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HELP!! No one’s buying my stuff! Here’s how to craft Irresistible Offers people buy!

You have a product or service you want to sell…

So, you setup a website or sales funnel to try and buy it, but…

No one is buying it!

It sucks. But, I believe everyone who has ever tried to sell something has run into this problem… so, you're not alone.

This post serves as a guide to help you troubleshoot your problems so you can start to generate sales!

3 Thing To Look At / Think About

There are many reasons why people do and don't buy things; however, most (if not all) can be handled by focusing on 3 key areas:

  1. Introduction – How a prospect is introduced to your product/service
  2. Framing – The benefit/result your product/service provides
  3. Offer – Your product/service wrapped up in a nice, pretty box

These 3 key areas should be thought about in order AND all at once. Let me explain…

The Introduction is important because you need make a good first impression; however, depending on your Offer, your Introduction may change to better suit what you're going to try to sell the individual.

The point is, each area is critical and you need to focus on all 3 individually, but you must think about them holistically (big picture) as well. If you don't, your results won't be as good as they can be!

1) Introduction

The Introduction is where you think about the Customer Journey:

The Customer Journey

Where, on their journey, are they when they come across your product/service? (Note: from now on, instead of typing “product/service” each time, I'm just going to say “widget”, but I mean both products and services).

  • Are they aware they have a problem?
  • Are they aware there's a solution out there?
  • Are they aware of your widget?
  • Are they looking for widgets to buy?
  • Are they considering your widget?

Where they are in their journey will impact how you Introduce your widget.

If the individual has no idea they have a problem, then you can't scream, “Buy my widget!” at them – it's not going to work.

Conversely, if the individual is actively comparing widgets, screaming “Buy my widget at a discount!” might do the trick.

Also, you really need to consider your widget and align it with the Customer Journey. For example, if you sell a $10k coaching package, or even a $1,000 coaching, package for that matter – your prospect is going to need to know, like, and trust you before they hire you as a coach. Maybe they're aware they need coaching and they're aware of what you have to offer; however, they're trying to decide between you and two other coaching (Evaluation). What could you do, at this level of the Customer Journey, to move them onto the next level? Maybe a complimentary coaching call?

The point is, you may need to create other “widgets” to “sell” first, so they continue to move down the Customer Journey funnel with you and buy your “final” widget.

For example:

  • Content – blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc. that generate awareness and position you and your business as an authority
  • Lead Magnets – freebies in exchange for contact information. Usually PDFs, videos, coupons, etc.
  • Consultation – hop on a quick call to see if you'll be a good fit for each other
  • Cheap(er) Widget – a more affordable widget before purchasing more expensive widgets

To quickly summarize the Introduction section, you need to think about where your potential customer is in their Customer Journey and where your widget fits in. Then, you may need to backwards plan how to move the person through the Customer Journey by “selling” other “widgets” prior to them buying your “final” widget.

2) Framing

As previously mentioned, people buy and don't buy things for all types of reasons…

Some reasons are logical, while others are based on emotion.


Logical reasons are often results driven and “make sense”.

  • Results – I want X. Product Y will help me get X.
    • I want a hole in my wall. A drill will help me make a hole in my wall.
    • I want to get better at Facebook Ads. Nathan's Facebook Ads course will help me do that.
  • Makes Sense – There are “good” reasons to buy Product Y.
    • Cheaper
    • Faster
    • Stronger
    • Higher Quality
    • High Value


They say, most purchases are driven by emotions first, then backed by logical reasoning, so it's important to consider people's emotions as you frame your widget.

For example, you probably don't need to drive a Ferrari to pick up lunch from Chipotle… but, people do. Why?

  • Cool
  • Fun
  • Fast
  • Makes Me Feel Like I “Made It”
  • Make People Envy Me

Your objective now is to identify all of the Logical (results & makes sense) and Emotional reasons an individual would buy your widget. You then address each reason as you promote your widget!

3) Offer

The third step is to convert your widget into an offer.

A product or service is NOT an offer… and offers are what people buy.

So, what is an offer?

An offer is your product or service + everything else that comes with it…

  • Guarantee
  • Payment Option(s)
  • Scarcity
  • Other Benefits
  • Bonuses (HUGE!)

By “offeratizing” your widget, you're able to dramatically increase it's perceived value (make people think it's worth more), which will make selling it much easier!


Your widget should come with a guarantee of some sort. Whether it's a simple money back guarantee, a double your money back guarantee, lifetime guarantee, a guarantee your widget will save X amount of time, etc….

The point is, you should have a guarantee of some sort for your widget.

Payment Option(s)

If your widget is big and expensive, you probably want to offer payment plan options to make paying for it more reasonable.

Alternatively, if you have a cheaper product, but people might want to buy multiple quantities; you could incentivize the purchase of greater quantities by offering price breaks. For example, buy 1 get 1 for 50% off.


Is your offer going away soon? Is the price about to increase? Are you about to stop taking new clients?

If there's a reason someone should act now, make sure you address it!

Other Benefits

Does a percentage of your profits go to help a charity?

What are you doing with the money people are giving you? If you're giving back to the community, make sure you let people know!

Bonuses (HUGE!)

Bonuses are important!!!

There have been many times when people buy a widget simply because they want the bonus that comes with it! I recently purchased a YouTube Ads tool… not because I wanted the tool, but I wanted the course that came with it!

Frank Kern also uses a lot of insane bonuses which often “push” me over the edge!

Bonuses can make or break your offer!

Here are a couple ways to add bonuses to your offer:

  • Create multiple formats.
    • Ex. If you're selling a book, make sure you have a digital version, audio version, video version, abridged version, etc.
    • Ex. If you're selling videos, include a written version and/or checklists and other handouts to improve your offer
  • Include additional widgets that enhance your original widget.
    • Ex. Other resources and courses if you're selling software, training, coaching, or even physical products. By adding digital products to physical product offers, you can dramatically increase your offer's perceived value with very little effort!
      • Ex. If you're selling a first aid kit, you could also include an ebook of 51 life saving skills.
        • Pro tip: Create multiple formats of your bonuses (ie. a video version) to really increase the perceived value!
    • Ex. Batteries if you're selling something electronic.
    • Ex. Free coaching session(s) with purchase of high-end training.
    • Ex. Free or expedited shipping if you purchase $X amount of product or within Y amount of time.

Coming up with bonuses shouldn't be too difficult either… simply think about the problems your widget creates!

For example:

  • If you sell a training on one topic, it's going to open the door to dozens of other topics. For instance, I sell a course on ClickFunnels. It's a great course that teaches people everything they need to know about building sales funnels… but, then my student needs traffic (problem!). So, I have a training course on traffic, which opens more doors to more topics, and so on.
  • If you sell a flashlight, what problems will it create for people? Batteries, light bulbs, insurance/warranty if it breaks, etc.

No matter what you sell, it's going to create more “problems” for people and you can use these “problems” to help you generate ideas for bonuses and additional offers!

Putting It All Together

After analyzing your Introduction, Framing, and Offer, you want to incorporate your discoveries with ALL of your marketing efforts…

  • Your ads will target and speak to people based on where they are in their journey.
  • You may bring people to different “widgets” first to help move them through their journey OR you may take people directly to your offer.
  • Your widget's sales page and follow up will hit on the logical and emotional reasons people want your widget.
  • Your sales page will outline your entire offer and all its bells and whistles.

As you can tell, the information uncovered by going through these three steps will be used throughout your entire marketing effort…

By doing a good job and really evaluating everything, it will surely help you sell your stuff!

HELP!! No one’s buying my stuff! Here’s how to craft Irresistible Offers people buy!2018-12-07T20:58:53+00:00

The Affiliate Marketing Funnel

You've heard of affiliate marketing…

Maybe you've dabbled with it…

But, success has likely alluded you…

Which is why you're researching other ways to “do” affiliate marketing…

This post outlines how I do it successfully.

By the way, I have a 100% FREE Affiliate Marketing Course you can join by Clicking Here!

The Affiliate Marketing Funnel

This is it, the successful affiliate marketing strategy I follow…


It doesn't really matter where your traffic comes from… assuming you're advertising where your audience actually hangs out.

For simplicity's sake, most people can find a portion of their audience on Facebook, so that's a good place to start.

Hook vs Offer

There are two elements to consider when creating your ads…

  1. Hook: Main benefit, simplified
  2. Offer: What you're actually offering (article, lead magnet, product, etc.)

Some examples:

  • 4 Hour Work Week; Book
  • 1,000 Songs In Your Pocket; iPod
  • Big Profits From Small Stocks; Penny Stock Newsletter
  • Eat More, Weigh Less; Training Program
  • #MAGA; President

Ad Setup

  • Text Copy: Short, uncover the hook and lead into the offer with a Call To Action (CTA)
  • Image/Video: Typically reflects the Hook
  • Headline Copy: Typically reflects the Offer
  • Description Copy: Either hits on Hook again, or gives details about the Offer

Want more info on ads?

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!

Squeeze Page & Lead Magnet

I'm sure you already know what a Squeeze Page and Lead Magnet is, so I'm not going to waste time defining them…

Instead, we'll get straight into it.

Here are a few Lead Magnet ideas…

  • Make a short PDF: Checklist, Cheat Sheet, Mind Map, Resource List, etc.

Here's how you can make a Lead Magnet in 20 minutes!

  • Run a Contest/Drawing: Give away a product YOUR audience will like. It needs to be a specific product that ONLY YOUR audience will like. Don't give away an iPad or an Amazon gift card since everyone wants that and you'll attract people that don't actually care about the products/services you're going to offer them.
    • Side note: I've never had much success on turning Contest/Drawing subscribers into profitable customers. That doesn't mean you can't, just know that while they're “cheap” leads… you tend to get what you pay for.

Want more Squeeze Page & Lead Magnet ideas?

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!

Thank You Page

Most people aren't going to consume your Lead Magnet, even if it is only one page.

This kind of sucks because you want them to consume it as it establishes you and your business in their mind… so, when they see your emails and ads later on, they'll remember who you are.

So, on the Thank You page, you will want to include a video that introduces yourself,  your business, and walks the individual through the Lead Magnet they requested.

It can be a short, 3 minute video all the way to 90+ minutes. Just do what makes sense.

Finally, on this Thank You page, you will want to tell them what to do next…

  • Go to this affiliate product
  • Checkout this blog post
  • Access more training
  • etc.

Want more details on creating a successful Thank You Page?

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!

Series #

The Series represents both…

  1. Emails
  2. Retargeting Ads

You're going to “attack” people from multiple angles!

I recommend following the “Weekly Pushes Framework” for these series. Basically, you spend one week promoting one product, then move onto another affiliate product the next week.

  • Step 1: Pick the affiliate product you want to promote for the week
  • Step 2: Follow the pattern 3 and 2 for message delivery (ie. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)
    • Bridge/Email 1: Fun/personal/customer story/testimonial/experience
    • Bridge/Email 2: Promotion of Product
    • Bridges/Emails 3-4: Content on topic of Product
    • Bridge/Email 5: Content or Promotion

Want to learn more about the “Weekly Pushes Framework” and how to incorporate Retargeting Ads?

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!


This is how you connect YOUR audience to the affiliate offers you're promoting.

These bridges include the emails and ads you create…

But, they can be more complex than that…

They can also include standalone pages, videos, and even webinars if you REALLY want to promote the heck out of an affiliate offer!

Here's some common bridge type content:

  • Reviews
  • Training
  • Behind the scenes/unboxing
  • Stories
  • Content
  • Incentives

Want more Bridge ideas and to see a few examples?

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!

Affiliate Products

Finding affiliate products to promote is very easy since there are literally millions of products you can sell as an affiliate.

Two ways to find products to sell are:

1) Sell What You Already Use

  • Take products you already use and believe your audience will also like.
  • Head over to Google and search for that product while including the word “affiliate” in your search.
  • See if they have an affiliate program.
  • Register for it and begin promoting the product!

2) Browse Affiliate Network Directories

There are a bunch of affiliate networks to choose from. Here are a few of the bigger, more popular ones:

Simply head over to one of those directories and browse around until you find something you believe your audience will like.

Side note: I recommend actually buying what you're promoting so you can ensure its quality is up to par… you never want to disappoint your audience!

Join The FREE Affiliate Marketing Funnel Training!

That's the strategy behind the Affiliate Marketing Funnel!

Now, if you want more details and want to learn how to actually build it…

Click Here to join the FULL Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE!


The Affiliate Marketing Funnel2020-04-04T14:39:58+00:00

The Get Clients NOW! Funnel (Client Acquisition)

Do you sell high-end services, coaching, or consulting?

If so, there's a funnel to make the client acquisition process as smooth as butter!

I call it the “Get Clients NOW!” funnel; by utilizing proven strategies and tactics in combination with marketing automation and retargeting, you'll have more clients than you know what to do with!

Here's the funnel:

The Get Clients Now Client Acquisition Funnel

This post explains the strategy and tactics behind this funnel in great detail. And, if you need help with the technical side of things, there's over 3.5 hours of step-by-step video instruction.

Pre-Funnel Implementation

Before we can go out and build our funnel, we need to take time to answer some basic, but very important questions like…

  • Who are my customers?
  • What am I going to sell them?

So, let's figure out how to answer these questions!

Who Are My Customers?

It always amazes me how many people skip this step and jump straight into their product or service…

If you don't know who you're trying to reach… how are you going to be able to formulate an offer that fits their needs?

You can't.

Here are some things to think about:

  • Who do you want to work with?
    • Demographics
    • Profession
    • Interests
    • Requirements/Qualifications
  • How much do you want to make each year?
    • Annual Revenue Goal / Cost of Service = # of Clients Needed
      • Can you realistically service that many people?
      • Are there that many people to begin with?
      • Can that many people afford it?

Please think through all of these questions and come up with answers for them as it will help you tremendously in the long run.

Also, if you want more on Customer Avatars, please check out these two articles:

What Am I Going To Sell Them?

In the past, I really struggled with this question…

Since I provide digital marketing services, there's soooo much I can offer – websites, funnels, autoresponders, paid traffic, SEO, etc…

The problem is, when I offer “everything”, people get overwhelmed and can't make a decision. Heck, I get overwhelmed because every job winds up being 100% customized, which makes it incredibly time consuming and nearly impossible to scale.

To save you from the pain I've felt for years, you need to take the time NOW to figure out what you're going to offer.

Productized Services

What you want to offer people is a productized service.

A productized service is a service that includes clearly defined deliverables at a set price.

Some very common ones:

  • Haircut
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Massage
  • Botox
  • Teeth Cleaning
  • Fiverr

If you need more, simply Google “productized services examples”.

Productized services create a win-win-win scenario:

  • You don't have to offer quotes or do any sort of negotiation – it is what it is
  • Your client knows exactly what they're getting ahead of time
  • Your life is easier because you know what you have to produce, allowing you the opportunity to develop systems to produce your deliverables faster, cheaper, and at scale.

Productized Services Development

One of the best ways I've found to come up with a productized service is by filling in the blanks for this questions:

I do X, which includes A, B, and C. It costs Y and will be done in Z.

  • X = Name of your service
  • A, B, C, D, E… = Deliverables
  • Y = Cost of Service
  • Z = Timeframe

Example: I build Interest Driven Sales Funnels which includes strategy sessions, marketing automation development, 3 micro sales funnels, and 1 month of Facebook Ads management. It costs $5,000 and will be done in 8 weeks.

Once you have this high-level statement answered, you can break it down into more detail to truly outline the entire offer.

Content Pages/Videos

At this time, you should know who your customers are and what you're going to sell them.

Now, we need to “backwards plan” how to sell it to them.

The Content Pages are the first piece to this plan and their main purpose is to:

  • Pre-qualify and warm your audience
  • Position you as an authority

You will want 3-5 pieces of content to start as this will provide more angles and give you the opportunity to retarget and create automations.

You can produce articles and/or videos.

What Type Of Content?

This should go without saying, but the content you produce here needs to be good. It represents you and your business, so don't take any shortcuts.

The type of content that works best here are:

  • How-to, tips, tricks, hacks, etc. – Quick wins (get people results in advance)
  • Interesting facts/listicles

Try and keep your content 3-5 minutes in length (read time/video), although longer can work well too.

You want your content to go “viral”. Now, I don't mean like 8 million views viral, but viral in the sense that people in the audience your targeting LOVE it and click share, leave comments, etc.

Within your content, you want to place Calls-To-Action (CTAs) to move people toward your Lead Magnet and/or Strategy Call.

Example content titles for my Interest Driven Sales Funnel Service:

  • 3 simple ways to decrease CPA within Facebook ads in only 5 minutes
  • The 3 core funnels every business needs to multiply revenue automatically
  • Snag my top converting autoresponder series and configure it for your business in less than 20 minutes

Lead Magnet / Opt-in Page

As alluded to above, the content will “push” people toward your Lead Magnet / Opt-in / Squeeze page.

By offering a Lead Magnet, you can capture individuals' contact information to begin sending emails, text messages, and phone calls.

Of course, people don't just randomly pass out their contact info, so your Lead Magnet needs to be something people actually want – ie. it needs to be good.

Lead Magnets are typically 1-10 page PDF documents that are mini-guides, checklists, cheat sheets, frameworks, blueprints, flowcharts, etc.

They provide the high level strategy and tactics. (Give away the What and Why; sell the How)

Your Lead Magnet must also pre-sell your offer and your free strategy call.

How To Create The Perfect Lead Magnet

One of the key elements to having a successful Lead Magnet is title.

To ensure you have a great title, follow one of these formulas:

  • How to do [key improvement] in [amount of time] without [main pain point]
    • How to start a new business in 8 weeks without wasting countless hours and blowing $1,000s of dollars
  • X steps to [key improvement] in [amount of time] without [main pain point]
    • 8 steps to doubling your business in 56 days without becoming a full-time digital marketer

The content of your Lead Magnet can follow this flow:

  • Intro / Problem
    • Relate to your prospect
    • Present yourself as an authority… how’d you figure this out?
  • Give The Solution (whatever you promised)
    • Sections and Sub-sections
  • “Pitch” The Free Strategy Session

Lead Magnet Example:

  • Intro / Problem
    • So many guru strategies, spent 2 years floundering, lost everything, had to get a job, kept at it, figured out The Interest Driven Sales Funnel Strategy, quit my job, livin’ the dream!
  • Give The Solution (whatever you promised)
    • Master ClickFunnels
      • Types of funnels for different products/services
      • Results
    • Master ActiveCampaign
      • Types of automations
      • Fill-in-the-blank series
    • Master Facebook Ads
      • Types of campaigns
      • 3 key strategies for decreasing customer acquisition costs
  • “Pitch” The Free Strategy Session
    • Want to spend an hour with me to develop a customized Interest Driven Sales Funnel Plan for your business? It’s FREE!

The Welcome Page

Here's the deal, most people aren't going to consume your Lead Magnet… which, kinda sucks because you need people to consume it so they know you're the one they want to do business with.

The Welcome Page essentially “forces” people to consume your Lead Magnet!

On this page, you will want to include a video that contains the same information as your Lead Magnet and follows the same flow (intro, solution, pitch).

There is no time limit for this video. Make it as long as it takes to convey your message.

The Free Strategy Call

This is it, the #1 goal of the funnel – get people on the phone with you!

Here's the deal, you don't actually want to call this a “Free Strategy Call” – it's too vague and comes across as “sales call”. No one wants to hop on a sales call with you.

So, on this call, you're going to give the individual something, ie. a deliverable – personalized/customized blueprint/plan/framework/etc.


  • Free sales funnel blueprint to fit YOUR business
  • Free 30 day, metabolic optimization plan that fits YOUR unique body
  • Free, YOUR top 5-10 financial adjustments that will save you the most in retirement

That sounds better than a “free strategy call”, right?

You Have To “Sell” The Free Strategy Call

A lot of people tend to get lazy here.

They think, just because they're giving away this free call and free deliverable that people are going to flock to it… they're not.

It's going to take time out of their day to talk to you, so you need to “sell” this free call just as hard as you would sell something that costs money.

A few things you can do are:

  • List out the features, benefits, and advantages of the deliverable.
  • Share some examples of deliverables you've done in the past.
  • Share testimonials.
  • Up the ante by offering the person $100 if they feel like you've wasted their time on the call.

Be Transparent & Qualify The Individuals

While you're selling the call, make sure you're 100% transparent – why are you giving away this customized plan for free?

Example: I do this to get clients. Now, I’m not going to be a pushy salesman, but I am going to ask you if you want to work together to execute the plan we come up with and I will need a Yes or a No on the call. There are no Maybes/Let Me Think about it… either of those will be considered a No, as I don’t have time to chase down Maybes and I will move onto the next person who IS ready.

Explain how the call will go: We’re going to spend 10 minutes talking about this, 10 on that, 35 on the other thing, and then I’ll ask if you want to work on your plan together.

Finally, clearly outline all the requirements individuals must meet before they schedule a call:

  • Revenue, # employees, home owner, spends $X on marketing already, etc. (whatever YOUR particular requirements are for your offer)
  • List the price of the service you're going to offer them. Make sure they know what it is and can afford it.

On The Call

Someone made it all the way through your funnel.

They've seen your content, requested your Lead Magnet, watched your Welcome Video, and signed up to chat with you… awesome!

Here's how the call can flow:

  • Small talk / discuss how the call is going to go
  • Before-After-Bridge
    • Before: Where are they now? (~10 min)
    • After: Where do they want to go? (~10 min)
      • Why? Why is that important to you? What will that do for you/your family/your business?
    • Bridge: The plan you build together to bring them from the before to the after (~40 min)
      • Create the deliverable together (Screenshare [Zoom])
  • “Judging” them the whole time
    • Do they sound like someone you want to work with?
    • Are they optimistic? Pessimistic?
    • Do they sound like they can afford your offer?
    • If you know someone isn’t a good fit, end the conversation there.
      • But, give them some freebies on the way out to “ease” the pain.
  • Do you want to work together on this plan?

That's it.

At this point, they will say “yes” or “no”.

Marketing Automation

By this point, you should understand the strategy and tactics behind the pages in the funnel. Now it's time to setup some automation to help “pull” people through it!

The key automation is the “post Lead Magnet request” automation.

Basically, you got them to opt-in for your Lead Magnet and now you have to get them to want to schedule a call with you.

This is the automation flow I recommend:

  • Day 1: Lead Magnet Delivery
  • Day 2: Strategy Call
  • Day 3: Content
  • Day 6: Strategy Call
  • Day 9: Content
  • Day 12: Content
  • Day 14: Strategy Call (last chance!)

The content you use is the content you created for the front-end of your funnel. This is why it's a good idea to have 3-5 pieces of content.

Also, I recommend including a P.S. line in your emails that links directly to the Strategy Call page.

How To Write Your Emails

The most important thing here is to be a human talking to another human. Yes! Be yourself.

You don't need to use any crazy copywriting tricks here.

Remember, people are trying to evaluate if they like you or not… so, if you're being all weird, sneaky, or salesy… people aren't going to like that.

That being said, you want to subtly include your qualifications, results, testimonials, etc.

Also, keep your emails short. No more than 5 sentences and link out to more info.


Lead Magnet Delivery


Click Here to download “How to start a new business in 8 weeks without wasting countless hours and blowing $1,000s of dollars”

Also, for those that meet the requirements, I’m designing customized Interest Driven Sales Funnel blueprints for FREE!

Interested? See if you qualify.




Do you, or are you interested in advertising on Facebook?

We’ve spent over $1,000,000 on Facebook and have learned a LOT in the process…

Click here to see 3 of the biggest lessons we’ve learned to decrease Cost Per Action (CPA)


P.S. Want to sit down with me for an hour to map out an Interest Driven Sales Funnel for your business? Click here (it’s free!)



No matter what your business model is, you should strive to have these 3 core funnels in your business.

One of our clients, Bryan, who owns a wellness clinic, incorporated these 3 funnels and the other day he sent me a screenshot where he generated $27k in only 5 days!

He continues to pull in $20k+ per week with these 3 funnels!

Click here to learn about the 3 core funnels every business needs to multiply revenue automatically


P.S. Want to sit down with me for an hour to map out an Interest Driven Sales Funnel for your business? Click here (it’s free!)

Strategy Call


Since you’re receiving emails from me, one can assume you’re trying to figure out if this whole sales funnel “thing” is right for you and your business…

So, how about this…

We take an hour together to map out a customized Interest Driven Sales Funnel for your business?

Assuming you meet the qualifications, the entire planning session is FREE!

Click here to see if you qualify and to sign up


Strategy Call (Last Chance)

Alright %FIRSTNAME%,

My calendar is nearly full, so if you want to sit down with me for an hour to plan an entire Interest Driven Sales Funnel for your business…

You need to sign up now.

It will be a few months before I’m able to offer this opportunity again.


Easy enough, right?!

You're just keeping in contact with them over a 2 week period, gently (and sometimes, not so gently) urging them to schedule a call with you.

Sending Cold Traffic & Retargeting Warm Traffic

By this time, you should have your funnel and automations ready to rock & roll…

All you need now is traffic!

There are about 8 million ways to drive traffic; however, we're going to discuss it in terms of Facebook Ads because it's pretty simple and it works.

2 Campaigns To Rule Them All

I recommend having 2 different campaigns:

  1. Initial Traffic
  2. Retargeting

The Initial Traffic campaign's main focus is bringing cold traffic into your content pieces, whether that's articles or videos. You should spend about 90% of your budget on this front-end traffic (at least at the start. You may drop it as low as 70% depending on how “viral” it goes).

The Retargeting campaign's main focus is on pulling warm traffic through your funnel. You will likely have two different objectives in this campaign:

  1. Pull people who have seen your content into your Opt-in Page
  2. Pull people who have requested your Lead Magnet into your Strategy Call Page

Ad Copy/Content

Just like the emails, be a human talking to another human, keep it short, include a CTA to more info.


Cold traffic to Content Page (article):

Cold Traffic Facebook Ad Example

Cold traffic video to Opt-In Page:

Cold Traffic Facebook Ad Example 2

Warm traffic to Opt-In Page:

Warm Traffic Facebook Ad Example

Simple enough, right?!

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The Get Clients NOW! Funnel (Client Acquisition)2021-01-26T01:40:39+00:00

WTF #3: Micro Sales Funnels That Make You Rich!

We’ve made it to the part you’re probably most excited about – the Micro Sales Funnels!

(If you haven't already, please read WTF #1 & WTF #2 before getting into this article!)

These are the “typical” sales funnels you probably envision when you think of and read about sales funnels.

They’re the up-sell funnels, webinar funnels, product launch funnels, book funnels, call back funnels, and any other type of funnel you can think of.

Of course, every “guru” has their own take and twist on how these things can, and should, function; however, their goal remains the same – to sell something.

Now, let’s talk about these awesome funnels and how to use them!

Quick Overview

Above is an example of what a Micro Sales Funnel can look like.

No matter what the middle section contains, the Start and End will look the same.

The Start

The Start occurs when an individual shows interest.

But, what exactly does that mean?

Interest can be shown in a variety of ways:

  • Click – Someone clicks a link in one of your emails or on one of your ads, showing they’re interested in a certain topic, product, service, etc.
  • Pageview – When someone looks at a specific page on your website, it shows they’re interested in a certain topic, product, service, etc.
  • Purchase – When an individual purchases a product or service from you, it’s a dead giveaway they’re interested in a certain topic, product, service, etc.
  • Specific Lead Magnet – When someone opts-in to receive a Lead magnet for something related to what you want to sell. For example, a mini-guide called “5 ways we decreased Facebook Ad spending by 89%” – we know they’re interested in Facebook Ads.
    • Note: In WTF #5 you will find a Specific Lead Magnet plan that will blow your mind!
  • Phone Call / Reply – If someone calls or replies to one of your emails, depending on the reasoning behind it, it could certainly show interest in a particular product, service, topic, etc.
  • Survey – Similar to a phone call or reply in that someone is explicitly telling you what they’re interested in.
  • Points (CRM) – More “advanced”; however, if you’re using a CRM tool you can use points to gauge interest and trigger Micro Sales Funnels based on points. For example, if someone looks at your sales page 5 times, you know they’re highly interested and may just need a tad more persuasion – exactly what a Micro Sales Funnel will provide.

As you can see, there are many ways an individual can enter one of your Micro Sales Funnels.

After The Start (The Funnel Part)

After the Start, you have the “funnel part.” Again, this can look like pretty much anything; however, in the example above we use an Action Series and an Upsell Series.

  • Action Series – An email series that addresses the subscriber from different angles in order to try to “connect” with them and drive them to take action (make a purchase). For example, one email could be very logical and explain, by-the-numbers, why your deal is great. The next email could be a story about someone who found success with your product. Another email could be benefits driven and explain the results one can expect.
  • Upsell Series – A series of emails triggered by an action (purchase) and attempts to move them to the next logical step. For example, they purchase a $7 guide to solve a problem and the upsell is a step-by-step video course for $97.


As I've stated in the previous WTF articles, email doesn't necessarily mean “email” – it means engagement – ie. email, retargeting ads, phone calls, Facebook messages, direct mail, etc. And, you can do more than one at a time!!!

  • Send an email, use retargeting ads, send Facebook messages, and hell… if it's important enough… call them and/or send them direct mail! Got it?!
  • I say “email” because it's easy to understand; however, there are many, many ways to interact with your audience so, please keep that in mind!
  • Recommended Read: Email Marketing Is Dead! … and it's going to be ok

The End

Just like the Start, the End will be the same no matter what the “funnel part” looks like.

If the individual entered into your Micro Sales Funnel from your Main Series – they will re-enter the Main Series and pick up right where they left.

If the individual entered into your Micro Sales Funnel via another source, ie. Facebook Ad to a Specific Lead Magnet or they made a direct purchase, they’ll start the Main Series from the top.

The “Simplest” Sales Funnel

This first Micro Sales Funnel model is even more basic than the example I outlined above; however, don’t let its simplicity fool you – there’s beauty in simplicity.

As with all Micro Sales Funnels, the Start is when interest is shown.

After an interest is shown, an Action Series is triggered. While I’ll go into greater detail on Action Series later in this article series, for the time being – an Action Series is a series of emails (engagements) that try and motivate the audience member to take action (ie. buy something).

Whether the individual performs the action we want them to or not, the funnel will end just like any other Micro Sales Funnel. The individual will either be returned to their previous location within the Main Series or, in the instance of a new subscriber, they will start at the beginning of the Main Series.

If the idea of adding any of the next few Micro Sales Funnel models sounds too daunting, try adding a few of the “Simplest” Sales Funnels and you’ll start to see some amazing things happen!

For example, one of my students added seven of these funnels to his pre-established Main Series and here are his results:

The average open rate for his Main Series was 15.26%, Click-Through-Rate (CTR) was 3.58%, and Earnings-Per-Click (EPC) was $0.01.

While the open rate is a little low and he probably needs to address his subject lines, his emails have an above average CTR. This shows he’s able to gauge interest based on what links people are clicking.

Also, the EPC for his Main Series was only $0.01, which is perfectly fine. Remember, the intent of the Main Series is to gauge interest while continuing to build and maintain relationships.

The AS # represents the individual Action Series. In this case, each Action Series was triggered after an individual looked at one of his products’ sales pages. Each Action Series contained only three emails and most of the content was third party product reviews with a call-to-action (CTA) to visit the sales page and buy the product now!

Very simple.

However, as you can see, every Action Series outperformed the Main Series in open rate, CTR, and EPC by a landslide!

Again, all he did was add the “Simplest” Sales Funnels (Action Series).

He didn’t incorporate any up-sells or cross-sales. He kept everything really simple; however, his results have been tremendous!


The “Simplest” Sales Funnel is the starting point. This should be your first journey into the wild and crazy world of Micro Sales Funnels.

The good news is while they’re really easy to setup, they can make a massive impact to your bottom line!

The “Classic” Sales Funnel

The next Micro Sales Funnel is certainly the most popular and infamous; McDonalds built their empire based on it.

“Would you like fries with that?”

Yes, I’m talking about the “Classic” up-sell funnel.

This type of funnel is the true money maker because it directly increases customer order size, and thus, lifetime value.

Understand This…

I’m about to throw several different diagrams at you all named “Classic” Sales Funnels.

It may be overwhelming, especially if you’ve not seen something like this before.

Ultimately, I want you to understand the premise of the “Classic” Sales Funnel. If someone buys something, you try to sell them more. If they don’t buy it, you offer a down-sell or follow up and attempt to make the sale later.

No matter which of the fancy “Classic” Sales Funnel diagrams you’re looking at, remember – if your customer purchases something, sell more. If not, down-sell or follow up to sell later.

How To View This Type Of Funnel

Before getting into the fancy diagrams, I need to clarify how to view these “Classic” Sales Funnels as they can quickly become complex.

There are two perspectives to take into consideration when designing your “Classic” Sales Funnels:

  • Long-term: Emails or engagements between offers
  • Instant: Order flow (at checkout)

Due to these two different perspectives, these funnels can look very different depending on your business model, what you’re trying to accomplish, and your platform.

It doesn’t always make sense to include emails or other engagements between offers.

Maybe what you really want to sell is after the individual goes through this funnel.

For example, coaches will frequently use a “Classic” Sales Funnel to sell digital courses and training, in order to get people in the door. But, what they really want to sell is private coaching. Instead of really focusing on getting people through the “Classic” Sales Funnel, they just keep it really simple and place all their focus on a Product Launch Funnel, Webinar Funnel, or Call / Application Funnel.

Finally, in other instances, you may be limited by your particular platform and want to consider adding a 3rd party tool like ClickFunnels.

The “Classic” Sales Funnel Models

I call this first one the “Mega Classic” Sales Funnel because it’s about as complex as “Classic” Sales Funnels can get.

Basically, the big idea is this:

If someone buys something, you make another offer right away (at checkout). If they buy it, you make another offer; however, if they don’t buy it, you either down-sell or send emails (engagements).

9 times out of 10, your funnels will not be this complex. There are a lot of moving parts, which means it can break easily. A broken funnel isn’t going to do you any good.

However, I wanted to open your eyes to what is possible.

Conversely, this is also a “Classic” Sales Funnel:

Very simple.

This version would likely occur at checkout and can be considered an “order flow”.

Basically, the big idea is this:

Regardless of whether someone buys the previous product, you’re going to make more offers. There won’t be any down-sells or follow up on previous offers – it’s either a yes or no on the spot, and that’s it.

This is essentially the McDonald’s funnel – the funnel starts when you purchase a burger, then they offer fries, then a drink, then to supersize it, then a sundae, and finally to opportunity to donate to a charity. Before you know it, you’ve spent $20 on a $1 burger!

More often than not, you’ll use a version between the “Mega Classic” and the simple funnel above.

One version that’s really popular in the Internet marketing world is the “Trip Wire Funnel”.

The theory behind this funnel is that as soon as you get someone to open their wallet and spend some money with you, they’re much more likely to continue spending.

It starts with offering a low priced product that’s too good to pass up called a “trip wire”. People buy this product like it’s going out of style and “trip” into your funnel where you sell your “Core Product” (what you really want to sell) and your “Profit Maximizer” (a high-end product or service that really rings the cash register).

A frequently seen trip wire is a free + shipping offer for a book. This works incredibly well because a physical book has a relatively high perceived value and opens the door to sell courses and coaching.

If you have a great complementary offer for the front-end, the “Classic” Sales Funnel model below may work well for you:

Basically, you work hard to sell your front-end offer (Offer #1) so they see Offer #2. Offer #2 is a complementary product to Offer #1, meaning it’s only really helpful if they’ve purchased Offer #1. Offer #3 is generally a stand-alone offer, meaning you don’t need Offer #1 or Offer #2 for it to be great, and it’s usually higher priced.

If they don’t purchase Offer #3 right away, they’ll be offered a down-sell and finally an Action Series in a last-ditch effort to make the sale.


The “Classic” Sales Funnel is the most popular Micro Sales Funnel because it works very well and can make a dramatic impact on the bottom line.

While the “Classic” Sales Funnel can look very different depending upon your unique setup, its purpose remains the same – to sell more. This, of course, can be accomplished across a wide timeframe through emails and other engagements and/or instantaneously at checkout.

The Product Launch Funnel

The Product Launch Funnel is wildly popular for more expensive products, like digital courses.

It’s typically three content based videos, that entertain and educate, and concludes with a fourth video that makes the offer.

The general flow is this:

Someone shows interest in your upcoming product launch by opting-in, clicking a link, viewing a page, etc. – all the normal “interest gauging” triggers.

From there, they receive a few emails (engagements, ie. retargeting ads, text messages, Facebook messages, etc.) directing them to video 1. After they watch the first video, they receive emails about video 2. They watch it, and then receive emails about video 3. They watch it and then receive emails to video 4, which is typically a Video Sales Letter (VSL).

The power behind this funnel comes from two key aspects:

First, this funnel provides insane value in videos 1-3 by giving away your “best stuff”. If you do these videos right, it will make your offer a no-brainer. People will think, “If his free stuff is this amazing … I can’t imagine how absolutely incredible his paid stuff is!”

The second source of this funnel’s power comes from the Launch / Cart Open phase.

During this phase scarcity is introduced because the cart will close.

There are a few ways to close the cart. The way you do it depends on whether your Product Launch Funnel is a true, one-time event or if it’s evergreen (always available).

If it’s a true, one-time event, then it’s easy to introduce scarcity because you’re going to take the offer off the table at a certain date and time. If the individual misses it, too bad.

If it’s an evergreen launch, you need to introduce scarcity in another manner because you won’t be removing the offer. You can do this by removing bonuses or by increasing the price, if they don’t purchase by a certain date.

The Video Pattern

Before I go any further, I want to address something – I keep saying “video”; however, you don’t necessarily need videos. You could use other resources like blog posts or PDFs to develop a product launch series.

Videos are often used because digital video courses are typically sold during a product launch funnel. It makes sense to keep everything in the same medium.

With that being said, you should follow a pattern or strategy for delivering the first three videos. There’s some psychology and positioning at play.

There’s a proven science behind this content and there are folks that make millions regularly from these product launch funnels.

While I’ll give you my particular formula in a moment, I want to share two other guys’ formulas … or at least where to get them. (It wouldn’t be ethical, and it’s probably illegal, to just paste their formulas here; however, you can get them straight from the books I’m about to recommend. Each book is less than $10, but contains invaluable information.)

My Formula: Teach, To-Do, & Tease

While I typically follow the aforementioned formulas because they know what they’re doing, I sometimes find them hard to follow. They require certain information to be presented, like success stories.

Success stories are important, and you need to have people find success with your product; however, there’s a chicken and egg situation here. You can’t really have success stories (besides your own) before your product exists, right?

While you can do a limited pre-launch to get feedback and success stories, doing so takes time and requires an audience.

If you’re short on time and/or lack an audience, what I’m about to explain may work very well for you!

I call it the “Teach, To-Do, & Tease” formula. In each video, you teach something, give the individual a simple task, and tease what’s to come.

I’ll explain this formula through an example.

Let’s pretend I’m selling an expensive course titled, “How to Become a World-Class Facebook Ads Guru”.

Across the Product Launch Funnel, I would teach a segment of the course.

Which segment? Either the “coolest” part or the beginning. Sometimes you can’t teach the “coolest” part because your course is progressive and you can’t do the “cool” stuff without having completed steps 1-5 first.

You also want to ensure the segment you teach provides a clear deliverable.

Think of it like a mini-course with a beginning, middle, and end.

Basically, whether or not they purchase the full course, I want them to receive at least one clear result from my training.

You never want to leave anyone feeling like they’ve been duped … like you’ve just dragged them along so you could sell them your product.

You want them to accomplish something, and if they want more – there’s a full course on the topic.

Back to the example, regarding Facebook Ads, I can’t start with the “cool” stuff because without having the proper groundwork in place, the “cool” stuff can’t happen.

The segment taught is the beginning and it’s titled, “How to build custom audiences that know, like, and trust you with Facebook’s advertising platform.”

In video 1, I’ll teach people how to install the Facebook tracking pixel on their website, tell them to go do it, and tease the conversion tracking training coming in video 2.

In video 2, I’ll teach them how to track conversions and create custom conversions which will help them create specific audiences … which is what is covered in video 3.

In video 3, I’ll teach them how to create custom audiences based on pages viewed, conversions made, and how to use this to create lookalike audiences of similar people that will know, like, and trust you!

Finally, in video 4, I’ll pitch the full course by explaining how what they just learned will help them tremendously moving forward; however, it’s only a small segment of becoming a World-Class Facebook Ads Guru!

See how it’s all a natural flow into selling the full product? It doesn’t require having testimonials and success stories because you’re helping them find success!

If you help someone solve a problem for free, they’re more likely to reciprocate when you’re trying to solve a bigger problem for money.


The Product Launch Funnel works great when selling high priced products, like digital courses, because it gives you the opportunity to “prove” yourself before asking for the sale.

You also want to follow a proven pattern for your videos because there is psychology and reasoning behind the content of each one.

Finally, you need to open and close the cart and make it a big deal by introducing some form of scarcity.

The Webinar Funnel

In the good ol’ days, people and businesses used to host seminars, but now they can get in front of more people faster and more easily via webinars.

These types of sales funnels have become wildly popular recently due to the fact they convert like gangbusters!

Here’s a common Webinar Sales Funnel:

Similar to the Product Launch Funnel, the Webinar Funnel is typically used for higher-priced products and services because you have people with you for 60+ minutes. This gives you enough time to convey your message fully, give the pitch, and answer questions.

While you can automate your webinar to make it evergreen, the live aspect gives these presentations their power.

When it’s live, everything comes across as fresh, new, and when you give your call-to-action, there’s an inherent sense of urgency. You’re ending the presentation at X time, and once it’s over, the deal is gone.

The general flow is this:

Someone shows interest in your webinar by opting-in via a webinar registration page. They’re then enrolled in your pre-webinar autoresponder series where you send a few videos and resources to prime and excite the individual for the upcoming webinar. Then, you host your webinar.

Ideally, the individual attends your webinar, sees your offer, purchases it, and ends the Micro Sales Funnel.

But, if they don’t attend your webinar, you can send a “replay autoresponder series” which consists of a few emails that present the individual the opportunity to watch a replay of the webinar.

Hopefully they watch the replay, see your offer, purchase it, and end the Micro Sales Funnel.

If they don’t watch the webinar or the replay, they won’t see the offer, so this particular Micro Sales Funnel is ended.

If the individual sees the offer, either during the live webinar or the replay, but doesn’t purchase it, you can follow up with an Action Series. The Action Series tries to sell them on it by answering more questions, handling objections, sharing more success stories, or even offering a discount in a last-ditch effort to make the sale.

Turning It Evergreen

While the great power of webinars comes from being live, you can still create the same live feel and automate the entire process.

By turning your webinar into an evergreen presentation, you’re able to give presentations 24/7/365!

There are a million different tools to help you do this; however, there are two elements a tool can’t provide that you must take into account before going the evergreen route.

First, the webinar you turn evergreen needs to be a recorded live webinar.

This means you can’t sit in your office, record yourself talking about some slides, editing the clip to cut out the “uhs”, and then launch your evergreen webinar.

Remember, the power of webinars comes from being live. People can tell in a heartbeat if something was scripted and performed alone or held live.

If someone attends your webinar and they’re presented with a scripted presentation, it will come across as unauthentic.

Don’t get me wrong, scripted, pre-recorded, and edited presentations are fine; however, call it a presentation or training – don’t call it a webinar.

A webinar has the connotation of being live and if you don’t fulfil that, people aren’t going to be as happy and excited.

Plus, there are benefits of performing live. You see what does and doesn’t work, what questions people have, etc. – it really helps to refine your presentation.

The strategy, then, is to hold a handful of live webinars, get some real time feedback, adjust your presentation, then record one and use it as your evergreen webinar.

The second element you need to provide is a way to contact you, the presenter. This can be something as simple as a chat box below the webinar.

As much as humanly possible, no matter if the webinar itself is pre-recorded, you want to be live in the chat room to field any questions.

Some people are ready to buy; however, they will have the simplest question stopping them from whipping out their credit card. If you’re able to answer their question immediately – you’ll get yourself a new customer!

Live chat may not always be possible, especially if you’re running webinars 24/7/365, so the second best option is to follow up via email; however, you lose the “in the moment” momentum, which may result in lost sales.

Either way, you need to make yourself present as much as possible, even if the webinar itself is recorded.

Other Webinar Blueprints

Just like with the “Classic” Sales Funnel, there are a bunch of ways to layout a Webinar Sales Funnel depending on your needs.

There are arguments for and against offering replays and follow up emails that pitch the offer.

Some webinars are live, four hour long events and only during those four hours can you purchase the offer.

While others are heavy on getting individuals to watch the replay and follow up intensely on the offer.

No one way works better than the other all the time, just figure out what works best for you!

Self-Liquidating Offer

This blueprint looks similar to the original with one exception, immediately after registering for the webinar, the individual is met with a Self-Liquidating Offer or SLO.

A SLO is similar to a Trip Wire, in fact, their names are often used interchangeably. It’s typically priced under $10 and is too good to refuse; however, a SLO doesn’t necessarily “trip” someone into the other offers.

Instead, its sole purpose is to recoup ad spend to acquire leads.

Offer Up!

This blueprint is similar to the SLO example above in that the subscriber is immediately greeted with an offer upon registering for the webinar; however, in this instance they’re met with the main offer.

There are a couple reasons you may want to try this:

In some instances, people will buy your offer right away without going through the entire webinar process. They get what they want faster and you don’t have to work as hard!

Another theory is that by seeing the offer first, they’re primed for when you make your official pitch. They say it takes 6-8 touches before you’ll make the sale, this is a simple way to add another touch.

No Pre-Webinar

In many instances, especially if your webinar is evergreen, you won’t have enough time to go through an entire pre-webinar series … and you don’t have to!

No Pre-Webinar, No Replay

If you don’t want to offer a replay, don’t!

The Webinar Presentation

Just like with the Product Launch Funnel, there’s an art and science behind the content you present in your webinar.

Before you launch your own webinar, make sure you attend a bunch of webinars – especially those in the same niche as you that you know are successful.

Since launching a webinar is a piece of cake, every small business on the planet has one. Unfortunately, not all are successful and you don’t want to emulate those.

Attend the successful ones. Take notes on how they open, present their content, and pitch their offer.

Understand how they engage with their audience and handle objections.

Pay attention and really study what they do. It’s going to help you tremendously.

Finally, I recommend grabbing Russel Brunson’s Perfect Webinar training from

It costs less than $5 and contains about three hours of training. He outlines, step-by-step, how to structure your webinar presentation for maximum effectiveness.


The Webinar Sales Funnel is an effective way to sell higher end products and services. They give you enough time to go into detail on your offer plus the live aspect makes them really engaging.

Having the ability to answer questions and squash objections on the spot makes them incredibly powerful.

There’s also the opportunity to make them evergreen so they’re working for your 24/7/365. But, when you turn a webinar evergreen, make sure it’s a recorded live version and you make yourself available to answer questions.

Finally, before launching your own webinar, make sure you study other successful webinars to really get a good grasp on how to present yours.

The Call / Application Sales Funnel

While Product Launch and Webinar Funnels are great for selling many types of high-ticket products and services, sometimes you really need to talk to the individual before they feel comfortable making the purchase.

Other times, you need to feel comfortable selling them the product or service. You may want to qualify them before moving forward on a deal.

Naturally, these situations typically entail talking to the potential customer/client, which is why we have the Call / Application Sales Funnel:

The general flow is this:

An individual starts the funnel by clicking a “contact” or “application” link in an email or on your site. Or, they may opt-in to contact you (2-step, more on it later).

From there, the individual either schedules a call with you or fills out your application. Or they don’t.

Assuming they do, they receive the “Homework Or Pre-call Follow-up” autoresponder series.

  • Homework: Works as both a qualifier and as a chance to sell yourself more. The homework is typically something simple, like watching a few videos so they are prepared for the upcoming call.

If they do the homework, great! You know they’re highly interested. If not, then maybe they’re not the right customer for you.

  • Pre-call Follow-up: This follow-up series can be used similarly to the “Homework” setup outlined above in that you give some material to consume. It also serves to remind the individual they have an upcoming call with you.

People will forget they’ve scheduled a call with you. Fortunately, most scheduling tools have built-in functionality for sending reminder emails. You can set it up to send a call reminder 24 hours, 4 hours, and 20 minutes out.

Hopefully, the individual does the homework and/or you speak to them and they become a customer of yours. Now all you have to do is serve them!

If they don’t become a customer, they end this Micro Sales Funnel and either enter or resume the Main Series so you can begin gauging more interests.

Let’s go back to the beginning of this Micro Sales Funnel – “Did Individual Schedule Call Or Fill Out Application?”

A lot of people will land on your call scheduling and/or application forms without actually filling them out.

You don’t want to ignore these people because they’ve shown interest in your offer.

In this case, follow up via an Action Series with the CTA being to schedule the call or fill out the application.

Hopefully, they do what you want and will flow through the rest of the Micro Sales Funnel; however, if they don’t, they either enter or resume the Main Series.

The 2-Step Approach

While you’re able to easily track people’s actions and gauge their interests when they’re already on your list – you don’t want to miss out on people that aren’t on your list.

To capture these new people, I recommend the 2-Step Approach.

It works like this – before an individual even lands on your call scheduling or application form, they enter their email address.

For example:

An individual clicks on the “Schedule A Call” button in the top navigation menu:

Clicking that button pops up a lightbox opt-in form that requests their email address:

It makes perfect sense these steps would be required to schedule a call – ie. “Step 1: Enter Your Email Below” and “Continue To Step 2”.

Step 2 is simply the scheduling or application form:

Again, hopefully they go straight through the process; however, if they don’t – you collected their email address in “Step 1”, and are able to follow up with an Action Series that motivates them to finish the process.


The Call / Application Funnel is perfect for when you need to talk to someone or need them to fill out an application to prove they are a good fit.

If you offer personalized services, this funnel might be one to check out and implement!

Other Funnels

As I stated at the beginning of this section, every sales funnel “guru” has their own sales funnel model(s) they teach.

This is great! More people to learn from and more models to follow and implement.

Even greater, they all work with the Interest Driven Sales Funnel concept – they’re all [typically] Micro Sales Funnels.

You still incorporate your interest gauging Main Series and when an interest in a product or service is shown, instead of launching one of the Micro Sales Funnels outlined above, you simply launch that particular “guru’s” funnel.

After the individual has gone through that funnel, they hop back into the Main Series and continue their journey until they show interest in something else.

The Interest Driven Sales Funnel concept is very plug & play friendly. I want you to try other Micro Sales Funnels. If you come across one that sounds interesting, try it. If it doesn’t work, you can always cut that Micro Sales Funnel off and add in a new one for the same product or service.

Here are a few funnel “gurus” that you may find insightful:

  • Russell Brunson – Founder of ClickFunnels. Has written several books on sales funnels. Has dozens of Micro Sales Funnel models, plus talks about stacking (combining) them for maximum effectiveness. He has too many products and resources to list and all of them are great, just Google him.
  • Aaron Fletcher – Has the “Fletcher Method” and the “One Page Marketing Funnel”. The Fletcher Method is an ideology behind structuring your business and creating great offers. If you’re struggling with figuring out what to offer, I recommend checking out his method. His One Page Marketing Funnel is essentially a Product Launch Funnel; however, he incorporates retargeting, phone calls, and even snail mail which make it more effective. Learn more at
  • Ryan Deiss – Owns more companies than I can count and all are powered by very solid sales funnels. Like Russell Brunson, he has a lot of stuff to offer and is worth a Google search; however, what’s likely most interesting to you is his Follow Up Machine. It’s a similar concept to the Interest Driven Sales Funnel I teach in that it incorporates your entire business, gauges interest, etc., but he, of course, has his own spin on it. Learn more at
  • Todd Brown – Another sales funnel “guru” worth checking out. He has a bunch of different Micro Sales Funnel models that he teaches, all with his unique spin. Learn more about Todd and his funnels at
  • Traffic and Funnels – A heavy focus on developing client acquisition systems, similar to the “Call / Application Funnel” I outlined above. If you offer higher end products or services that require conversation, you may find their training to be incredibly helpful. Learn more at

Those are just some of the people I follow with regard to sales funnels. Of course, there are many others out there and if you find someone that really resonates with you, follow them!

Combining Funnels

As if the possibilities for Micro Sales Funnels weren’t already endless, in this final section, we’ll briefly discuss combining them to make them even more effective!

In general, the “Classic” Sales Funnel is the perfect addition to most Product Launch and Webinar Funnels because it makes perfect sense to combine the two:

Product Launch => The “Classic”

Webinar => The “Classic”

Makes sense, right? You’re already making an offer and if they buy it, you simply offer more.

The “Classic” => Call / Application Funnel

The Call / Application Funnel also fits nicely on the backend of most other funnels, especially when you’re trying to get someone on the phone and/or to qualify themselves for your higher end products and services.

At the end of the day, combine funnels in ways that makes sense for what you offer. Never lose sight of your customer, their needs, and the natural path they should take through your Micro Sales Funnels.

Detailed Micro Sales Funnel Strategies

I have a few complementary articles that go into great detail concerning several Micro Sales Funnel models and I wanted to share them with you here:

Ready For The Next Steps?

That was a lot of great info – wasn't it?!

You'll probably want to read through that section again; however, if you're ready to move on to the next steps…

Click here to go to WTF #4 where you'll learn about creating all the content that goes into sales funnels!

WTF #3: Micro Sales Funnels That Make You Rich!2017-07-26T12:12:39+00:00

The AliExpress Sales Funnel [ClickFunnels]

There's a huge opportunity right now for individuals to source products from China on a 1-to-1 basis by dropshipping via AliExpress.

This means, you can sell a product to someone in the United States for $10, go to AliExpress, buy the product for $3 and ship it for $2 directly to that individual. Thus, you make $5.

The benefit? You don't have to hold any inventory and you only buy products AFTER you have received payment from a customer. You literally have no expenses (beyond customer acquisition, which we'll get to).

Ultimately, it's a very “cool” model and a lot of people are doing it/want to do it…

We do it here at Crazy Eye Marketing and this post explains our approach.

The “Big Idea”

The “big idea” behind this strategy is that you're going to build a lot of funnels and test a lot of products very quickly.

Most will be losers; however, some will be “OK” and others will be huge winners!

So, the plan is to iterate and build fast.

Since this post is quite long, I figured I should give you an outline of what's covered so you can see where it's going and how it's all connected.

  1. Figure out your niche/audience – You must have people to sell to
  2. Figure out what you're going to sell them
    1. Ultimately, you're going to build a bunch of funnels and test a lot of products – You will test a lot. Most tests will fail and that's OK because the winners will more than make up for it
  3. Build your AliExpress sales funnel with ClickFunnels
    1. Free + Shipping vs. Crazy Discount
  4. Send traffic via Facebook
  5. See if it works
  6. Repeat steps 2-5.

Finding Your Niche/Audience

The very first thing you need to do is figure out your niche or audience… who are you going to sell stuff to?

There are many strategies and methodologies for doing this…

  • Pick a niche you're passionate about – This can be a good idea because you'll likely care more and do a better job
  • Pick a niche with raving fans – Maybe you don't care about the topic; however, there are 3 million other people that love that topic (ie. I <3 Cats!)
  • Pick a niche that has products people NEED – Maybe these people aren't “raving fans”; however, they have a hobby and need certain products to do that hobby (ie. cooking, camping, cars, etc.)

I'm sure there are other strategies as well, but those will help get you going in the right direction.

Now, you also need to make sure…

  • They're willing and able to buy online – There are certain demographics that don't buy online. Whether it's age, location, etc., for some reason, some groups of people simply don't buy online.
    • A good way to test this is to go to Amazon and look up products you believe your potential audience would be interested in. If you see products listed, they have reviews, and look like they're selling… then you're probably OK!
  • The audience is large enough – 1-5 million people. Any less and it's probably too small of a pool. Any more and you're probably going too broad.
    • A good way to check audience size is by going to Facebook and checking…

Precise Interests

  • Precise Interests are those that aren't “made” by someone at Facebook, instead they're made by an algorithm.
  • Basically, if it's something generic/broad and short like “fitness”, “hiking”, “digital marketing” … it's NOT precise. If it's longer and specific, it's typically precise.
  • Also, as a general rule of thumb, if the Interest matches the name of a Page, then it's a Precise Interest.
  • Another general rule, Precise Interests typically have less than 1 million people in them.

The “Perfect” Niche

The “perfect” niche is one where all the aforementioned requirements are met.

It's a niche you're passionate about, it has raving fans who will buy stuff “just cuz”, and it also has products people need. It has between 1-5 million people, and it has people willing, and able to buy online!

For example, cat lovers is a “perfect” niche (if you also love cats). There are all kinds of trinkets (necklaces, t-shirts, phone cases, etc.) people will buy to show they love their cat. Then, there's practical cat stuff people NEED like litter boxes, toys, treats, etc. that cat lovers also need. Plus, it's a large audience that includes people willing and able to buy online.

Why Pick A Niche?

You may be thinking to yourself, “Why should I pick a niche? Why not pick random products that are already selling well?”

The reason why you want to hone in on a particular audience is so you can build your lists.

Whether they're leads lists or buyers lists or email lists or retargeting lists or messenger lists… you want lists of people with similar interests so when you launch a new funnel/product, you have a group of people to put it in front of who already know you and your business.

While you could conceivably launch a bunch of funnels with a bunch of different products and still do fine, it's best to have a core audience to go after so you can essentially “recycle” them!

How To Pick A Good Product To Sell

Now that you've figured out your niche/audience, it's time to find some stuff to sell them!

There are a million ways to do this…

… you can find voids in the marketplace, survey your audience, and do a ton of market research. Then, go about finding or developing the product that fills that need. And, this is probably the “right” thing to do if you aren't playing this AliExpress game!

Yes, this is a game.

There is nothing stopping anyone else from setting up funnels and dropshipping from AliExpress.

All you need is a couple hundred bucks to run ads… you will hopefully make back that same day.

It's very much a game and you have to move fast and adjust quickly.

Finding The Initial Product

Since this is a game where speed and agility are keys to success, it's best to use products that you already know sell well.

You can do things like go to Amazon to look at top selling products and then try to find them on AliExpress…

Or, you can pay attention to the marketplace to see what's “hot” right now… like fidget spinners

Or, the easiest way is to just go to AliExpress and…

  • Search for and/or browse the categories you believe your audience is interested in
  • Keep price under $5 (of course, this is up to you, but I try to sell the initial offer for less than $10, so I need enough to cover the product, shipping, and ad spend)
  • Check 4 stars & up
  • Sort products by “orders”
  • Ensure manufacturer has at least 3 Diamonds
  • Ensure ePacket shipping
  • Double check reviews to see complaints

When you find a product you want to use, add it to a Wishlist that's the name of the funnel.

Finding One-Time-Offer Products

In the last step, you found what you hope is a great Initial Product… one that will sell like hot cakes!

Now, it's time to find some complementary products that customers will want in addition to the initial product they just purchased.

Obviously, the more products they order… the better it is for you!

However, there is a catch…


Why? So you can save on shipping costs!

Watch this…

The AliExpress Sales Funnel

At this time, you should have three awesome products from the same manufacturer to save on shipping costs.

Now, let's talk about the funnel!

Free + Shipping vs. Crazy Discount

There are two ways to approach this funnel:

  1. Free + Shipping: Give the product away for free, but the customer has to pay shipping costs
  2. Offering a Crazy Discount: 50%+ off with free shipping

Both ways can work incredibly well and ideally, you will want to split test both.

There are also some pros and cons for each:

  • Free + Shipping has the word “free” in it, and people love free
    • This may lead to some viral-ness
    • People will complain about how “it's not free if they have to pay for shipping” – you will have to monitor your ads closely for people calling it a “scam”
    • Pretty much everyone and their mother is following this tactic and it my be “over done”
    • Typically has high cart abandonment rate because people bounce once they see the price of shipping
  • Crazy Discount is pretty straight forward… save a lot of money on Product X.
    • People won't typically call it a “scam”
    • It might not go as viral as a “free” offer
    • You can charge more. People won't believe it cost's $10 to ship a “Cat Paw Necklace”; however, they will believe the true cost of the necklace is $20 and that at $10, it's 50% off!

Personally, I always go with the Crazy Discount first and if it starts to generate sales I will split test that version against a Free + Shipping version.

If it doesn't make any sales, I move onto the next product.

The Funnel Design

This is the structure of the AliExpress Sales Funnel:

Want my AliExpress Sales Funnel in your Clickfunnels account? Click here to learn more!

Facebook Ad(s)

Most of my Facebook ads look something like this:

If the product performs well, ie. starts making some sales, I will order it, shoot a video demonstration of the product and run that as an ad as well.

Video ads typically outperform image ads… so, if you find a winning product, it's certainly worth trying!

Note: Make sure you're optimizing your Facebook Ad Campaign for Conversions. Having said that, you need to ensure you're tracking conversions in your funnel. I do this by placing the purchase conversion tag on my OTO 1 page.

2-Step Sales Page

I try to keep my sales pages as plain and straight forward as possible…

>> Click Here To View The Page <<

All my pages follow a very similar structure as the one above.

I explain who/what the product is perfect for and then list out some features & benefits.

I re-iterate the FREE Shipping & Handling aspect and also mention that it will take 2-4 weeks for delivery. We want to make sure people know it will take a little while to receive their product… do not deceive people.

On occasion, I will add a few more product images and possibly some reviews/testimonials, if I feel like it will help. I never add more than is necessary.

Step 2 of the order form looks like this:

A couple things to note:

  • I'm giving people the chance to purchase more than one and even incentivizing it by offering even greater discounts. Some of my funnels offer quantities up to 10 – try not to limit anyone who wants to buy a lot!
  • There's a bump offer. In this case, it's for a “cat library” which is a ClickFunnels membership site that has a bunch of cat related information – PLR, YouTube videos, etc. It's a digital product so that $4.95 is essentially pure profit. It's a nice little kicker to increase average order size on the front-end. Think of products, whether physical or digital, that you can offer as a bump and watch your average order size increase!

Cart Abandonment Emails

The great part about the 2-step order form is that as soon as someone fills out their contact information and clicks the button to go to Part 2… their contact information gets stored in ClickFunnels and can be passed to your 3rd party autoresponder tool!

This way, even if someone doesn't buy, you're still able to follow up with them!

I use a very simple cart abandonment series for people that don't buy right away:

Email 1 – Sent 1 hour after abandonment:

Subject Line: Complete Your Purchase


Your shopping cart at Crazy Eye Marketing has been reserved and is waiting for your return!

In your cart, you left: Cat Paw Necklace

Click here to complete your purchase!

Thanks for shopping!

Crazy Eye Marketing

Email 2 – Sent 1 day after abandonment:

Subject Line: Last Reminder About Your Cart!


Your shopping cart at Crazy Eye Marketing has been reserved and is waiting for your return!

In your cart, you left: Cat Paw Necklace

Click here to complete your purchase!

Thanks for shopping!

Crazy Eye Marketing

I then roll those people into my general follow up series where I send great content and other offers in an effort to get them to become a customer.

Order Confirmation Email

After someone purchases the initial offer, they're sent this email:

It's a simple email that thanks them for their order, reminds them it takes 2-4 weeks to receive their order (and gives a reason why it takes this long), tells them where to go if they need help or have questions, and closes with a reminder to checkout another one of our products.

BONUS: Super-Powered 2-Step Order Form

Personally, I run a few “pro tools” on my 2-step order form and I highly recommend them because they optimize your form.

The “pro tools” are from Jaime Smith of CF Pro Tools.

Most are FREE! Which is insane because they provide so much power.

I use:

  • CF USA Only Shipping Hidden – Automatically selects USA as country and then hides the country option (one less field to fill out)
  • CF Best Seller Highlight – Highlight your top selling offer (see image below)
  • CF Select Default – Pre-select a product option (typically pre-select the “most popular” option)
  • CF 2 Step Track Lead – Track leads. Those that fill out Part #1 of the 2-step form.
  • CF State Selector (paid) – “Forces” people to select a State abbreviation. Otherwise people type all sorts of random stuff and misspell their own state. (the less options you give someone, the better)

I'm not a partner, affiliate, or anything for CF Pro Tools. It's simply an awesome resource that I highly recommend!


After purchasing the Initial Offer (and hopefully the bump) they're greeted with One-Time-Offer 1 (OTO):

>> Click Here To View The Page <<

Notice that it starts with “WAIT! Your Order Is Being Processed, BUT It Isn't Complete” – this tells the individual that they aren't done. This is important because we don't want people to randomly leave after they submit their order.

As you can see, the page is relatively simple… an image of the product (I would add more if the product needed it) and a few bullets about the features & benefits of the product.

Then, I give people the option to upgrade their order by buying either one or two of the OTO (remember, multi-product is where the money is made!)

I closeout the page by giving the individual a chance to opt-out of the OTO.


The layout of OTO 2 is very similar to OTO 1. Why? It works!

>> Click Here To View The Page <<

You may notice the background color of the very top bar is different than OTO 1. This hopefully draws their attention to the fact this is a different offer.

Beyond that, the concept of OTO 2 is the exact same as OTO 1… try and sell more than one!

Order Confirmation Page

The Order Confirmation Page lets people know their order is complete…

It also recommends other products they might be interested in – which of course leads them to other product funnels!

>> Click Here To View The Page <<

Membership Portal

The Membership Pages are only used when offering digital assets for the Bump on the Initial Offer.

These pages aren't always applicable; however, I include them as often as possible because it only takes a few hours to throw together a membership area and charge $4.95 a head for it… which can make or break your AliExpress Sales Funnel!

This is my Membership Access Page:

And Membership Area:


Those are the pages of the AliExpress Funnel!

Handling Orders

Now that you have this super awesome funnel loaded with products… it's time to start handling orders!

There are many ways to do this and several tools to help you along the way like…

Unfortunately, I've seen both tools order multiples and, in general, screw something up…

So, human intervention is required…

Which leads me to my approach which is mostly manual. (yes, humans screw up too, but why spend money on a tool when you need to have a human engaged anyway? Why not just let a human do it?)

And, this is how I manually submit the orders into AliExpress…

It's pretty self-explanatory; however, I drop a few tips so it will be helpful to watch:

  • Note to seller: Please do not include an invoice or promotional material – thank you!

BONUS Tip! Mike Rocha left a real smart comment below recommending the use of Ebates when you submit your orders to AliExpress. Doing this will help you earn some money back!

How To Tell If It's Working

This topic, in itself, has over 8 million variables. (yes, I counted)

One word could literally make or break a campaign, not to mention your audience targeting, ad, pages, offer, etc.

We try and eliminate the possibility of getting something wrong by using a proven ad structure and funnel. Your chances for success are much higher because you're building on a solid foundation….

However, you can test and tweak and test and tweak until your eyes pop out… or…

You can iterate quickly – ie. start over with a new ad, offer, funnel, etc.

Once you've done it a few times, you'll be able to create these types of funnels in just a few hours… simply duplicate the funnel, swap out the products, make sure all the connections are good, create your ad, and launch! (there might be a few other steps in there, but the point is that it's a fast process)

My Recipe To Measure Success

To test a new funnel I:

  • Take the price of the product I'm selling (what I'm selling it for, say $9.95)
  • Multiply that value by 10 (10 * $9.95 = $99.50)
  • Divide that number by 5 ($99.50 / 5 = $19.90)
  • I launch my ad with a budget of $19.90/day and let it run for 5 days
  • After those 5 days I evaluate
    • If it's profitable, I let that baby run!
    • If it's break-even or close, I will either let it run (Facebook might auto-optimize it into profitability) or I may adjust my targeting by viewing breakdown reports in Facebook (mobile vs. desktop, age ranges, male vs. female). See if there's a cheaper audience/segment that I should focus on.
    • If it lost most money or didn't make a single sale… I kill it and start fresh. I figure, if I can't sell a product by spending 10X its sale price when targeting my ideal audience with proven ad and funnel structures… then I likely chose a bad product and I need to start over.

So, that's how I do it.

Again, there are many ways to skin this “optimization” cat… but, I personally prefer to just kill it and start fresh.

Update May 2018: You're Not Going To Get Rich With 1 AliExpress Sales Funnel!

I receive a lot of questions along the lines of, “How many funnels do I need to build before I find one that hits?”

Here's the deal, a couple years ago, maybe 1 in 10 would hit well and be profitable. You could take that one funnel and scale it to make yourself a few hundred bucks a day in some cases…

That was a couple years ago.

In 2018, it's not that easy…

And, let me point out, this pertains to dropshipping from AliExpress period. Whether ClickFunnels, Shopify or some other strategy besides what's outlined in this post.

ALL AliExpress dropshipping tactics don't work as well as they used to. (please, face the reality that dropshipping from AliExpress is no longer a way to “get rich quick”)

Now, in 2018, 1 in 10 might break even. You put in $1, you get $1 back.

It might even be a little less… you might put in $1 and get $0.95 back. (and this is pretty good!)

Let me explain…

You need to approach dropshipping from AliExpress as a BUSINESS.

You will need to build…

  • An audience
  • Email lists
  • Retargeting lists
  • Social media followings
  • Facebook Messenger lists
  • etc, etc, etc.

Not to mention, a bunch of funnels that are interconnected with marketing automation and retargeting.

You will need to incorporate high-margin digital and affiliate products.

You will need to expand your product line with private label and print on demand products.

You need to build a freakin' business.

If you're not prepared to build a business, dropshipping from AliExpress is NOT for you. Period.

It's going to take effort. It's going to take hard work. It's going to take a plan. It's going to take more than 1 funnel. It's going to be a grind.

If you're not wanting to do all of that that… find another business model, because dropshipping from AliExpress is not for you.

In Closing

You've now seen the strategy and tactics behind the AliExpress Sales Funnel!

There are people that sell this information for $1,000s …

But, I put it all out there in the open for ya… for free… you're welcome 😉 ha

Anyway, I do have a simple pitch…

If this post helped you “see the light” or gave you insights in anyway…

And you want…

  • A copy of my sales funnel for you to edit and customize for your business and products…

  • Lifetime access to over-the-shoulder training where I show you how to set the whole thing up (over 2.5 hours of video instruction)

  • Premium support from the instructor and fellow students that have taken the training…

2 Payment Options…

1) FREE – Join ClickFunnels through our affiliate link by clicking here. Then, forward your welcome email to and let us know you want Lifetime Access to the AliExpress Sales Funnel Course. We'll add you to the course ASAP!

2)  Lifetime access to the course, funnel, updates, and support! Click here to join the course.

Oh, and people are absolutely LOVING it…

AliExpress Sales Funnel Course Review

The AliExpress Sales Funnel [ClickFunnels]2020-12-16T01:46:19+00:00

The Amazon Seller’s Sales Funnel [ClickFunnels]

Selling on Amazon has some MASSIVE benefits …

  • They give you traffic
  • High conversion rates
  • They handle the logistics

But, it has some MASSIVE downsides as well …

  • You don't “own” your customers
  • Insane competition
  • And, what if they ban you? You're screwed.

Of course, you already know this – these are the reasons you're here, reading this article.

What you've probably done thus far is setup a half-hearted ecommerce store on Shopify “in case” Amazon changes something that disrupts your business.

While your intentions are good, really … ask yourself … “How screwed would I be if Amazon shut me down today?”

If your answer is anything other than, “I wouldn't even notice it” – you're in the right place!

I'm about to give you a FREE Sales Funnel with the full blown strategy, specifically designed for people like you!

  • [thrive_2step id='7377′]Click here for the free funnel![/thrive_2step]

An Ecommerce Store vs A Sales Funnel

An ecommerce store probably sounds like the right solution to you.

You sell on Amazon which is an ecommerce store, so it seems to make sense that if you make something similar, it should work.

I'm here to tell you, you're wrong.

Try it, you'll see.

Running an ecommerce store is hard.

Beyond the technical aspects of building it, automating it, and maintaining it (that's actually the easy part)

The BIGGEST challenge you're going to have is to CONVINCE someone to buy off your store when there's Amazon.

You will have to build trust.

Building trust takes time and/or money.

You'll probably have to …

  • write great, compelling, trust building copy
  • develop a social media presence
  • start a blog
  • post videos on YouTube
  • run paid ads
  • handle customer inquiries
  • and manage it all

Building trust is hard when you're competing against Amazon.

They already have the trust and you inherit it when you sell on their platform.

But, if you're off their platform … you're on your own.

You Need To Do Something Different

While an ecommerce store may sound like the logical solution, it's not.

It's too hard to compete with Amazon.

You need to do something different.

But, what?

Imagine having a system …

Imagine having a system where you could put a dollar in and receive at least a dollar in return.

How many dollars would you put into it?

That's the sole purpose of a sales funnel – you put money in, it spits more money back out.

Yeah, you're kind of doing it on Amazon already … it's generating more money than you're putting into it.

But, try running a Facebook ad to your ecommerce store … let me know how that works out for ya.

Unless you really know what you're doing and have your ducks in a row, I'd be willing to bet big money you will not even break even on paid traffic to your ecommerce store.

It's the nature of the beast.

You need a sales funnel

A Sales Funnel is your answer to the ecommerce store “problem”.

With a few working funnels you won't have to worry about Amazon anymore.

The good news is, you already have the products. You already know who your customers are. You already know what sells. You can even use Amazon's Fulfillment Centers.

You already have everything you need. Now, you just need to “funnel-ize” it!

The Amazon Seller's Sales Funnel

Preview Pages: Free + Shipping | OTO #1 | Downsell | OTO #2 | Order Confirmation

>> [thrive_2step id='7377′]CLICK HERE TO GET THIS SALES FUNNEL[/thrive_2step] <<

Free + Shipping [see page]

Grow Your List With Buyers

The first page in this sales funnel is a Free + Shipping offer.

What does that mean? It means you give something away for free, all they have to do is pay shipping & handling!

This is a great way to get BUYERS on your list – people that have proven they'll spend money with you.

There's no reason you can't create a Free + Shipping offer for your business. There must be a product you can acquire for under $2 that your audience will love (if you don't have one already).

Tip: incorporate the cost of the product in the shipping & handling price.

Cart Abandonment

Another cool feature of the Free + Shipping page is the 2-step form.

If someone inputs their contact info and goes to Step #2 (billing info), but doesn't pay, you will still capture their contact information. You can then re-engage them via email, phone, and/or snail mail. Think of it like a cart abandonment feature. (Really powerful!)

Order Bumps

Finally, on Step #2, right before the individual clicks the “Complete Order” button, there's an option to add a bonus to their order.

This bonus option is called an “Order Bump; it's a fantastic way to increase order size.

What you want to offer here is a product that complements the free one they're ordering and is usually incentivized with a discount.

For example, with my Crazy Mug, I could include some Crazy Coffee Beans for 30% off.

Another option that works really well is to ask if the individual would like to double or even triple their order!

I'm about to run some numbers; if you hate numbers – skip to the next section.

Let's say my Crazy Mug costs me $1.50 to get in the Amazon warehouse. Amazon charges me $5.95 to ship it. However, to ship a second one, they only charge $1.20. So, to give away 2 mugs, it costs me $10.15 ($3 for 2 mugs + shipping & handling). If I charge $5.99 shipping & handling per mug, that brings in $11.98 and I'm able to net $1.83. Yes, not much in this particular example; however, what if my product cost was closer to $0.50? What if people were tripling their orders? There are lots of things to try!

OTO #1 (One-Time-Offer) [see page]

Obviously, you'll go out of business if you only give away free stuff.

You're going to have to make money somewhere in this funnel, and the first place to really make it is with OTO #1!

OTO stands for One-Time-Offer and it's essentially a special offer presented to an individual, only one time, which is right now! If they don't act now, they miss out on this exclusive offer forever. This added element of scarcity increases conversions.

Typically, OTO #1 should be around $50; however, depending on your market, it could be more. It's typically less than OTO #2. (This is just what's “typical” – heck, try selling some really expensive stuff in OTO #1 and see what happens!)

While there are several strategies and tactics for OTOs – the main objective of your OTO in this sales funnel is to sell something that has an incredibly high margin. This will allow you to recoup ad spend and turn a profit.

Hopefully you already have some incredibly high margin products in your inventory that even when paired with an irresistible discount, you're still able to reap a nice profit.

However, what if you don't have an incredibly high margin product to offer? Here are some ideas that work well:

  • Create a bundle – combine a few products so the OTO, as a whole, has a higher value
  • Add digital assets – courses, training, documents, membership
  • Introduce continuity (recurring) – membership, community
  • Add a subscription (recurring) – consumable products typically need to be replaced, can you offer a subscription service?

The Video

The video included in the funnel is just a placeholder. You need to shoot your own video or you can make a text based offer if you'd rather; however, video typically converts better.

The video should only be 3-5 minutes in length and hit on a few key points:

  • Tell them the free product they just grabbed is freakin' awesome and will be on its way to them shortly. Reiterate a key benefit or two.
  • Introduce the OTO as a special offer that's going to make that free product even better.
    • Also, hit on the fact that this offer is not for everyone. It's only for individuals that have grabbed the free product.
  • Tell them what the OTO is and how it will benefit them.
  • Tell them to click the “orange” button below to accept the offer.
  • If you offer a guarantee, mention it.
  • Share a review or two. Or at least snippets with the key points.
  • Tell them to again click the “orange” button below to accept the offer.

If you hit on all of those points, you'll easily fill the 3-5 minutes!

What An OTO Is Not

An OTO should not be an upgrade of the free product they just grabbed.

For example, if I'm giving away coffee mugs, my OTO should not be a really expensive coffee mug because they already requested a mug … why would they need another one?

Instead, what you offer needs to complement what they just purchased, not replace it.

Downsell [see page]

Unfortunately, not everyone is going to accept your OTO #1, no matter how awesome it is.

For the people that say “no” to OTO #1, offer them a downsell.

There are a few ways to handle this:

  1. Offer a discount on the OTO #1 – Like in the funnel I'm giving away, the downsell is a discount on OTO #1. This option can work incredibly well; however, bear in mind your margins as well as how you want to be perceived. Are you sure you want to “reward” people for saying “no”? However, if it's more of a “churn and burn” play as opposed to brand building – this option may work well for you.
  2. Add a bonus – Add another product to OTO #1, physical or digital to sweeten the deal. Note: similar to providing a discount, this option may inadvertently “train” people to say “no” so they can see what bonuses they'll receive.
  3. Break up OTO #1 – If your OTO #1 is a bundle, break it up and allow people to purchase pieces of it individually. This works well because your customer may not want all of the items included in the bundle; however, if offered a discount on one of the products, they'll take it.
  4. Offer a payment plan – Instead of one payment of $47, can you make it 2 payments of $23.50? This may entice your customer to make the purchase, but make sure you're not going to lose money if they only pay one payment. (Tip: include a “just charge me the onetime payment of $47” option in addition to the payment plan option.).
  5. “Are you sure?” – Offer the exact same OTO #1 again. Reiterate the fact that it really is a one-time offer and they won't see it again.

OTO #2 [see page]

Whether or not your new customer purchases OTO #1 or the Downsell, they are presented with OTO #2.

OTO #2 is usually one of three things:

  1. A higher-end, more expensive product – While OTO #1 is typically cheaper at around $50, and more “reasonable” to purchase, OTO #2 is typically one of your more expensive products. One where you're celebrating if it sells (as long as it's in line with everything else you're selling in your funnel).
  2. Another product that complements the Free + Shipping product – If you don't have any expensive products to offer, that's OK. You can still recommend another complementary product that helps your customer while simultaneously increasing order size.
  3. A continuity offer (if not included with OTO #1) – A membership or subscription that provides recurring revenue is the holy grail. It provides consistency and predictability to your business. If you can fit one in somewhere, do it.

Like OTO #1, you want to use a 3-5 minute video to sell it. You can follow a similar script as the one outlined above.

Order Confirmation [see page]

The Order Confirmation page is simply that, a page that confirms the individual's order.

It simply thanks them for their order, breaks it down for them, and tells them how to get in touch, what to expect, and what to do next.

Offer Wall

An Offer Wall is what it sounds like, a wall of offers. Essentially, you'll display 3-6 products with links to them and possibly some exclusive discounts. If your new customer wants to buy more from you, they know where to look!

I didn't include one of these with the sales funnel I'm giving away. However, it's relatively simple to add and something you may want to consider doing!

ClickFunnels to Amazon FBA

Since you're already selling on Amazon, I'm sure you're taking advantage of their fulfillment centers.

This is the best way I know how to do it:

Take Action!

Now is the time for you to make a decision.

Are you going to stay dependent on Amazon while running a half-hearted ecommerce store or are you going to take control, build a few funnels, and dominate?!

In this post, [thrive_2step id='7377′]I've given you a sales funnel for free[/thrive_2step] and outlined the entire strategy for it.

All you need to do is execute.

For more training on execution, check out The Sales Funnel Training Vault!

The Amazon Seller’s Sales Funnel [ClickFunnels]2018-02-22T12:23:45+00:00

The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses

If you're a coach, consultant, and/or service-based business – this post is for you!

Likewise, speakers, authors, teachers, and entrepreneurs in the business of selling themselves can also glean insights from this post!

Finally, if you sell digital or info products and professional services – this post will show you how to make the most of what you offer!

It's the most comprehensive marketing strategy post you'll find on the Internet, I guarantee it.

Whether you're trying to develop your marketing strategy or you feel like you've got things figured out, I recommend giving this post a gander. I'm sure I'll shed some light on areas you haven't even considered.

To help assist you, I've put together a fill-in-the-blank document that can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

Let's get started.

The Master Plan

The Sales Funnel System

This is the master blueprint we'll be following to build your marketing strategy.

I urge you not to skip ahead to the “cool” stuff that involves automation, tracking, and other nifty tools. Yes, that stuff is fun; however, if you don’t build a solid foundation, you’ll wind up spinning in circles and produce minimal results.

So, please, take the 60 minutes to define your customer and your business before moving forward!


I'll be using a couple model businesses in order to provide examples:

  • Business #1 – Offers digital products, coaching, consulting, and services – ie. Crazy Eye Marketing
  • Business #2 – Offers digital products and services – ie. a financial advisor
  • Business #3 – Only offers services – ie. a dentist

As we get into the “Business” section, I'll discuss the particular offerings of each model business.


If you've read anything on marketing strategy in the past, you've likely come across articles about your customer and the importance of “defining” your customer.

This makes sense. If you're not sure who your business is for … then, what are you doing?

More than likely, you already know who your ideal customer is; however, you probably haven't truly defined them.

I understand, it can take a lot of time to develop a full fledged customer avatar or marketing persona … and, quite frankly, it sounds kinda boring, especially when there are a bunch of tools and fancy automations to get to!

But, here's the deal – having a more defined ideal customer does two things:

  1. Helps you find them
  2. Helps you connect with them

Two really important factors that help alleviate potentially HUGE problems!

If you can't find your ideal customer, you won't be able to attract them.

If you can't connect with your ideal customer, you won't be able to do business with them. People they know, like, and trust. If you can't get people to know, like, and trust you – your business will struggle.

To save you the time of going and filling out a customer avatar worksheet, simply answer these 5 questions:

  • What’s your ideal customer’s name? You need to give them a name!
    • Dave
    • Marshall
    • Jenna
  • Where do they hangout? / How can you get in front of them? Online, offline, particular websites, forums, Facebook groups, etc.
    • Facebook groups, forums, marketing/small business websites
    • Newspaper, home, travel websites
    • 15 mile radius, schools, libraries, grocery stores
  • Where are they in the journey of life? Baseline demographics, thoughts, desires, fears, etc.
    • 30ish years old, young family, starting a small service-based business, trying to make things work, wants to support their family.
    • Retirement age, ready to stop working, wants to travel the world, wants to maximize time with family and friends.
    • Stay at home mom with young children, wants to take care of her kid's health.
  • How do they see themselves? / How do they present themselves?
    • I'm relatively smart and hardworking – more so than the average Joe. Can do anything I put my mind to, sky's the limit!
    • I've done my time, I'm now a world renowned adventurer ready to conquer anything!
    • A good mother, first and foremost. I'm the caretaker of my family.
  • How well do they know your products and industry? Do they “live” it, are they “new” to this world, etc.?
    • Semi-new to the business of digital marketing (~ 6 months). Has some basic concepts down, but hasn't quite pieced it all together yet.
    • Understands the very basics of wealth management. Put money into their 401k their whole life, has invested some on their own.
    • They know about teeth cleaning and basic dentistry work as they've been going to the dentist their whole life.

See, it doesn't have to be too difficult! Your answers should simply be a stream of thought.

Just by going through this process you'll develop a new frame to look through as you produce your content and message.

Customer FAQ:

Q: I have more than one ideal customer, how should I handle this?

A: Yes, you likely do have more than one ideal customer which is great. Ask yourself the same questions for each customer. However, I have two recommendations:

1) Make sure they’re uniquely different. Make sure where they hangout is different, where they are in the journey of life is different, and how they see themselves is different.

2) Start with your top 1 or 2 ideal customers – 80% of your business. You can always add more “ideal customers” later on, and I recommend getting the low hanging, obvious fruit first.

To Do

Answer the questions above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


There are three core aspects of your business to define before moving forward:

  1. Why you do what you do
  2. Who you/your business are/is
  3. How you help your customers (products and/or services) / What you do

If you're well-established, you can likely easily answer these questions; however, you probably haven't really “defined” them and mapped them out. I urge you to take the time to do this as it'll make the sales funnel development much simpler.

Why You Do What You Do

Why do you do what you do?

What's your mission?

Most people don't start a coaching, consulting, or service-based business accidentally.

What makes you leap out of bed in the morning? Is it to talk to clients? Help people? Make money? Is it creating or building?

What is it?

This doesn't have to be an official statement that you're going to put on your website. No one else is ever going to see it (unless you want them to).

It simply serves as a reminder when times get tough and helps you make decisions that align with your purpose.

It makes life easier.

Who You/Your Business Are/Is

There are other people and businesses that do what you do.

This is a good thing. If other people are having success doing what you're doing – that means you can too.

It also means you have competition and need to figure out a way to stand out.

The best way to stand out? Your personality or persona.

Being generic will not work in this day and age.

“Different is BETTER than better” – Sally Hogshead

Where Will This Persona Be Used?

This persona will be used in the content you produce, the correspondence you send, and across your entire business.

If your persona is fun and outgoing – everything about your business should be fun and outgoing.

This persona will be the “face” of your business.

How To Figure Out Your Business's Persona

If you're a solopreneur, this is an easy one – you are the persona.

Being a coach, consultant, service-based business, speaker, author, etc. – people need to know, like, and trust you.

Let your freak flag fly! You'll attract those that connect with you and repel those that don't.

If you're a business with multiple employees, there are a few ways to decide on your business's persona:

  1. Assume the personality of the owner/founder/CEO
  2. Develop a business persona that will connect with your ideal customer
  3. Have multiple personas. It's certainly acceptable to have multiple personalities, especially if you operate with a large team. The overall “feel” should be similar; however, each team could have their own persona for how they connect with customers.

Your Products And Services

The products and services you sell essentially translate to, “How you help people”.

Knowing what products and services come next in your customers' lifetime will help you deliver more value, which means increased revenue for your business.

Most of the time, coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses offer a wide array of products and services. This is great because you have a lot to choose from; however, so do your customers and if they don't have a clear path toward success – they'll get confused and choose nothing.

You need to take the time to map out your products and services to give your customers a clear path to success.

The Value Ladder (“The Map”)

Value Ladder

The concept and implementation of a Value Ladder is what propelled my personal coaching, consulting, and service-based business from break-even to profitable.

It's simple, but powerful.

The idea is to offer products and services at varying levels of price and value while having each tier lead into the next one. Thus, over the lifetime of a customer, they're “ascending” your Value Ladder and you always have something to sell them.

The break down:

  • Lead Magnets are usually freebies (coupons, videos, checklists, etc.) that attract and qualify leads
  • Initial Offers are lower-end products/services that are ideally “too good to refuse” and get people in the door
  • 1st Tier Offers are usually your core product or service and bring in about 80% of your sales
  • 2nd Tier Offers are the “next” level up from the 1st tier
  • Top Tier Offers are the best you have to offer, the full shebang!

Being that most coaches, consultants, and service-based businesses offer a wide array of products and services – the Value Ladder will be a bit more “advanced”:

Value Ladders Inside A Value Ladder

Yup, Value Ladders inside of Value Ladders!

This will be explained through several examples.

Crazy Eye Marketing (digital products, coaching, consulting, services)

  • Digital Products
    • Lead Magnets: Checklists, videos, trials, discounts
    • Initial Offers: “Cheaper” products and courses
    • Top Tier: The Sales Funnel Training Vault
  • Coaching (Group Setting, Recurring)
    • Initial Offer: Monthly package
    • 1st Tier: 6 month package
    • Top Tier: Lifetime coaching package
  • Consulting (Private)
    • Initial Offer: 1 hour
    • 1st Tier: 4 hours
    • Top Tier: Custom
  • Services (Done For You)
    • Initial Offer: Small, simple, one-off jobs
    • Top Tier: Custom

Financial Advisor (digital products, services)

  • Digital Products (SaaS service similar to Mint and/or Wealthfront)
    • Lead Magnets: Trial
    • Initial Offer: Self managed
    • Top Tier: Professionally managed
  • Services
    • Lead Magnet: 7 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Financial Advisor
    • Initial Offer: Free 15 minute Q&A
    • Top Tier: Investment management, retirement planning, college planning, estate planning, debt reduction strategy

Dentist (services)

  • Services
    • Lead Magnet: Free teeth cleaning
    • Initial Offer: Teeth whitening
    • 1st Tier: Cavities, fillings, and other minor fixes
    • Top Tier: Braces
    • Recurring: 6 month appointments

As you can see in the examples above, some Value Ladders have several tiers while others only have a few.

The take away is you offer different products and services at different price points and value that ideally “ascend” individuals to the next thing you offer. However, there are instances where they may skip a tier or two in the process, for example with the dentist – a person doesn't need a cavity before they can get braces. Likewise, with Crazy Eye Marketing – someone doesn't need to hire me for coaching before I will do a custom job for them. That would be silly!

To Do

  • Write down why you do what you do
  • Write down Who you/your business are/is
  • Map out your Value Ladder(s) – How you help your customers (products and/or services) / What you do

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


The “Delivery” simply represents the way in which you deliver your products and services.

This obviously depends upon what you offer. For example, the dentist will need a place to see clients – he can't offer virtual root canals.

However, in this day and age, most coaching and consulting can be achieved over the Internet from the comfort of one's home.

So, it really depends – but you're an adult and I'm sure you know what you need in order to deliver what you offer.

Make Sure You Own It

I will say this – make sure you own your method of delivery.

For example, you wouldn't want to run your entire business off Facebook. What if Facebook decides you broke their terms of service and locks your account? What would you do then?

Another example, a lot of coaches run their business on Udemy. I'll agree, Udemy is convenient and brings in new customers; however, Udemy controls pricing and how you can engage with your customers. You can't email them whatever or whenever you want. You're at the mercy of the Udemy gods … which isn't a place you want to be.

A final example, many businesses are dependent upon Google and SEO to deliver their traffic. But, what happens if Google changes their algorithm and your business falls off the front page? Could you survive? Do you have a backup plan? If you own an email list, know how to grow it, and know how to sell to it – you won't need Google.

You need to have your own website, your own email list, your own setup. Something no one can take away from you.

Of course, use the other platforms and tools available in order to build your platform, but never be dependent upon them.

My Coaching, Consulting, and Services Setup

To give you an idea of how my business is setup, I've listed the key components below so you have some direction. If you'd like more details or specifics, please let me know.

  • NameCheap: Domain registrar.
  • a2Hosting: Managed VPS, Prestige+ package. Hosts my website.
  • WordPress: Content Management System. “Is” my website. [/fusion_builder_column]
  • Avada Theme: Page builder and general look of my site.
  • MemberMouse: Membership plugin that handles digital product delivery and coaching packages.
  • Gravity Forms: “One off” payments and contact forms.
  • ActiveCampaign: Email automation.
  • Thrive Leads: Opt-in forms and lead capture.
  • Stripe: Payment processing.
  • Vimeo: Private, members only video hosting.

To Do

If you do not already have a method of delivery or you're too dependent on a 3rd party, take 10 minutes to think about your business and what you need to take control over how it's handled.

Write down your thoughts.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Meat”

The “Meat” is simply a fancy name I came up with to define all the content within your sales funnel. This includes everything:

  • Sales pages to landing pages
  • Ads to emails
  • Blog posts to YouTube videos
  • Social media shares to podcast interviews
  • and beyond!

It's how you communicate with your customers.

While there are a million and one ways to strategize and handle all these aspects – they all have one thing in common, they need to drive action.

What do I mean by “action”? Mainly purchases, but this also includes things that lead up to the purchases like clicks, phone calls, foot traffic, etc.

All the things you need for your business to be successful.

Now for the question, “How does one drive action through their content?”


You Must Learn Copywriting

What's copywriting? Well, this is probably the “most fun” explanation; however, it's a combination of art and science paired with the written word, video, images, etc. that motivates an individual to take action.

Being that it's both an art and a science, it takes years of dedicated study to fully master.

Having said that, I know you're a business owner and entrepreneur and likely lack the time required to fully master this skill; however, you should pursue every avenue possible to become a better copywriter.

Here are 4 tips that will make your copy better, instantly:

1) Write As Your Business's Persona

We talked about your business's persona above and hopefully you took the time to define it. That exercise will come in handy here.

Use pronouns like I, me, you, we, he, she, etc.

Use slang, jargon, market specific terminology, and inside jokes that your audience will connect with.

Write like you talk. Use bold, italic, and underline.

Remember, people do business with people they know, like, and trust. If you don't write like yourself, they'll never get to know you.

2) Write To Your Customer

Inline with tip #1 above – write to your customer.

Consider your writing a private letter to your ideal customer … a dear friend.

What would you tell them? How would you explain things?

Write like that.

3) Use Bullets and “Which Means”

People don't read on the web – they skim.

Bullets are easily skimmed and are therefore consumed much more easily and readily than paragraph content.

So, how do you write great bullets?

Simple, follow these steps:

  1. Write down a feature of your product or service
  2. Write the phrase “which means” directly after the feature
  3. Tell the reader what that feature means to them
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until you have a few alternative definitions
  5. Consolidate into 1 quickly consumable bullet


  • Includes 9 fill-in-the-blank email series which means your email writing is essentially done for you which means you can implement autoresponder series faster which means you can make more money which means you'll live a great life!
  • You'll start living the good life faster than ever before after implementing our 9 fill-in-the-blank email series!

4) Use Copywriting Formulas And Frameworks

There are a lot of copywriting formulas and frameworks that can help you focus your efforts. Here are a few popular ones:

  • PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solve): The problem defined. The feelings, emotions, pain, and agitation caused by the problem. How to solve the problem (your product/service).
  • BAB (Before, After, Bridge): The individual's life before your product or service enters the picture. How great their life is after your product or service. The bridge (your product/service) that connects the before to the after.
  • AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action): Grab the reader's attention, usually via the headline. Pull the reader in with an interesting story and connect with them on a deeper level, show them what's possible. Make them desire what you presented as the moral of your story by showing them they're capable of the same thing. Give them a place to take action and fulfill their desire (ie. a sales page or order form).
  • Want more? Click here for 27 copywriting formulas.

The “Other” Stuff

If you learn how to write great copy, the “other” stuff (pages, forms, ads, emails, etc.) becomes technical constraints that can be easily overcome.

There are tools for everything imaginable with new ones coming all the time.

As long as you can master the creation of action driving content and develop a baseline understanding of the tools to facilitate the spread of that content – your business will thrive.

Learn everything you need to know about the “other” stuff by joining The Sales Funnel Training Vault!

To Do

Focus your efforts on developing great content that follows the art and science of copywriting.

Revisit your sales pages and offers. Are you using paragraphs in places you could be using bullets? Are you writing to your customers as yourself? Are you utilizing sound copywriting formulas and frameworks in your writing?

If not, launch a split test with your old page vs. your new one utilizing the copywriting techniques outlined above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Simple” Sales Funnel

The “Simple” Sales Funnel, sometimes referred to as the “Straight Line Sales Funnel”, is simply a fancy way of saying email autoresponder series.

An email autoresponder series is a series of emails automatically sent to a subscriber.

While email autoresponder series and automations can be very complex, as you'll see in the “Advanced” Sales Funnel section, we're only going to talk about sending emails in a straight line, in this “Simple” section.

Here's an example:

Straight Line Sales Funnel

The Purpose Of A “Simple” Sales Funnel

There are a few reasons for this “Simple” Sales Funnel's existence:

  • This email series automatically builds and maintains a relationship with your leads and customers while simultaneously converting them to your way of thinking
  • This serves as the backbone for more complex email automations we’ll later build on
  • Your personal understanding. If you have trouble making emails trigger in a straight line, when we get into more advanced topics you’ll really struggle

How Many “Simple” Sales Funnels Should You Have?

Most of the time, you only need one. The type of content you send in this funnel is interesting to people interested in your type of business or industry.

For example:

  • People who are interested digital marketing and sales funnels
  • People who are interested in taking care of their personal finances
  • People who are interested in maintaining their family's dental health

There are a few instances where you may need 2 or more, for example if you're a lawyer and you have two facets to your business: legal counsel for clients and consulting for other lawyers.

In this case, your customers are tremendously different. People seeking legal counsel have very different interests than other lawyers seeking advice. In this case, you would likely want 2 different “simple” sales funnels.

If you have more than one “Simple” Sales Funnel, you need to segment individuals at the very beginning by asking them “who” they are.

What Type Of Content Should You Send?

Remember, the point of this particular sales funnel is to build and maintain a relationship and convert them to your way of thinking.

To accomplish this, send 3 types of emails:

  1. Educational – emails that teach people how to do something, about the market, about what’s happening, case studies, etc.
  2. Entertaining – emails that are “fun” like stories, case studies, testimonials, inside jokes, critiques, events, etc.
  3. Earning – emails that remind people you offer various products and services.

I’ve aptly named these emails the “3 E Emails”.

Now, this doesn’t mean an email can only be 1 of the Es at a time. Like, you can only send a boring how-to tutorial, or only send a silly cat video. That’s not what I mean. Your how-to tutorial should be entertaining and can even sell your product at the end. That’s like killing 3 birds with one stone!

However, each email should have 1 core focus.

Is the primary aim of the email to educate, entertain, or earn?

  • Educational emails tend to build relationships while converting people to your way of thinking
  • Entertaining emails tend to build and maintain relationships
  • Earn emails tend to ring the cash register


Crazy Eye Marketing

  • Educational: Send a link to a video showing how to add an opt-in form to a website.
  • Entertaining: Share a case study where we split tested several opt-in forms and were able to increase the conversion rate by 57%.
  • Earn: Send a 10% off coupon for our optimization course tteaching, step-by-step, how to split test and optimize your opt-in forms.

Financial Advisor

  • Educational: Explain the differences and how to get the most out of the various retirement income streams: annuities, social security, pensions, etc.
  • Entertaining: Share the story of a successful client that has been with you for the last 10 years, gone through multiple trials and tribulations; however, finally retired and is now traveling the world!
  • Earn: Click here to schedule a free consultation with me!


  • Educational: Share a list of 7 strategies for getting your children to brush their teeth for the appropriate amount of time.
  • Entertaining: Send a cute video that shows various animals getting their teeth brushed and enjoying it (my son would love this!).
  • Earn: Did you know? We offer free checkups for walk-ins? We do! Visit us today and make sure your mouth is in good shape!

Where Do You Get Content?

Being that you're a coach, consultant, or service-based business and people need to know, like, and trust you – you need to create your own content.

You can't outsource this.

Sure, there are people and businesses that can help you come up with a plan, piece it together, and write the “connecting” material (that's what I do 😉 ); however, the “real” content has to come from you and/or your business.

There's no other way around it.

Of course, this requires a blog or pages setup to present the content.

And remember, content doesn’t necessarily mean blogging. While you still want to display the content on your site to “bring people back”, it could be video, audio (podcasts), images, etc.

For example, if my brother is your target audience, blogging is a terrible idea. He doesn’t read anything and you need to draw him in with video.

HOWEVER, and it’s a pretty big one – Google can’t really “watch” videos. It won’t matter how good your video content is from a search engine perspective. Blogging is still the #1 way to rank in the search results.

The Most Epic Blogging Strategy Of All Time

Here's the best way I've found to approach your content creation strategy:

  1. Write the most epic post for your ideal customer, as it relates to how they see themselves and how it relates to your business/industry. If that is too esoteric, think of it as, “How does your business help people go from point A (where they are now) to point B (where they want to be/how they see themselves).” (3,000+ words)
    • The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses
    • The Ultimate Guide To Retiring “Right” So You Can Travel The World
    • From Baby To Adult, How To Care For Your Child's Teeth
  2. Write more in-depth articles for each individual section of your “epic” post. (500-1,000 words)
    • 3 Sales Page Formulas That Will Increase Your Conversion Rates
    • 5 Things To Do 3 Years Before You Retire
    • How To Get Your 2 Year Old To Brush All His Teeth (I need this one!)
  3. Write case studies, testimonials, reviews, etc. and/or create videos and/or pdf checklists for each of the “more in-depth” articles. (500-1,000 words and/or 3-5 minute video and/or a 1 page checklist)
    • Share case studies of the sales page formulas
    • Go into even more depth on the 5 things you spoke about in the last article
    • 3 Toothbrushes That'll Make Your 2 Year Old Want To Brush Their Teeth!

Of course, you link your products and services as they “fit” the particular articles.

How Often Should You Email?

This answer varies from industry to industry; however, normally – two to four times a week. The first 3-5 emails are sent daily, no matter what, because this is when the lead is “hot”.

During the “Advanced” Sales Funnel portion, there will be more instances where you email daily because the lead will “tell” you they’re “hot” again.

To Do

  • Write down 3 EPIC blog post ideas

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

Lead Magnets

A Lead Magnet can be best thought of as a freebie that motivates individuals to give you their contact information.

Upon receiving the individual's contact information, they're transformed into a lead and begin the journey down your sales funnel.

A few example Lead Magnets formats include coupons, checklists, videos, eBooks, webinars, mini-courses, trial, and other resources.

Beyond the format of the Lead Magnet, there's also the type:

  1. General
  2. Specific

General Lead Magnets

A General Lead Magnet is attractive to anyone who visits your website and is usually presented as a form on most pages of your site. The form can be a lightbox, landing mat, sidebar, bar/ribbon, slide-in, etc.

For example, this General Lead Magnet can be found in the side bar of most blog posts on Crazy Eye Marketing:

General Lead Magnet Example

It's “general” in that nearly anyone that visits Crazy Eye Marketing for any reason will be interested in email marketing.

Specific Lead Magnets

A Specific Lead Magnet is attractive to individuals interested in a certain product/service or topic and many times is presented as a Squeeze Page (although, this isn't always the case).

What's a “Squeeze Page”?

A Squeeze Page is a page dedicated to one thing and one thing only – “squeezing” the contact information out of a visitor, turning them into a lead.

Here's an example:

That's an entire page with only two options:

  1. Click the yellow button to receive the nine steps
  2. Leave

It's also “specific” in that only people interested in creating information products would be interested in this.

Specific Lead Magnets Should Also…

  1. Pre-qualify leads (ie. individuals only interested in creating information products)
  2. Setup the sale of the “next step” ie. the Initial Offer as defined in your Value Ladder

Anton of Performance Marketer does both of these wonderfully … check out the Thank You page after opting in for the “9 Steps”:

Spectacular! A course on creating info products!

I imagine, if I don't buy his course right away, his autoresponder series will work its magic and sell me on it!

The good news? You can do this type of thing, too!

To Do

Think about what the average visitor to your website would be interested in. Write down 3 ideas for your General Lead Magnet.

Think about your products and services. What could you offer individuals to pre-qualify them AND move them to purchase that particular product or service. Write down 3 ideas for each product/service you offer.

Eventually, you'll actually turn these ideas into Lead Magnets.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

The “Advanced” Sales Funnel

The “Advanced” Sales Funnel is driven by interests, hence why I coined it the “Interest Driven Sales Funnel”.

In essence, people join your email list and based on the links they click, pages they view, and lead magnets they request – you send relevant emails in order to try and sell a product.

Here's what an Interest Driven Sales Funnel looks like:

Interest Driven Sales Funnel

The left hand side shows the “Simple” or “Straight Line” Sales Funnel (also called the “Main Series”).

As previously mentioned, this autoresponder series acts as the backbone for your Interest Driven Sales Funnel. As it sends emails that follow the 3 E strategy (entertain, educate, earn), it automatically pays attention to how people respond to certain emails.

If people respond a certain way (show interest), a “Micro Sales Funnel” (Product / Service Sales Funnel) will automatically trigger. The point of the Micro Sales Funnel is to sell a product or service.

You will likely have lots of Micro Sales Funnels. Ideally, one for each product and/or service you offer.

Here’s an example:

Product Service Funnel

Note: A Micro Sales Funnel may differ from the above example based upon what you’re attempting to sell, your Value Ladder, and your approach.

Quick Explanation

No matter what the Micro Sales Funnel looks like, the start and end will look the same.

The Start

The Start occurs when an individual shows interest in a product/service you offer or a topic you talk about. We can gauge interest by tracking their link clicks, Specific Lead Magnet requests, page views, and via points (if you use a CRM).

The End

The End occurs when an individual has gone through the entire Micro Sales Funnel. If the individual went straight into the Micro Sales Funnel by requesting a Specific Lead Magnet and they have yet to enter the “Main Series” (Straight Line Sales Funnel) – they’ll now enter the Main Series starting at the beginning.

If the individual was in the Main Series, showed interest in a product/service by clicking a link, and entered a Micro Sales Funnel – upon entering the Micro Sales Funnel, their “trip” down the Main Series is paused, and upon exiting the Micro Sales Funnel, they resume their “trip” down the Main Series.

The Rest

Action Series

A few emails that attempt to drive action, ie. a purchase of the product or service the individual has shown interest in.

Did Action Happen?

If the desired action was taken, go to the Upsell Series.

If the desired action was not taken, go to The End.

Upsell Series

An email or two that attempt(s) to either sell more or the next product/service.


Crazy Eye Marketing

An individual joins the email list by opting in for a Specific Lead Magnet that offers a “Lead Magnet Essentials Checklist”. It's specific, I know the individual is interested in creating Lead Magnets.

We then send 3 emails about Lead Magnets and attempt to sell the corresponding Lead Magnet course.

  • Email 1: Case study, show differences between good vs bad Lead Magnets. Include link to course, as the final thought of the email (PS line).
  • Email 2: Explain how a good Lead Magnet lowers ad spend, increases authority, etc. While a bad Lead Magnet will cost a lot more to advertise, may attract the wrong people, may hurt your business in the long run. PS line includes a link to the course.
  • Email 3: Sell course, maybe offer discount, last time you'll hear me talk about it.

Let’s pretend on Email 2 they purchase the course. We then end that series (we won’t send email 3) and launch into our Upsell Series where we send 2 emails that attempt to sell the Sales Funnel Training Vault.

  • Email 1: Explain how Lead Magnets are just 1 piece of a much larger puzzle.
  • Email 2: Share a “Before-After-Bridge” story of my life before I fully grasped sales funnels, my life after I understood sales funnels, and show how I got to this point; you can too with The Sales Funnel Training Vault.

After completing the Upsell Series, they enter our Main Series from the beginning where we begin to build and maintain a relationship and gauge interest(s).

Financial Advisor

An individual has been on our email list and in our Main Series for a few weeks when they receive a 3 E email about “how to make sure your money lasts while in retirement”. They click the link contained in the email.

By clicking the link, we know they’re interested in “how to make sure your money lasts while in retirement”. We pause the Main Series and trigger 3 emails (Action Series) about that topic, while promoting our products/services.

Goal of these emails: Get individual to schedule a call

  • Email 1: 5 Strategies For Controlling Your Spending, So You'll Never Run Out Of Money
  • Email 2: Should You Handle Your Own Money In Retirement?
  • Email 3: The True Story Of Sarah And John. Tell a story of a couple that retired and traveled the world without worry because their finances were handled by a professional.

No Upsell Series here. Due to the fact financial investment is a very personal topic and event, we only need to get them to give us their money once, becoming their “financial guy/gal”.

After the Action Series, the individual resumes the Main Series exactly where they left off.


An individual registers for their 6 month checkup. On the checkout page, we ask if they also want to get their teeth whitened at a discounted rate. If they say no, we ask again on the Thank You Page (1-click upsell). If they say no again, we send 1 email – “Last Chance: Teeth Whitening” where we offer them one last chance to get the teeth whitened at the discounted rate.

More On Interest Driven Sales Funnels

Providing tailored content to your audience increases conversions. You have to provide content people are interested in or they leave without buying. An Interest Driven Sales Funnel automatically adjusts to peoples' interests based on their actions and sends content they actually want.

It's an incredibly powerful strategy that any business can benefit from.

Click here to learn more and checkout more Product/Service Sales Funnels!

To Do

  • Pick a product or service that has a Specific Lead Magnet or piece of content (blog post, video, etc.) tied to it. Write 3-5  Action Series ideas (like I did above) on how to convert those leads (individuals who showed interest in that topic or product/service) into customers.
  • Write down 1-3 Upsell Series ideas if they purchase that product/service from you (if applicable).

Note: Many of these emails will likely link to blog posts and other content you’ve created, fitting nicely within the Epic Blogging Strategy I outlined above.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


There are as many ways to drive traffic as there are people on this planet, so it's impossible to discuss them all in detail in one blog post; however, I'll share several strategies that'll frame how you should look at traffic generation.

Before I get to the rules, I want you to know that I break advertising into two categories that incorporate both online and offline methods:

  1. “Free” Advertising: A form of advertising that costs time. Examples include SEO, Social Media, Podcasts, and Cold Calling.
  2. Paid Advertising: A form of advertising that costs money. Examples include Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Newspaper and Radio Ads.

#1 Advertise Where Your Audience Hangs Out

Makes sense, right?

Make sure you're abiding by this rule, otherwise all other actions are futile.

#2 Have Multiple Streams

You never, ever, want to be dependent upon one single source of traffic. Platforms change, algorithms change, new platforms emerge, people move – things change.

You never want to have your entire business dry up overnight, trust me. I was solely dependent on Google, one little algorithm change and my business had to shut its doors.

The ideal situation is to have a mixture of “free” and paid traffic coming to your business.

#3 Patience

Whether you're dealing with “free” or paid traffic, it's going to take time and/or money to get platforms figured out.

In 2016, SEO typically takes between 9-12 months before it starts to show.

Social media, unless you gain some virality, typically takes a long time to grow a following. Even if you “go viral” you still have to capture and maintain that relationship (ideally by adding them to your sales funnel) – or you're just a flash in the pan.

Paid traffic comes with a learning curve. Most of your ad campaigns will fail at first. It will take time and money to figure out what does and doesn't work with regard to your particular market and business.

Basically, you can't spend $10 and expect magical results. Expect to spend over $1,000 before you start figuring out a particular paid traffic source.

#4 Measure Everything

You have to measure your results, otherwise you'll make bad decisions.

Google Analytics is a great, free tool that can help with tracking.

Most paid advertising platforms have the advantage of built in tracking.

You have to track your numbers.

Think about Shark Tank for a second. If anyone walks into “The Tank” and doesn't know their numbers … they're eaten alive!

Don't get eaten alive!

Know your numbers.

To Do

Consider your audience. Think about where they hangout, whether online or offline. Write down a mixture of 5 “free” and paid traffic sources to reach your audience in these locations.

>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format


Unfortunately, you cannot optimize something you don’t have – so, you need to implement the marketing strategy you drafted with the help of this post.

However, when you begin optimizing your sales funnel, there are ways to think about it on macro and micro levels.

Macro Level

Your entire sales system is an integrated system.

Who your customers are, where they hangout, how you present your business, how you deliver your products, your product listings, your pages, your emails, your ads … it’s all integrated and how well one part performs affects the other parts.

For example, if you’re advertising to the wrong people, it doesn’t matter how good everything else is, your entire system will fail.

If you’re unable to match your products to your customers' needs, your entire system will fail.

The Golden Rule

Start at the beginning.

If you’re having trouble with your sales system, start at the beginning – with your customers. If you’re absolutely positive you’re attracting the correct customers, move on to your business – how you portray yourself, what you sell and how you sell it (Value Ladder).

Does everything make sense? Is the “flow” of the Value Ladder natural? Is your business’s persona coming across as sincere or insincere?

How are your products listed on your sales pages? Do you have high quality photos? Good copy that’s attractive to your ideal customer? Is the checkout process easy?

Work your way through the entire system, piece by piece.

If the early stuff isn’t right, it won’t matter how good the later stuff is, no one will ever get to it.

Micro Level

Beyond optimizing at the Macro Level, you have the Micro Level – and, to be honest, this is what most people focus on already.

These are things like email subject lines, page titles, calls-to-actions (CTA), ads, etc.

The good part is, a few % increases here and there can increase the performance of the entire system very quickly.

For example:

Sales Funnel Optimization Example

A few minor tweaks (all 5% increases or less) to the ad, squeeze page, thank you page, action series, and upsell series resulted in 10 more customers than before and 2 additional upsells.

Imagine if only the ad’s CTR increased … what would happen …

Sales Funnel Optimization Example 2

We’d still add 4 more customers!

It’s amazing what even a half-percent change can do!

To Do


>> Click here to download the Marketing Strategy for Coaches, Consultants, and Service-Based Businesses Worksheet & this post in PDF format

How To Implement

This post should have your Coaching, Consulting, or Service-Based Business on a path for success; however, there’s still a lot of work and technical understanding that needs to happen.

There’s still …

  • Email marketing automation configuration
  • Landing page and opt-in form integration
  • Advertising campaign launches and optimization
  • Tracking tools and pixels to implement
  • Various other areas that’ll need tweaking

Of course, you can piecemeal all this together from various sources, or you can save a bunch of time, effort, and energy by joining The Vault!

The Vault includes all the training, resources, and support you need to implement everything you planned above!

Click here to see how The Vault can help your business!

The Ultimate Guide To Marketing Strategy For Coaches, Consultants, & Service-Based Businesses2020-04-04T14:46:43+00:00

The “Classic” Sales Funnel Model

There are many sales funnel models.

Some models are fairly general while others serve specific purposes like launching a product or conducting a webinar.

The model you use will depend on the product or service you're selling and you'll likely have many different sales funnels within your business.

For example, you may have a “Classic” sales funnel for selling your day-to-day products and a “webinar” sales funnel for your high-priced services.

The particular model we're going to explain today is what I call “The Classic”.

The “Classic” Sales Funnel Model

The Classic sales funnel model can be applied a number of ways and its design is dependent upon how and where it's applied.

However, the general idea remains the same: after the initial offer, there's another offer, and possibly a third follow-up offer.

The Classic sales funnel can be spread out and incorporate email automation OR it can be at the point of sale and function as a “checkout flow”.

Through the post, I'll walk through several examples and provide everything you need to know about “The Classic” Sales Funnel!

The “Mega Classic” Sales Funnel

Below is what I consider the “Mega Classic” sales funnel; it incorporates all the possible bells and whistles:

Classic Sales Funnel Blueprint

Let's walk through it, shall we?

  • Lead Magnet: A freebie like a coupon, checklist, cheat sheet, video, etc. that incentivizes people to enter their contact information, like an email address.
  • Offer #1: Immediately after someone opts-in for the Lead Magnet, they're presented with Offer #1. Sometimes this offer is referred to as a Trip Wire, Initial Offer, Self Liquidating Offer, or One-Time-Offer. I don't personally care what you decide to call it; however, it's usually a lower priced product that's too good to refuse and gets people to whip out their credit cards and hand you money.
    • Down-Sell: If Offer #1 is refused, the individual is presented with a down-sell. This could be a completely different product, or a payment plan or discount on Offer #1.
      • Email Series: If both Offer #1 and the Down-Sell are refused, the individual enters into an email series that focuses on selling Offer #1.
  • Offer #2: If the individual purchases Offer #1 at any point (initially, during the down-sell, or while in the email series), they're immediately met with Offer #2. Offer #2 is usually referred to as the “Core Offer” – it's usually your main product. It normally costs more than Offer #1; however, it doesn't necessarily have to – it could also be a complementary product.
    • Down-Sell: Just like the Down-Sell with Offer #1; however, it focuses on Offer #2.
      • Email Series: Just like the Email Series with Offer #1; only, it focuses on Offer #2.
  • Offer #3: If the individual purchases Offer #2 at any point (initially, during the down-sell, or while in the email series), they're immediately met with Offer #3. Offer #3 is usually referred to as the “Profit Maximizer” – it's usually the best product/service you offer. It normally costs more than Offer #2; however, it doesn't necessarily have to – it could also be a complementary product.
    • Down-Sell: Just like the Down-Sell with Offer #2; however, it focuses on Offer #3.
      • Email Series: Just like the Email Series with Offer #2; only, it focuses on Offer #3.
  • End: The funnel is complete and the individual returns to the Main Series (what's a Main Series?)

The “Core Offer Classic” Sales Funnel

As I stated above, the “Mega Classic” sales funnel I showed you is essentially everything you can do with a “Classic” sales funnel.

You won't likely need or want to do everything in the “Mega Classic”; it would be overkill.

Remember, the core concept of the “Classic” sales funnel is that after the initial offer, there's another offer, and possibly a third follow-up offer.

Here's what I call the “Core Offer Classic” sales funnel:

Classic Sales Funnel - Core Product

Ah, much cleaner!

Let's walk through an example and I'll use Crazy Eye Marketing as the scenario:

  • Lead Magnet: Our Top Converting Email Series – a PDF of our top converting email series for turning leads into paying customers.
  • Offer #1: The step-by-step course on how to implement the top converting email series we taught in the guide they just requested.
  • Offer #2: The Sales Funnel Training Vault, which is shown whether or not they buy Offer #1.
    • Down-Sell: If Offer #2  is refused, we offer a payment plan.
      • Email Series: If the Down-Sell is refused, we send 3 emails which provide an overview of The Sales Funnel Training Vault and a few case studies.
  • Offer #3: Sales funnel consulting/coaching services. This offer is shown whether or not someone purchases Offer #2 because, either way, people usually want assistance.

The “Trip Wire Classic” Sales Funnel

This next “Classic” sales funnel example is one that's really common and you've probably seen it outlined before.

I call it, the “Trip Wire Classic” sales funnel.

Classic Sales Funnel - Trip Wire

I believe the sales funnel model is relatively self explanatory at this point with the exception of Offer #1.

Essentially, there are two Offer #1s – A & B. Both are “cheaper” products that are hopefully too good to refuse, but may attract different types of people.

For example, someone requests the Lead Magnet and they're greeted with Offer #1A, but – they don't “need” what Offer #1A has to offer even though it looks like a really good deal, so they decline it. They're then presented with Offer #1B, which is also an amazing deal AND something they absolutely need, so they purchase it!

Whether or not they buy either Offer #1, they'll still flow to Offers #2 and #3.

The “POS Classic” Sales Funnel

Nope, I'm not referring to Piece Of [expletive] – I'm talking Point Of Sale, the “checkout flow”, I hinted at earlier.

It's relatively similar to the “Trip Wire Classic” sales funnel, but I want to present it another way.

Fast Food Example Sales Funnel

Look familiar?

McDonalds and most fast food restaurants are the kings of the POS sales funnel.

You walk in and order a burger, they ask if you want fries and a drink with that. You say yes; you don't want to be thirsty and fries are delicious. They then ask if you'd like to double your order size for only 30 cents. You don't need that much food because you know it'll make you sick,; you say yes anyway because it's such a good deal. Then they offer you some cookies, how can you say no to cookies? A hint of sweet to top off your meal – why not?! Finally, just as you think you're about done they ask if you want to round up to the nearest dollar and donate the difference to charity. You're not going to be the guy that doesn't support impoverished children's education … are you?! No.

Within about 10 seconds you've made your way through an entire sales funnel, ordered way too much food, and donated to a worthy cause.



There are many sales funnel models designed for various reasons.

“The Classic” sales funnel is one of the most popular models because it can be used in many situations to sell almost anything.

Just remember, the general concept is – after the initial offer, there's another offer, and possibly a third follow-up offer.

How you “move” people through, whether via email, at the POS or a combination of the two is up to you!

Are you ready to start building sales funnels? Checkout The Sales Funnel Training Vault!

The “Classic” Sales Funnel Model2016-11-17T16:28:11+00:00

How To Create A Value Ladder For Your Sales Funnel

This Is Important!

Before charging head first into sales funnel creation, you need to take the time to map out your value ladder – your products and services mapped in ascending order of value and price.

The Value Ladder

The Value Ladder

General Concept

As people “ascend” your value ladder, they're offered more value; however, this value comes at a price ($).

Note: Value doesn't necessarily mean “more”. You can also provide greater value by saving people time.


Your value ladder doesn't necessarily need 5 tiers as the diagram above shows, but offering multiple value tiers at various price points gives you more opportunity to give your customers exactly what they need.

Lead Magnet

The freebies you give away to grow your list and get people in the door.

  • Price: Free
  • Goals: Qualify & Capture Leads
  • Examples: Checklist, Guide, Video, Free Sample, Trial, Coupon

Initial Offer

The low-end products you offer that ideally cover the cost of advertising and “prove” the lead has enough “pain” that they're willing to spend money to resolve it. Many times you'll see “Free plus Shipping” offers.

  • Price: < $10
  • Goals: Re-Capture Ad Spend & Qualify Customers
  • Examples: Book, Course, Product

1st Tier

The low-mid range products and services you offer generate profit while simultaneously building trust with the customer as they receive more value from you and your business.

  • Price: < $100
  • Goals: Increase Profits & Build Trust
  • Examples: Course, Productized Service, Product

2nd Tier

The high-mid range products and services you offer generate profit, ideally recurring revenue, from membership and continuity programs.

  • Price: < $1,000
  • Goals: Increase Profits & Recurring
  • Examples: Course, Membership, Custom Service, Product

Top Tier

The biggest and best product/service you have!

  • Price: > $1,000
  • Goals: Increase Profits & Recurring
  • Examples: Done For You Service, Masterminds

Product Based Businesses

I know what you're thinking, “A value ladder sounds nice, especially for digital and service based businesses, but I sell physical products … and things just aren't “fitting”.”

Don't worry, I've got you covered!

The Value Ladder - Physical Products

Incorporate The Hub And Spoke Model

The “hub” is the core product and the “spokes” are all the accessories and peripherals that “enhance” the core product.

Hub And Spoke Model

Many times, businesses that sell physical products can't “ascend” customers the same way as digital and service-based businesses can.

For example, if you sell cars, you can develop and give away a lead magnet and you can likely come up with an initial offer for under $10 (ie. a car buying guide). However, after those first two steps … there's not much … you gotta sell a car!

You're not going to try and sell a motorized bicycle, then a scooter, then a motorcycle, then a car, then a nicer car, then an even nicer car (at least not in one sitting). It simply doesn't work that way; however, after the individual purchases a car they're going to need a lot more stuff – accessories, maintenance, insurance, credit, etc. for years to come.

The car is the “hub” and the additive products/services are the “spokes”.

Eventually, ideally, when the individual is ready for a new car, they'll ascend to the next level, get a new car (hub), and start buying more stuff (spokes).

Another Example (Retail)

A few years ago, when I first came across the value ladder concept, I tried to apply it to an ecommerce business that also had a brick & mortar location. This particular retailer sold women's clothing – dresses, to be exact.

They offered many different types of dresses from seasonal, to work, to formal, to wedding … what “appeared” to be a natural ladder … and it kinda was.

Many times, women would come in for a seasonal dress and leave with two or more dresses – for work and for play. However, there were many occasions where women would only need one type of dress for one specific occasion – ie. a formal occasion.

This was where the hub and spoke model came into play as there are a TON of accessories with formal wear – shoes, bags, jewelry, makeup, etc.

Let's stick with the woman that came in and purchased a formal dress. In this case, a wedding dress, even though it's “technically” the next step in the value ladder, doesn't have to be the next step … especially if she's not engaged and/or doesn't have a boyfriend (or girlfriend, whatever floats your boat – not the point).

The point is, there are likely many seasons and occasions for more dresses (hubs) and accessories (spokes) between now and then that can be capitalized upon, if done correctly.

If it makes sense to ascend people up your ladder, ascend them. If not, be sure to incorporate enough spokes!

Offer Continuity

Often, customers will not ascend your entire value ladder ever, much less in one sitting. For those that do ascend, it can take weeks, months, or even years to ascend to the next level.

This is where offering a continuity program or recurring offer comes into play because it'll help accelerate ascension while increasing capitalization.

For example:

  • A car dealership can offer oil changes. Cars need oil changes, making this is a natural offer.
  • A dress shop can offer a subscription service where every month or season they send out the appropriate style of sunglasses for maybe $10/mo. Not only will this sell more sunglasses, but it'll serve as a reminder to the customer that they need a new dress for the new season!
  • Digital products businesses can offer a community and/or premium support as a recurring offer.
  • Dentists offer 6 month check-ups.

Bundles & Down-sells

Bundles and down-sells come in handy, especially if you're stuck or are truly limited in what you have to offer.

Let's say you sell 10 different products, that all cost $30, and don't have any additional accessories, even ones you could offer as an affiliate. (unlikely, but this is a hypothetical!)

Could you create bundles of these products? Maybe a 3 pack, 5 pack, and 10 pack? There's your ladder!

For example:

  • This concept can be applied to businesses that only offer one thing, for example, a soft serve ice cream shop. Beyond up-selling more ice cream, they can offer a punch card for $X that grants the holder 5 cups, 10 cups, 20 cups, etc. at various price breaks.
  • Barber shops can also take advantage of the bundling concept. While many offer other services like shaves, dyeing, massages, etc., that can bundle into packages, they can also bundle visits onto punch cards in a similar fashion to the ice cream shops.
  • Here at Crazy Eye Marketing, we offer courses and resources individually and as a bundle we call The Vault.

Down-Sell Mega Tip!

One of the best ways to help people ascend your value ladder quickly is to reduce the entry price to the next tier.


Payment plans!

Let's say your 1st Tier product costs $97 and your 2nd Tier product costs $247, you can split your 2nd Tier product into 3 easy payments of $93.67!

Doing this makes the 2nd Tier product a no-brainer as it costs less than the 1st Tier product (at least for today – which is what the mind tends to focus on

[instant gratification]).

Reverse The Entire Ladder!

This entire time I've been talking about having customers ascend your value ladder, but what if you reversed it and had them descend?!

Value Ladder - Reversed

You still start with a lead magnet in order to attract and qualify leads, but then you'll go straight into presenting your top tier offer!

If they're not interested, try a “down-sell mega tip” (payment plan). If that doesn't work, move to the 2nd Tier offer. If that doesn't work, try a payment plan. If that doesn't work, move to the 1st Tier offer, and so on.

Who knows, maybe implementing a reversed value ladder will yield greater results … it's certainly worth trying!

Share Yours!

Do you have a value ladder? Are you working on one? Share it below!

More Examples & Support

Do you want more value ladder examples and help brainstorming one for your business? Join The Vault!

How To Create A Value Ladder For Your Sales Funnel2016-10-14T18:29:18+00:00

Start Here: Sales Funnel Parts Breakdown

All too often the phrase “sales funnel” is used interchangeably with “email marketing.”

I know I've done it … and it's wrong.

Email marketing is part of a sales funnel – it's not the sales funnel.

While email marketing tends to be the glue that holds the funnel together, there are many other pieces involved.

There's the audience you need to attract through advertising.

There are the products and services you offer.

There are landing pages, optin forms, lead magnets, relationship building materials (blog posts, videos, etc.), sales pages, and thank you pages.

Then there's all of the tracking, optimization, metrics, and split tests.

And yes, of course, all the emails, series, and sequences that “connect” everything together.

It's a lot.

It takes a combination of technical skills and marketing abilities to craft a top performing sales funnel.

I don't say all of this to overwhelm you.

I say all of this so you're aware of what you need to learn and master.

This post is to serve as a framework or guide through the pieces that make up a sales funnel.

The Sales Funnel Framework

I've spent the better part of 2 years focusing solely on sales funnel development and after lots of trial and error, I've realized that all successful sales funnels need to incorporate these 9 specific areas:

The Sales Funnel System

Any great sales funnel/system has to start with its Customers. Who are they? Where do they hangout? What do they look like? What are their goals, dreams, desires, fears, pains, and problems?

Your Business consists of the products and services you deliver to your customers that help them achieve their goals, dreams, and desires while avoiding fears, pains, and problems. The products and services should be positioned to offer an array of different price points, up-sells, down-sells, and cross-sells (a value ladder).

Your Delivery System is how you get your products and services into the hands of your customers. This can be accomplished through a website, ecommerce store, membership portal, or even via brick & mortar.

The “Meat” is the best phrase I could come up with to describe all the content within a sales funnel. All of the sales pages, squeeze pages, opt-in forms, emails, etc. are included here … and of course, require some copywriting skills.

A “Simple” Sales Funnel is the starting point. While it’s the simplest of all sales funnels, it can yield some incredible results and it’s the place you need to start before moving onto bigger, “better”, more advanced sales funnels.

There are two types of Lead Magnets: general and specific. Both are used to attract leads; however, one gauges interest and intent while the other is more for “everyone.” Knowing when and how to use each type is one of the keys to success.

An “Advanced” Sales Funnel can take a lead, figure out their specific interests, and distribute tailored content to those individuals … improving relationships and increasing sales with little effort.

You need Traffic in order to keep your sales funnel full. While there are many ways to drive traffic, the best way is to hangout where your ideal customers hangout.

Finally, in order to have continued growth, you’ll need to test, tweak and Optimize your entire system in order to achieve the best results possible.





The “Meat”

“Simple” Sales Funnel

Lead Magnets

“Advanced” Sales Funnels




Start Here: Sales Funnel Parts Breakdown2017-01-07T12:52:23+00:00