payments, deliver assets, and make you money all in one place!

You can't beat it!

>> Click here to download this post in PDF format

Moving Forward

Ok. I showed you how to setup your own landing page platform in the most efficient way I know.

Now, you need to learn how to actually use it!

The good news is it's an easy tool to learn and far easier than LeadPages (I don't understand why so many people recommend that tool, but I digress).

Of course, the folks at OptimizePress want you to be successful with their tool, so they have a bunch of tutorials.

I've also created an OptimizePess mini-course that will show you how to build an opt-in funnel with two different squeeze pages, a split test, and a Facebook pixel.

Don't Forget Strategy!

Finally, having a badass platform and knowing how to “technically” do everything can't fix a poor strategy.

For this reason, I highly recommend you take my free sales funnel training series!

How To Build Your Own Landing Page Platform2020-04-04T14:44:26+00:00

The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses

If you're a coach, consultant, and/or service-based business – this post is for you!

Likewise, speakers, authors, teachers, and entrepreneurs in the business of selling themselves can also glean insights from this post!

Finally, if you sell digital or info products and professional services – this post will show you how to make the most of what you offer!

It's the most comprehensive marketing strategy post you'll find on the Internet, I guarantee it.

Whether you're trying to develop your marketing strategy or you feel like you've got things figured out, I recommend giving this post a gander. I'm sure I'll shed some light on areas you haven't even considered.

To help assist you, I've put together a fill-in-the-blank document that can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

Let's get started.

The Master Plan

The Sales Funnel System

This is the master blueprint we'll be following to build your marketing strategy.

I urge you not to skip ahead to the “cool” stuff that involves automation, tracking, and other nifty tools. Yes, that stuff is fun; however, if you don’t build a solid foundation, you’ll wind up spinning in circles and produce minimal results.

So, please, take the 60 minutes to define your customer and your business before moving forward!


I'll be using a couple model businesses in order to provide examples:

  • Business #1 – Offers digital products, coaching, consulting, and services – ie. Crazy Eye Marketing
  • Business #2 – Offers digital products and services – ie. a financial advisor
  • Business #3 – Only offers services – ie. a dentist

As we get into the “Business” section, I'll discuss the particular offerings of each model business.


If you've read anything on marketing strategy in the past, you've likely come across articles about your customer and the importance of “defining” your customer.

This makes sense. If you're not sure who your business is for … then, what are you doing?

More than likely, you already know who your ideal customer is; however, you probably haven't truly defined them.

I understand, it can take a lot of time to develop a full fledged customer avatar or marketing persona … and, quite frankly, it sounds kinda boring, especially when there are a bunch of tools and fancy automations to get to!

But, here's the deal – having a more defined ideal customer does two things:

  1. Helps you find them
  2. Helps you connect with them

Two really important factors that help alleviate potentially HUGE problems!

If you can't find your ideal customer, you won't be able to attract them.

If you can't connect with your ideal customer, you won't be able to do business with them. People they know, like, and trust. If you can't get people to know, like, and trust you – your business will struggle.

To save you the time of going and filling out a customer avatar worksheet, simply answer these 5 questions:

  • What’s your ideal customer’s name? You need to give them a name!
    • Dave
    • Marshall
    • Jenna
  • Where do they hangout? / How can you get in front of them? Online, offline, particular websites, forums, Facebook groups, etc.
    • Facebook groups, forums, marketing/small business websites
    • Newspaper, home, travel websites
    • 15 mile radius, schools, libraries, grocery stores
  • Where are they in the journey of life? Baseline demographics, thoughts, desires, fears, etc.
    • 30ish years old, young family, starting a small service-based business, trying to make things work, wants to support their family.
    • Retirement age, ready to stop working, wants to travel the world, wants to maximize time with family and friends.
    • Stay at home mom with young children, wants to take care of her kid's health.
  • How do they see themselves? / How do they present themselves?
    • I'm relatively smart and hardworking – more so than the average Joe. Can do anything I put my mind to, sky's the limit!
    • I've done my time, I'm now a world renowned adventurer ready to conquer anything!
    • A good mother, first and foremost. I'm the caretaker of my family.
  • How well do they know your products and industry? Do they “live” it, are they “new” to this world, etc.?
    • Semi-new to the business of digital marketing (~ 6 months). Has some basic concepts down, but hasn't quite pieced it all together yet.
    • Understands the very basics of wealth management. Put money into their 401k their whole life, has invested some on their own.
    • They know about teeth cleaning and basic dentistry work as they've been going to the dentist their whole life.

See, it doesn't have to be too difficult! Your answers should simply be a stream of thought.

Just by going through this process you'll develop a new frame to look through as you produce your content and message.

Customer FAQ:

Q: I have more than one ideal customer, how should I handle this?

A: Yes, you likely do have more than one ideal customer which is great. Ask yourself the same questions for each customer. However, I have two recommendations:

1) Make sure they’re uniquely different. Make sure where they hangout is different, where they are in the journey of life is different, and how they see themselves is different.

2) Start with your top 1 or 2 ideal customers – 80% of your business. You can always add more “ideal customers” later on, and I recommend getting the low hanging, obvious fruit first.

To Do

Answer the questions above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


There are three core aspects of your business to define before moving forward:

  1. Why you do what you do
  2. Who you/your business are/is
  3. How you help your customers (products and/or services) / What you do

If you're well-established, you can likely easily answer these questions; however, you probably haven't really “defined” them and mapped them out. I urge you to take the time to do this as it'll make the sales funnel development much simpler.

Why You Do What You Do

Why do you do what you do?

What's your mission?

Most people don't start a coaching, consulting, or service-based business accidentally.

What makes you leap out of bed in the morning? Is it to talk to clients? Help people? Make money? Is it creating or building?

What is it?

This doesn't have to be an official statement that you're going to put on your website. No one else is ever going to see it (unless you want them to).

It simply serves as a reminder when times get tough and helps you make decisions that align with your purpose.

It makes life easier.

Who You/Your Business Are/Is

There are other people and businesses that do what you do.

This is a good thing. If other people are having success doing what you're doing – that means you can too.

It also means you have competition and need to figure out a way to stand out.

The best way to stand out? Your personality or persona.

Being generic will not work in this day and age.

“Different is BETTER than better” – Sally Hogshead

Where Will This Persona Be Used?

This persona will be used in the content you produce, the correspondence you send, and across your entire business.

If your persona is fun and outgoing – everything about your business should be fun and outgoing.

This persona will be the “face” of your business.

How To Figure Out Your Business's Persona

If you're a solopreneur, this is an easy one – you are the persona.

Being a coach, consultant, service-based business, speaker, author, etc. – people need to know, like, and trust you.

Let your freak flag fly! You'll attract those that connect with you and repel those that don't.

If you're a business with multiple employees, there are a few ways to decide on your business's persona:

  1. Assume the personality of the owner/founder/CEO
  2. Develop a business persona that will connect with your ideal customer
  3. Have multiple personas. It's certainly acceptable to have multiple personalities, especially if you operate with a large team. The overall “feel” should be similar; however, each team could have their own persona for how they connect with customers.

Your Products And Services

The products and services you sell essentially translate to, “How you help people”.

Knowing what products and services come next in your customers' lifetime will help you deliver more value, which means increased revenue for your business.

Most of the time, coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses offer a wide array of products and services. This is great because you have a lot to choose from; however, so do your customers and if they don't have a clear path toward success – they'll get confused and choose nothing.

You need to take the time to map out your products and services to give your customers a clear path to success.

The Value Ladder (“The Map”)

Value Ladder

The concept and implementation of a Value Ladder is what propelled my personal coaching, consulting, and service-based business from break-even to profitable.

It's simple, but powerful.

The idea is to offer products and services at varying levels of price and value while having each tier lead into the next one. Thus, over the lifetime of a customer, they're “ascending” your Value Ladder and you always have something to sell them.

The break down:

  • Lead Magnets are usually freebies (coupons, videos, checklists, etc.) that attract and qualify leads
  • Initial Offers are lower-end products/services that are ideally “too good to refuse” and get people in the door
  • 1st Tier Offers are usually your core product or service and bring in about 80% of your sales
  • 2nd Tier Offers are the “next” level up from the 1st tier
  • Top Tier Offers are the best you have to offer, the full shebang!

Being that most coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses offer a wide array of products and services – the Value Ladder will be a bit more “advanced”:

Value Ladders Inside A Value Ladder

Yup, Value Ladders inside of Value Ladders!

This will be explained through several examples.

Crazy Eye Marketing (digital products, coaching, consulting, services)

  • Digital Products
    • Lead Magnets: Checklists, videos, trials, discounts
    • Initial Offers: “Cheaper” products and courses
    • Top Tier: The Sales Funnel Training Vault
  • Coaching (Group Setting, Recurring)
    • Initial Offer: Monthly package
    • 1st Tier: 6 month package
    • Top Tier: Lifetime coaching package
  • Consulting (Private)
    • Initial Offer: 1 hour
    • 1st Tier: 4 hours
    • Top Tier: Custom
  • Services (Done For You)
    • Initial Offer: Small, simple, one-off jobs
    • Top Tier: Custom

Financial Advisor (digital products, services)

  • Digital Products (SaaS service similar to Mint and/or Wealthfront)
    • Lead Magnets: Trial
    • Initial Offer: Self managed
    • Top Tier: Professionally managed
  • Services
    • Lead Magnet: 7 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Financial Advisor
    • Initial Offer: Free 15 minute Q&A
    • Top Tier: Investment management, retirement planning, college planning, estate planning, debt reduction strategy

Dentist (services)

  • Services
    • Lead Magnet: Free teeth cleaning
    • Initial Offer: Teeth whitening
    • 1st Tier: Cavities, fillings, and other minor fixes
    • Top Tier: Braces
    • Recurring: 6 month appointments

As you can see in the examples above, some Value Ladders have several tiers while others only have a few.

The take away is you offer different products and services at different price points and value that ideally “ascend” individuals to the next thing you offer. However, there are instances where they may skip a tier or two in the process, for example with the dentist – a person doesn't need a cavity before they can get braces. Likewise, with Crazy Eye Marketing – someone doesn't need to hire me for coaching before I will do a custom job for them. That would be silly!

To Do

  • Write down why you do what you do
  • Write down Who you/your business are/is
  • Map out your Value Ladder(s) – How you help your customers (products and/or services) / What you do

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


The “Delivery” simply represents the way in which you deliver your products and services.

This obviously depends upon what you offer. For example, the dentist will need a place to see clients – he can't offer virtual root canals.

However, in this day and age, most coaching and consulting can be achieved over the Internet from the comfort of one's home.

So, it really depends – but you're an adult and I'm sure you know what you need in order to deliver what you offer.

Make Sure You Own It

I will say this – make sure you own your method of delivery.

For example, you wouldn't want to run your entire business off Facebook. What if Facebook decides you broke their terms of service and locks your account? What would you do then?

Another example, a lot of coaches run their business on Udemy. I'll agree, Udemy is convenient and brings in new customers; however, Udemy controls pricing and how you can engage with your customers. You can't email them whatever or whenever you want. You're at the mercy of the Udemy gods … which isn't a place you want to be.

A final example, many businesses are dependent upon Google and SEO to deliver their traffic. But, what happens if Google changes their algorithm and your business falls off the front page? Could you survive? Do you have a backup plan? If you own an email list, know how to grow it, and know how to sell to it – you won't need Google.

You need to have your own website, your own email list, your own setup. Something no one can take away from you.

Of course, use the other platforms and tools available in order to build your platform, but never be dependent upon them.

My Coaching, Consulting, and Services Setup

To give you an idea of how my business is setup, I've listed the key components below so you have some direction. If you'd like more details or specifics, please let me know.

  • NameCheap: Domain registrar.
  • a2Hosting: Managed VPS, Prestige+ package. Hosts my website.
  • WordPress: Content Management System. “Is” my website. [/fusion_builder_column]
  • Avada Theme: Page builder and general look of my site.
  • MemberMouse: Membership plugin that handles digital product delivery and coaching packages.
  • Gravity Forms: “One off” payments and contact forms.
  • ActiveCampaign: Email automation.
  • Thrive Leads: Opt-in forms and lead capture.
  • Stripe: Payment processing.
  • Vimeo: Private, members only video hosting.

To Do

If you do not already have a method of delivery or you're too dependent on a 3rd party, take 10 minutes to think about your business and what you need to take control over how it's handled.

Write down your thoughts.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Meat”

The “Meat” is simply a fancy name I came up with to define all the content within your sales funnel. This includes everything:

  • Sales pages to landing pages
  • Ads to emails
  • Blog posts to YouTube videos
  • Social media shares to podcast interviews
  • and beyond!

It's how you communicate with your customers.

While there are a million and one ways to strategize and handle all these aspects – they all have one thing in common, they need to drive action.

What do I mean by “action”? Mainly purchases, but this also includes things that lead up to the purchases like clicks, phone calls, foot traffic, etc.

All the things you need for your business to be successful.

Now for the question, “How does one drive action through their content?”


You Must Learn Copywriting

What's copywriting? Well, this is probably the “most fun” explanation; however, it's a combination of art and science paired with the written word, video, images, etc. that motivates an individual to take action.

Being that it's both an art and a science, it takes years of dedicated study to fully master.

Having said that, I know you're a business owner and entrepreneur and likely lack the time required to fully master this skill; however, you should pursue every avenue possible to become a better copywriter.

Here are 4 tips that will make your copy better, instantly:

1) Write As Your Business's Persona

We talked about your business's persona above and hopefully you took the time to define it. That exercise will come in handy here.

Use pronouns like I, me, you, we, he, she, etc.

Use slang, jargon, market specific terminology, and inside jokes that your audience will connect with.

Write like you talk. Use bold, italic, and underline.

Remember, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. If you don't write like yourself, they'll never get to know you.

2) Write To Your Customer

Inline with tip #1 above – write to your customer.

Consider your writing a private letter to your ideal customer … a dear friend.

What would you tell them? How would you explain things?

Write like that.

3) Use Bullets and “Which Means”

People don't read on the web – they skim.

Bullets are easily skimmed and are therefore consumed much more easily and readily than paragraph content.

So, how do you write great bullets?

Simple, follow these steps:

  1. Write down a feature of your product or service
  2. Write the phrase “which means” directly after the feature
  3. Tell the reader what that feature means to them
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have a few alternative definitions
  5. Consolidate into 1 quickly consumable bullet


  • Includes 9 fill-in-the-blank email series which means your email writing is essentially done for you which means you can implement autoresponder series faster which means you can make more money which means you'll live a great life!
  • You'll start living the good life faster than ever before after implementing our 9 fill-in-the-blank email series!

4) Use Copywriting Formulas And Frameworks

There are a lot of copywriting formulas and frameworks that can help you focus your efforts. Here are a few popular ones:

  • PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve): The problem defined. The feelings, emotions, pain, and agitation caused by the problem. How to solve the problem (your product/service).
  • BAB (Before, After, Bridge): The individual's life before your product or service enters the picture. How great their life is after your product or service. The bridge (your product/service) that connects the before to the after.
  • AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action): Grab the reader's attention, usually via the headline. Pull the reader in with an interesting story and connect with them on a deeper level, show them what's possible. Make them desire what you presented as the moral of your story by showing them they're capable of the same thing. Give them a place to take action and fulfill their desire (ie. a sales page or order form).
  • Want more? Click here for 27 copywriting formulas.

The “Other” Stuff

If you learn how to write great copy, the “other” stuff (pages, forms, ads, emails, etc.) becomes technical constraints that can be easily overcome.

There are tools for everything imaginable with new ones coming all the time.

As long as you can master the creation of action driving content and develop a baseline understanding of the tools to facilitate the spread of that content – your business will thrive.

Learn everything you need to know about the “other” stuff by joining The Sales Funnel Training Vault!

To Do

Focus your efforts on developing great content that follows the art and science of copywriting.

Revisit your sales pages and offers. Are you using paragraphs in places you could be using bullets? Are you writing to your customers as yourself? Are you utilizing sound copywriting formulas and frameworks in your writing?

If not, launch a split test with your old page vs. your new one utilizing the copywriting techniques outlined above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Simple” Sales Funnel

The “Simple” Sales Funnel, sometimes referred to as the “Straight Line Sales Funnel”, is simply a fancy way of saying email autoresponder series.

An email autoresponder series is a series of emails automatically sent to a subscriber.

While email autoresponder series and automations can be very complex, as you'll see in the “Advanced” Sales Funnel section, we're only going to talk about sending emails in a straight line, in this “Simple” section.

Here's an example:

Straight Line Sales Funnel

The Purpose Of A “Simple” Sales Funnel

There are a few reasons for this “Simple” Sales Funnel's existence:

  • This email series automatically builds and maintains a relationship with your leads and customers while simultaneously converting them to your way of thinking
  • This serves as the backbone for more complex email automations we’ll later build on
  • Your personal understanding. If you have trouble making emails trigger in a straight line, when we get into more advanced topics you’ll really struggle

How Many “Simple” Sales Funnels Should You Have?

Most of the time, you only need one. The type of content you send in this funnel is interesting to people interested in your type of business or industry.

For example:

  • People who are interested digital marketing and sales funnels
  • People who are interested in taking care of their personal finances
  • People who are interested in maintaining their family's dental health

There are a few instances where you may need 2 or more, for example if you're a lawyer and you have two facets to your business: legal counsel for clients and consulting for other lawyers.

In this case, your customers are tremendously different. People seeking legal counsel have very different interests than other lawyers seeking advice. In this case, you would likely want 2 different “simple” sales funnels.

If you have more than one “Simple” Sales Funnel, you need to segment individuals at the very beginning by asking them “who” they are.

What Type Of Content Should You Send?

Remember, the point of this particular sales funnel is to build and maintain a relationship and convert them to your way of thinking.

To accomplish this, send 3 types of emails:

  1. Educational – emails that teach people how to do something, about the market, about what’s happening, case studies, etc.
  2. Entertaining – emails that are “fun” like stories, case studies, testimonials, inside jokes, critiques, events, etc.
  3. Earning – emails that remind people you offer various products and services.

I’ve aptly named these emails the “3 E Emails”.

Now, this doesn’t mean an email can only be 1 of the Es at a time. Like, you can only send a boring how-to tutorial, or only send a silly cat video. That’s not what I mean. Your how-to tutorial should be entertaining and can even sell your product at the end. That’s like killing 3 birds with one stone!

However, each email should have 1 core focus.

Is the primary aim of the email to educate, entertain, or earn?

  • Educational emails tend to build relationships while converting people to your way of thinking
  • Entertaining emails tend to build and maintain relationships
  • Earn emails tend to ring the cash register


Crazy Eye Marketing

  • Educational: Send a link to a video showing how to add an opt-in form to a website.
  • Entertaining: Share a case study where we split tested several opt-in forms and were able to increase the conversion rate by 57%.
  • Earn: Send a 10% off coupon for our optimization course tteaching, step-by-step, how to split test and optimize your opt-in forms.

Financial Advisor

  • Educational: Explain the differences and how to get the most out of the various retirement income streams: annuities, social security, pensions, etc.
  • Entertaining: Share the story of a successful client that has been with you for the last 10 years, gone through multiple trials and tribulations; however, finally retired and is now traveling the world!
  • Earn: Click here to schedule a free consultation with me!


  • Educational: Share a list of 7 strategies for getting your children to brush their teeth for the appropriate amount of time.
  • Entertaining: Send a cute video that shows various animals getting their teeth brushed and enjoying it (my son would love this!).
  • Earn: Did you know? We offer free checkups for walk-ins? We do! Visit us today and make sure your mouth is in good shape!

Where Do You Get Content?

Being that you're a coach, consultant, or service-based business and people need to know, like, and trust you – you need to create your own content.

You can't outsource this.

Sure, there are people and businesses that can help you come up with a plan, piece it together, and write the “connecting” material (that's what I do 😉 ); however, the “real” content has to come from you and/or your business.

There's no other way around it.

Of course, this requires a blog or pages setup to present the content.

And remember, content doesn’t necessarily mean blogging. While you still want to display the content on your site to “bring people back”, it could be video, audio (podcasts), images, etc.

For example, if my brother is your target audience, blogging is a terrible idea. He doesn’t read anything and you need to draw him in with video.

HOWEVER, and it’s a pretty big one – Google can’t really “watch” videos. It won’t matter how good your video content is from a search engine perspective. Blogging is still the #1 way to rank in the search results.

The Most Epic Blogging Strategy Of All Time

Here's the best way I've found to approach your content creation strategy:

  1. Write the most epic post for your ideal customer, as it relates to how they see themselves and how it relates to your business/industry. If that is too esoteric, think of it as, “How does your business help people go from point A (where they are now) to point B (where they want to be/how they see themselves).” (3,000+ words)
    • The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses
    • The Ultimate Guide To Retiring “Right” So You Can Travel The World
    • From Baby To Adult, How To Care For Your Child's Teeth
  2. Write more in-depth articles for each individual section of your “epic” post. (500-1,000 words)
    • 3 Sales Page Formulas That Will Increase Your Conversion Rates
    • 5 Things To Do 3 Years Before You Retire
    • How To Get Your 2 Year Old To Brush All His Teeth (I need this one!)
  3. Write case studies, testimonials, reviews, etc. and/or create videos and/or pdf checklists for each of the “more in-depth” articles. (500-1,000 words and/or 3-5 minute video and/or a 1 page checklist)
    • Share case studies of the sales page formulas
    • Go into even more depth on the 5 things you spoke about in the last article
    • 3 Toothbrushes That'll Make Your 2 Year Old Want To Brush Their Teeth!

Of course, you link your products and services as they “fit” the particular articles.

How Often Should You Email?

This answer varies from industry to industry; however, normally – two to four times a week. The first 3-5 emails are sent daily, no matter what, because this is when the lead is “hot”.

During the “Advanced” Sales Funnel portion, there will be more instances where you email daily because the lead will “tell” you they’re “hot” again.

To Do

  • Write down 3 EPIC blog post ideas

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

Lead Magnets

A Lead Magnet can be best thought of as a freebie that motivates individuals to give you their contact information.

Upon receiving the individual's contact information, they're transformed into a lead and begin the journey down your sales funnel.

A few example Lead Magnets formats include coupons, checklists, videos, eBooks, webinars, mini-courses, trial, and other resources.

Beyond the format of the Lead Magnet, there's also the type:

  1. General
  2. Specific

General Lead Magnets

A General Lead Magnet is attractive to anyone who visits your website and is usually presented as a form on most pages of your site. The form can be a lightbox, landing mat, sidebar, bar/ribbon, slide-in, etc.

For example, this General Lead Magnet can be found in the side bar of most blog posts on Crazy Eye Marketing:

General Lead Magnet Example

It's “general” in that nearly anyone that visits Crazy Eye Marketing for any reason will be interested in email marketing.

Specific Lead Magnets

A Specific Lead Magnet is attractive to individuals interested in a certain product/service or topic and many times is presented as a Squeeze Page (although, this isn't always the case).

What's a “Squeeze Page”?

A Squeeze Page is a page dedicated to one thing and one thing only – “squeezing” the contact information out of a visitor, turning them into a lead.

Here's an example:

That's an entire page with only two options:

  1. Click the yellow button to receive the nine steps
  2. Leave

It's also “specific” in that only people interested in creating information products would be interested in this.

Specific Lead Magnets Should Also…

  1. Pre-qualify leads (ie. individuals only interested in creating information products)
  2. Setup the sale of the “next step” ie. the Initial Offer as defined in your Value Ladder

Anton of Performance Marketer does both of these wonderfully … check out the Thank You page after opting in for the “9 Steps”:

Spectacular! A course on creating info products!

I imagine, if I don't buy his course right away, his autoresponder series will work its magic and sell me on it!

The good news? You can do this type of thing, too!

To Do

Think about what the average visitor to your website would be interested in. Write down 3 ideas for your General Lead Magnet.

Think about your products and services. What could you offer individuals to pre-qualify them AND move them to purchase that particular product or service. Write down 3 ideas for each product/service you offer.

Eventually, you'll actually turn these ideas into Lead Magnets.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Advanced” Sales Funnel

The “Advanced” Sales Funnel is driven by interests, hence why I coined it the “Interest Driven Sales Funnel”.

In essence, people join your email list and based on the links they click, pages they view, and lead magnets they request – you send relevant emails in order to try and sell a product.

Here's what an Interest Driven Sales Funnel looks like:

Interest Driven Sales Funnel

The left hand side shows the “Simple” or “Straight Line” Sales Funnel (also called the “Main Series”).

As previously mentioned, this autoresponder series acts as the backbone for your Interest Driven Sales Funnel. As it sends emails that follow the 3 E strategy (entertain, educate, earn), it automatically pays attention to how people respond to certain emails.

If people respond a certain way (show interest), a “Micro Sales Funnel” (Product / Service Sales Funnel) will automatically trigger. The point of the Micro Sales Funnel is to sell a product or service.

You will likely have lots of Micro Sales Funnels. Ideally, one for each product and/or service you offer.

Here’s an example:

Product Service Funnel

Note: A Micro Sales Funnel may differ from the above example based upon what you’re attempting to sell, your Value Ladder, and your approach.

Quick Explanation

No matter what the Micro Sales Funnel looks like, the start and end will look the same.

The Start

The Start occurs when an individual shows interest in a product/service you offer or a topic you talk about. We can gauge interest by tracking their link clicks, Specific Lead Magnet requests, page views, and via points (if you use a CRM).

The End

The End occurs when an individual has gone through the entire Micro Sales Funnel. If the individual went straight into the Micro Sales Funnel by requesting a Specific Lead Magnet and they have yet to enter the “Main Series” (Straight Line Sales Funnel) – they’ll now enter the Main Series starting at the beginning.

If the individual was in the Main Series, showed interest in a product/service by clicking a link, and entered a Micro Sales Funnel – upon entering the Micro Sales Funnel, their “trip” down the Main Series is paused, and upon exiting the Micro Sales Funnel, they resume their “trip” down the Main Series.

The Rest

Action Series

A few emails that attempt to drive action, ie. a purchase of the product or service the individual has shown interest in.

Did Action Happen?

If the desired action was taken, go to the Upsell Series.

If the desired action was not taken, go to The End.

Upsell Series

An email or two that attempt(s) to either sell more or the next product/service.


Crazy Eye Marketing

An individual joins the email list by opting in for a Specific Lead Magnet that offers a “Lead Magnet Essentials Checklist”. It's specific, I know the individual is interested in creating Lead Magnets.

We then send 3 emails about Lead Magnets and attempt to sell the corresponding Lead Magnet course.

  • Email 1: Case study, show differences between good vs bad Lead Magnets. Include link to course, as the final thought of the email (PS line).
  • Email 2: Explain how a good Lead Magnet lowers ad spend, increases authority, etc. While a bad Lead Magnet will cost a lot more to advertise, may attract the wrong people, may hurt your business in the long run. PS line includes a link to the course.
  • Email 3: Sell course, maybe offer discount, last time you'll hear me talk about it.

Let’s pretend on Email 2 they purchase the course. We then end that series (we won’t send email 3) and launch into our Upsell Series where we send 2 emails that attempt to sell the Sales Funnel Training Vault.

  • Email 1: Explain how Lead Magnets are just 1 piece of a much larger puzzle.
  • Email 2: Share a “Before-After-Bridge” story of my life before I fully grasped sales funnels, my life after I understood sales funnels, and show how I got to this point; you can too with The Sales Funnel Training Vault.

After completing the Upsell Series, they enter our Main Series from the beginning where we begin to build and maintain a relationship and gauge interest(s).

Financial Advisor

An individual has been on our email list and in our Main Series for a few weeks when they receive a 3 E email about “how to make sure your money lasts while in retirement”. They click the link contained in the email.

By clicking the link, we know they’re interested in “how to make sure your money lasts while in retirement”. We pause the Main Series and trigger 3 emails (Action Series) about that topic, while promoting our products/services.

Goal of these emails: Get individual to schedule a call

  • Email 1: 5 Strategies For Controlling Your Spending, So You'll Never Run Out Of Money
  • Email 2: Should You Handle Your Own Money In Retirement?
  • Email 3: The True Story Of Sarah And John. Tell a story of a couple that retired and traveled the world without worry because their finances were handled by a professional.

No Upsell Series here. Due to the fact financial investment is a very personal topic and event, we only need to get them to give us their money once, becoming their “financial guy/gal”.

After the Action Series, the individual resumes the Main Series exactly where they left off.


An individual registers for their 6 month checkup. On the checkout page, we ask if they also want to get their teeth whitened at a discounted rate. If they say no, we ask again on the Thank You Page (1-click upsell). If they say no again, we send 1 email – “Last Chance: Teeth Whitening” where we offer them one last chance to get the teeth whitened at the discounted rate.

More On Interest Driven Sales Funnels

Providing tailored content to your audience increases conversions. You have to provide content people are interested in or they leave without buying. An Interest Driven Sales Funnel automatically adjusts to peoples' interests based on their actions and sends content they actually want.

It's an incredibly powerful strategy that any business can benefit from.

Click here to learn more and checkout more Product/Service Sales Funnels!

To Do

  • Pick a product or service that has a Specific Lead Magnet or piece of content (blog post, video, etc.) tied to it. Write 3-5  Action Series ideas (like I did above) on how to convert those leads (individuals who showed interest in that topic or product/service) into customers.
  • Write down 1-3 Upsell Series ideas if they purchase that product/service from you (if applicable).

Note: Many of these emails will likely link to blog posts and other content you’ve created, fitting nicely within the Epic Blogging Strategy I outlined above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


There are as many ways to drive traffic as there are people on this planet, so it's impossible to discuss them all in detail in one blog post; however, I'll share several strategies that'll frame how you should look at traffic generation.

Before I get to the rules, I want you to know that I break advertising into two categories that incorporate both online and offline methods:

  1. “Free” Advertising: A form of advertising that costs time. Examples include SEO, Social Media, Podcasts, and Cold Calling.
  2. Paid Advertising: A form of advertising that costs money. Examples include Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Newspaper and Radio Ads.

#1 Advertise Where Your Audience Hangs Out

Makes sense, right?

Make sure you're abiding by this rule, otherwise all other actions are futile.

#2 Have Multiple Streams

You never, ever, want to be dependent upon one single source of traffic. Platforms change, algorithms change, new platforms emerge, people move – things change.

You never want to have your entire business dry up overnight, trust me. I was solely dependent on Google, one little algorithm change and my business had to shut its doors.

The ideal situation is to have a mixture of “free” and paid traffic coming to your business.

#3 Patience

Whether you're dealing with “free” or paid traffic, it's going to take time and/or money to get platforms figured out.

In 2016, SEO typically takes between 9-12 months before it starts to show.

Social media, unless you gain some virality, typically takes a long time to grow a following. Even if you “go viral” you still have to capture and maintain that relationship (ideally by adding them to your sales funnel) – or you're just a flash in the pan.

Paid traffic comes with a learning curve. Most of your ad campaigns will fail at first. It will take time and money to figure out what does and doesn't work with regard to your particular market and business.

Basically, you can't spend $10 and expect magical results. Expect to spend over $1,000 before you start figuring out a particular paid traffic source.

#4 Measure Everything

You have to measure your results, otherwise you'll make bad decisions.

Google Analytics is a great, free tool that can help with tracking.

Most paid advertising platforms have the advantage of built in tracking.

You have to track your numbers.

Think about Shark Tank for a second. If anyone walks into “The Tank” and doesn't know their numbers … they're eaten alive!

Don't get eaten alive!

Know your numbers.

To Do

Consider your audience. Think about where they hangout, whether online or offline. Write down a mixture of 5 “free” and paid traffic sources to reach your audience in these locations.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


Unfortunately, you cannot optimize something you don’t have – so, you need to implement the marketing strategy you drafted with the help of this post.

However, when you begin optimizing your sales funnel, there are ways to think about it on macro and micro levels.

Macro Level

Your entire sales system is an integrated system.

Who your customers are, where they hangout, how you present your business, how you deliver your products, your product listings, your pages, your emails, your ads … it’s all integrated and how well one part performs affects the other parts.

For example, if you’re advertising to the wrong people, it doesn’t matter how good everything else is, your entire system will fail.

If you’re unable to match your products to your customers' needs, your entire system will fail.

The Golden Rule

Start at the beginning.

If you’re having trouble with your sales system, start at the beginning – with your customers. If you’re absolutely positive you’re attracting the correct customers, move on to your business – how you portray yourself, what you sell and how you sell it (Value Ladder).

Does everything make sense? Is the “flow” of the Value Ladder natural? Is your business’s persona coming across as sincere or insincere?

How are your products listed on your sales pages? Do you have high quality photos? Good copy that’s attractive to your ideal customer? Is the checkout process easy?

Work your way through the entire system, piece by piece.

If the early stuff isn’t right, it won’t matter how good the later stuff is, no one will ever get to it.

Micro Level

Beyond optimizing at the Macro Level, you have the Micro Level – and, to be honest, this is what most people focus on already.

These are things like email subject lines, page titles, calls-to-actions (CTA), ads, etc.

The good part is, a few % increases here and there can increase the performance of the entire system very quickly.

For example:

Sales Funnel Optimization Example

A few minor tweaks (all 5% increases or less) to the ad, squeeze page, thank you page, action series, and upsell series resulted in 10 more customers than before and 2 additional upsells.

Imagine if only the ad’s CTR increased … what would happen …

Sales Funnel Optimization Example 2

We’d still add 4 more customers!

It’s amazing what even a half-percent change can do!

To Do


>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

How To Implement

This post should have your Coaching, Consulting, or Service-Based Business on a path for success; however, there’s still a lot of work and technical understanding that needs to happen.

There’s still …

  • Email marketing automation configuration
  • Landing page and opt-in form integration
  • Advertising campaign launches and optimization
  • Tracking tools and pixels to implement
  • Various other areas that’ll need tweaking

Of course, you can piecemeal all this together from various sources, or you can save a bunch of time, effort, and energy by joining The Vault!

The Vault includes all the training, resources, and support you need to implement everything you planned above!

Click here to see how The Vault can help your business!

The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses2020-04-04T14:46:43+00:00

Top 3 Email List Growing Tools (That Are Free!)

You already know that having an email list is important otherwise you wouldn't be here, reading this article.

So, I'm going to get right into it …

Why These 3 Tools?

They Work Everywhere

WordPress sites get a lot of love and there are a million and one optin plugins available for that platform; however, not every site runs WordPress.

There are also Ecommerce stores, custom coded sites, and other content management systems that need tools to grow their email lists.

The 3 tools below work on any type of site – just add a small snippet of code to your header and you'll be good to go!

They Have Quality Free Versions

The free versions of these tools are more than enough to get you started growing your email list.

And, 9 times out of 10, the free version will do all you need it to and you'll never need to upgrade to the “pro” versions.

They Work With Most “Big” Autoresponder Tools

No matter what autoresponder tool you use, be it ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, Aweber, GetResponse, Constant Contact, and beyond … one of these tools will work.

The 3 Tools

1. SumoMe (

sumome logo

SumoMe is a suite of free tools that can be used to grow your website’s traffic. Four of the tools inside SumoMe that work great for growing your email list are the List BuilderWelcome Mat, Smart Bar, and Scroll Box.

The SumoMe suite also includes a few other tools like Heat Maps, Social Sharing, Highlighter, and more … making it a “true” all-in-one solution.

I also really like that SumoMe works nicely with Zapier – a service that connects over 500 services together.

What I don't like about SumoMe is that the free version doesn't include split testing and the pro version is a lot more expensive than it's competitions' pro versions.

2. HelloBar (


Hello Bar offers similar tools as SumoMe with regards to list building, but they don't have any other tools like heat maps and social sharing.

They offer optins in the form of a bar, modal, slider, and page takeover. Unfortunately I can't link to these optins because you have to be logged in to Hello Bar to learn more about them.

What I like most about Hello Bar is their split testing functionality is available in their free version (unlike SumoMe).

What I don't like is that they don't work natively with ActiveCampaign and I have to “hack” it together to make it work.

3. MailMunch (


MailMunch is the newest of these 3 tools and it brings similar forms – popup, top bar, and slide box.

But, what it has over the other services is the “embedded” form which enables you to place an optin form anywhere on your website. This way you're not “bothering” people with popups, bars, and boxes – so, that's pretty cool!

What I don't like about MailMunch is that their free optin forms are fairly plain and to unlock the “prettier” forms costs at least $13.30/mo. Which, at this point, you might as well go with something more powerful like OptinMonster.

Zero Excuses

Now that you know about these 3 tools, you have zero excuses for not growing your email list!

Top 3 Email List Growing Tools (That Are Free!)2018-03-12T09:52:23+00:00

The Tools We Use To Build Our Sales Funnels

All of the tools, services, and resources listed below are used by Crazy Eye Marketing to build our own personal sales funnels.

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, we earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. As previously stated, we both use and love these tools and stand behind our recommendations 100% and would recommend them with or without the commission.

Micro Sales Funnels


ClickFunnels – OMG, ClickFunnels is hands down the best tool for building Micro Sales Funnels on the market. If you're looking to build sales funnels in a few hours as opposed to weeks or even months, you need to check out ClickFunnels.

Marketing Automation


ActiveCampaign – A little bit newer than many of the “big” name email autoresponder tools out there; however, that’s a good thing because it’s been built with the latest technology and features in mind. Get the same functions and features as a $300/mo service at 1/6th the price. I can’t say enough great stuff about this tool!

  • Want to learn how to master ActiveCampaign? Click Here!

Web Hosting


SiteGround – This is the service we use for Crazy Eye Marketing, and we're happy with it. We're currently on their $80/mo Cloud Hosting plan.

Domain Registration


NameCheap – Easy to use. Great price. Lots of features. And there are always coupons available at

WordPress Theme

Avada Theme

Avada Premium WordPress Theme – I’ve used A LOT of premium WordPress themes from Thesis to Genesis to WooThemes and everything in between. Avada has been the easiest, prettiest, and most versatile theme I’ve come across.

Forms / Opt-ins

Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms – My favorite WordPress plugin ever. Create beautiful forms that connect to hundreds of services like ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, Dropbox, Freshbooks, Agile CRM, and more! Create polls, surveys, and user registration forms. The possibilities with this plugin are seemingly endless.

Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads – THE ultimate opt-in form plugin for WordPress users. Create opt-in forms in minutes. Easily build lightbox opt-ins, exit popups, slide-ins, full page forms, split tests, and more. An incredibly solid tool for a great price. I use it on all of my sites.


Google Analytics

Google Analytics – It's free. It's powerful. It plays nicely with many other tools like WordPress and ActiveCampaign. What's not to like?!

Membership & Training


Teachable – A premium Learning Management System (LMS) that we use to run The Vault. It's easy to create a school, courses, manage students, and more. Plus, it's a stable platform where you don't have to worry about having plugins or updates break everything.


ActiveMember360 – This is a WordPress plugin that integrates with ActiveCampaign (our marketing automation tool). This makes things ultra-easy to keep synced and if you use ActiveCampaign, I highly recommend this plugin.

Payment Processors


Stripe – Accept credit cards directly on your site. Very low fees, lots of integrations, subscription services, and more. We use Stripe on all of our sites!


ThriveCart – A new shopping cart platform that I am a beta user for. There are still a few kinks in it; however, it's currently handling all orders on Crazy Eye Marketing! It integrates nicely with Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and a several membership platforms to include OptimizeMember.

Backend Management / Planning


Trello – The best project management tool I’ve ever come across … and the free version will probably suit most needs! It’s real easy to coordinate with team members, add files from Google Drive and Dropbox, add notes, and more!

Google Apps

Google Apps – Handles pretty much everything from email to file sharing to scheduling to video chatting … everything. It’s Google.

The Tools We Use To Build Our Sales Funnels2019-11-03T15:32:39+00:00

First Thoughts: What Are Smart Sales Funnels?

There’s a new phrase floating around the Internet concerning a “new” technology called “Smart Sales Funnels”.

This post aims to tell you what they are, how they work, how they can help your business, and a strategy for setting them up.

What Are Smart Sales Funnels?

A smart sales funnel is a website, seamlessly integrated with an email autoresponder, that adjusts per each visitor depending upon where they are in the sales process.


A visitor lands on your website for the first time ever. The goal at this point would be to get the person to join your email list so you can begin building a relationship.

In order to accomplish this goal, you’ll display opt-in forms and lead magnets, trying to entice the visitor to give you their contact information.

So, let’s say you’re successful and collect the contact information. Now, the next time the individual visits your site, you won’t show them opt-in forms and lead magnets, instead you may show them information about your company and/or attempt to get them to make an initial purchase.

Now, let’s say, they looked at one of your products, but didn't make a purchase. You’ll now be able to use the email portion of the smart sales funnel to “remind” them they were checking out the product. You can include some extra helpful information that would persuade them to make a purchase.

You would also be able to change the website to display more information on the particular product – like, more links to it, more reviews, more information – to help drive the visitor back.

Or, you could work on an up-sell or down-sell – show them similar, but different products in order to get them to convert.

“New” Technology?

I want to take a moment to point out that this isn't really a “new” concept or strategy.

Websites have always done their best to display unique content per each visitor. For example; depending on how you landed on a site – the website may be able to tell if you’re a male or a female and adjust its content based on what it concludes.

Or, it may adjust the content based on your geographic location. For example; if you’re in the USA – it may display one image; whereas, if you’re in the UK – it may display another image.

Think about “big” sites like Amazon – if you simply glance at a product – you’re probably going to receive an email about it. They’ll also recommend similar products in order to try and get you to make a purchase.

For example; I recently searched for an Adidas shirt and didn't make a purchase … now I see this on my Amazon homepage … a smart funnel in action!

Amazon Smart Funnel

Again, this isn't a “new” idea – everyone knows you want to make the visitor experience great and tailored to that individual, yet – not everyone has millions of dollars, like Amazon, to spend to make it all happen.

Needless to say, the concept and technology have “existed” for a while now; however, not at an “affordable” price point … until now! (we think*)

How Do Smart Sales Funnels Work?

Unfortunately, none of the plugins have been released yet – they’re that new. So, we don’t know exactly how they work, nor their pricing*; however, we can make an educated guess and describe how we would approach this concept.

First, you’ll download and install a plugin into a WordPress website.

If you don't have a WordPress website, we can set one up for you via 3 Step Sites.

Second, you’ll connect your email autoresponder service. Most quality email autoresponders have some sort of goal tracking [MailChimp's Goal Tracking | Active Campaign's URL Visited] that keeps track of what URLs people visit. This will help setup the email automation.

Third, you’ll have different shortcodes based on visitor information.

For Example:

For a new visitor you’ll have something like:

[new_visitor]Hello new visitor! Enter your email address below for exclusive offer![/new_visitor]

This will only display what’s between the two shortcodes to only those who meet the requirement, ie. New Visitor

Now, let’s say the person signs up for the exclusive offer and re-visits the site – for which you have a shortcode like:

[second_visit_email]Welcome back! We wanted to show you our flagship product because we really think it’ll be helpful to you![/second_visit_email]

Now, let’s say they click the product, but don’t make a purchase. This would send a signal to our email autoresponder that would send them an email about the product with more, exclusive information – maybe even a coupon?!

We could also setup another shortcode for this individual:

[clicked_flagship_product_no_purchase]Hi again! Here are a few other products you may be interested in – up-sell, down-sell[/clicked_flagship_product_no_purchase]

And so on, and so on – I think you get the gist.

Of course, there would be shortcodes for every type of scenario you could think of – no stone would be left un-turned!

Fourth, sit back and collect all the extra cash from your smart sales funnel!

Fifth, the fourth one was “kind of” a joke – yes, ideally, you’ll collect a lot more cash; however, there’s a lot of optimization that can, and should, be done. So, the “sitting” part – isn't too accurate.

How Would It Keep Track?

All of this information would probably be stored in a cookie and/or via IP – I can see some room for error here, because – what if the person opts-in the the email list while on their phone, and then comes back to the site via their work computer, and then again via their home computer. I don’t know how/if they’ll be able to keep everything properly coordinated – time will tell.

Again, this is just our “best guess” as to how these plugins will work. Once we get our hands on them, we’ll test drive them and I’m sure – implement them into our services.

The Problem With Smart Sales Funnels

The biggest problem I can see, is that when you create multiple levels and scenarios like this – it’s a lot of work.

What if they click this and not that?

What if they click both things?

What if they click this, that, and the other thing … but not this one thing?

Not to mention, you’ll still need to spend time optimizing each level.

As you can tell, it can get real messy, real fast … if you don’t have a plan in place before you get started!

The Solution

Have a plan before you dive into creating smart sales funnels.

Break your strategy into levels for specific goals – For example:

  • Level 1: Join email list
  • Level 2: Click on at least one of our three flagship products
  • Level 3: Make a purchase
  • Level 4: Recommend complementary products and services

Trust me on this one (because I've been there with a few of my membership sites) – if you don’t keep it simple – you will become overwhelmed. Having a bunch of – “What if they clicked this, that, and the other thing … but not this one thing” shortcodes lying around gets VERY confusing after a while, and it can become very hard to keep track of it all.

Final Thoughts On Smart Sales Funnels

While the smart sales funnel technology hasn't “officially” been released yet, we have a pretty good idea of how it will work.

We’re also very excited to get our hands on it and we're sure, when used properly, it will boost conversions!

Alas, this is more of a “nice to have” feature as opposed to a “need to have” feature … like a basic sales funnel.

So, start small – if you don’t have any sales funnel in place – start with a simple one like the Straight Line Sales Funnel. You can always make it more advanced later.

First Thoughts: What Are Smart Sales Funnels?2016-10-14T18:29:42+00:00